Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК Ш 143Ю21 – 923

Г 204

Н.А. Гаркуша. Английский язык. Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков аудирования и устной речи на материале художественных фильмов для студентов неязыковых специальностей. Часть II. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008, 74 с.


Данное пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку студентов неязыковых специальностей.

Основной целью пособия является дальнейшее совершенствование навыков, полученных в общеобразовательной школе, а так же обогащение лексического запаса и развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Большое внимание уделяется слушанию и восприятию аутентичной английской речи.

Фильмы пособия подобраны с учётом различных уровней подготовки студентов. При формулировке заданий учитывался принцип коммуникативного подхода к обучению.

Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов.


ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Л.В. Скороходова, ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ:     Л.В. Мельникова, канд. филос. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

О.Э. Сухарева, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков МИФУБ ТюмГУ

© ГОУ ВПО Тюменский государственный университет, 2008.

© Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008.

© Н.А. Гаркуша, 2008.


Пособие состоит из 5 разделов, посвященных художественным фильмам, принадлежащих к различным периодам мировой киноиндустрии. Каждый фильм делится на эпизоды, что позволяет достаточно тщательно проработать весь материал. Пособие направлено на развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Каждый из разделов начинается с представления нового лексического материала, использованного в эпизоде, который сопровождается упражнениями на совершенствование продуктивных навыков аудирования и устной речи. Присутствуют различные стили современной английской речи: официальный, нейтральный, разговорный, сленг. Упражнения на развитие лексических и коммуникационных навыков и тренировочные задания по аудированию помогают студентам справиться с пониманием достаточно сложного языка в фильмах и значительно расширить свой словарный запас.

Каждый раздел включает в себя следующие блоки: Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, также особую ценность представляет сопутствующая энциклопедическая и культурологическая информация.

Представленные в пособии фильмы разработаны с учетом специфики обучения английскому языку на неязыковом факультете, так художественные фильмы «Мумия» и «Мумия возвращается», разработаны более детально и предназначены для обучения студентов как первого так и второго курса. Фильмы «Шаг вперед», «Как отделаться от парня за 10 дней» и «11 друзей Оушена», представляющие образец современной разговорной речи, рекомендуются для развития навыков аудирования также у студентов первого и второго курса. Рекомендуется работать с предложенными заданиями 15-20 минут в конце урока. Представленный вариант разработанных заданий по художественным фильмам рассчитан на несколько занятий, посвященных одному и тому же фильму. Пятый раздел методического пособия посвящен фильму «Пираты Карибского моря: сундук мертвеца». Данный раздел рассчитан на 2 аудиторных часа и содержит задания на понимание (пересказ) и на усвоение лексического материала (заполнение пропусков, перевод).

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых специальностей. При отборе аутентичного материала соблюдались принципы, отвечающие современным требованиям методики обучения иностранным языкам: мотивация, коммуникативность, интегрированный подход.

    Рекомендуется начинать урок с разбора лексического материала для снятия трудностей при работе с эпизодом. Если группа имеет высокий уровень подготовленности, их можно рекомендовать для углубленного изучения языка. Более подробная разработка некоторых разделов способствует глубокому пониманию смысла фильмов и доскональной отработке лексического материала.

Очень важно, чтобы учащийся, работая над упражнениями, не выполнял их механически, формально, а всякий раз бы обдумывал, «переживал» сказанное.



THE MUMMY. ........................................................................................6

EPISODE 1............................................................................................6

EPISODE 2............................................................................................8

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................11

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................14

EPISODE 5..........................................................................................17

EPISODE 6..........................................................................................19

MUMMY RETURNS. ............................................................................21

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................21

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................24

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................28

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................31

STEP UP. .............................................................................................33

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................33

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................37

HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS. ..............................................43

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................43

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................46

OCEAN’S ELEVEN. ............................................................................49


SUPPLEMENTORY READING. ..........................................................55


REAL HAMUNAPTRA..........................................................................56

CAIRO, EGYPT....................................................................................57

THE TEN PLAGUES IN EGYPT..........................................................58

ANCIENT EGYPT GODS.....................................................................61



KINGS OF THE DEAD.........................................................................64

EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS.......................................................................65

WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS?...........................................................71

BIBLIOGRAPHY. .................................................................................73


Part I


Hamunaptra-1290 B.C.

Vocabulary notes:

sacred canopic jar – священный погребальный сосуд

plague – бедствие

invincibility – непобедимость

to be condemned – быть приговорённым

to be bestowed – быть одарённым

eternity – вечность

corpse – труп

to dare – осмелиться, отважиться

to race – мчаться

the wealth – казна

to remain sealed – оставаться запечатанным

mistress – наложница


1.1 Put these names carefully in the following context:

Imhotep,     Pharaoh Seti the First,      Anck-su-namun


Thebes is city of living, crown jewel of (1)………….., home of (2)…………, Pharaoh’s high priest, keeper of the dead, birthplace of (3)………….., Pharaoh’s mistress.

1.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Hamunaptra – is the City of the Dead.

2. Anck-su-namun’s soul had been sent to the dark Underworld and her vital organs removed and placed in four sacred canopic jars.

3. When Anck-su-namun’s soul had come back from the dead, the ritual of resurrecting was completed.

4. After curse Imhotep could arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind.

5. He could be an unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages and he could have power over the sands and the glory of invincibility.

6. City of the Dead is the ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

7. Hom-Dai is the worst of all ancient curses, when somebody was to remain sealed inside the sarcophagus the undead for all of eternity.


1.3 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

break   dare go   steal  take   race  take resurrect


    (1)………….Anck-su-namun, Imhotep and his priests (2)………….into her crypt and (3)…………her body. They (4)…………deep into the desert (5)………….Anck-su-namun’s corpse to Hamunaptra. For his love, Imhotep (6)………..the gods’ anger by (7)…………deep into the city where he (8)………….the Black Book of the Dead from its holy resting place.

1.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. проклятие                                             a) the wealth

2. казна                                                     b) to resurrect smb.

3. усыпальница                                       c) the body is not a temple

4. воскрешать кого-либо                       d) dark underworld

5. тело – не храм                                    e) to be mummified alive

6. древнее погребальное место          f) sacred jars

7. подземный мир                                   g) the high priest

8. священные сосуды                            h) the sarcophagus

9. быть мумифицированным заживо  i) the crypt

10. верховый жрец                                   j) ancient burial site

11. саркофаг                                              k) the curse

1.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Was anybody allowed to touch Anck-su-namun?

2. Was she in love with Imhotep?

3. What were they willing to do for their love?

4. What did she do with herself when they were noticed?

5. What is the City of the Living?

6. What is the City of the Dead?

7. What is Hom-Dai? What does it mean?




a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert

b) Cairo, Egypt – 3 years later. Museum of antiqutties

c) Cairo Prison

Vocabulary notes:

the descendants of sacred bodyguards – потомки священных телохранителей

to put up with smb. –  терпеть кого-либо

to decipher hieroglyphics and hieratic – расшифровывать иероглифы и священные письмена

precise moment – точный, определённый момент

to reject an application – отклонить предложение

to be gullible – быть доверчивым

to strangle to death – удавиться до смерти

humble home – скромный дом

worthless trinket – безделушка

to straighten up – прибирать

foolish pursuit – глупая погоня; преследование


a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert


a) Giza Port – Cairo

b) On the barge

Vocabulary notes:

to gamble with – рисковать чем-либо

wager – пари

secret incantations – секретные заклинания

to cut the deck – срезать, сдвинуть колоду карт

messed-up country – отвратительная страна

а) Giza Port – Cairo

3.1 Translate from Russian into English:

  1. быть грязным, мерзким
  2. быть законченным мошенником, негодяем
  3. очаровательный день
  4. враньё, неправда, ложь
  5. защищать инвестиции


b) On the barge



Ford Brydon – Cairo

Vocabulary notes:

to swear at manhood – поклясться человечеству

to stretch forth the hands – протянуть руки

to be terminated – быть завершённым

to have a single challenge – быть вызванным единожды

to chuck (in) – погибнуть

to rot of boredom – умирать от скуки

to consummate the curse – привести в исполнение

to choose human sacrifice – выбрать человека, которого принесут в жертву

on the contrary – напротив

she is an old carpetbag – она старая тряпка

to be immune – быть невосприимчивым; ничего не грозит

to get in gear – трогаться

to spare friends – пощадить друзей

to reconnoiter – произвести разведку

to justify the killing – оправдать убийство


5.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. His curse is going to spread until the whole of the Earth is destroyed.

2. The rivers and waters of Egypt ran orange and were as blood.

3. Ancient secret society have guarded the City of the Dead and sworn at manhood to do nothing in their power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.

4. Dogs are the guardians of the underworld.

5. The creature will fear the cats until he is fully regenerated.

6. He will get fully regenerated by killing everyone who opened that chest. 

7. He stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there was lightness throughout the land of Egypt.

8.  The Black Book which was found at Hamunaptra is supposed to bring people back from the dead.

9. The Gold Book is supposed to kill Imhotep.

10. According to Bembridge scholars the Gold Book of Amun-ra is located inside the statue of Anubis.

11. The Black Book is located inside the statue of Anubis.

12.  The Gold Book of Amun-ra is inside the statue of Horus.


5.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Beni, Rick, Evy, Ardeth, Jonathan)

1. “Tail set firmly between your legs.”

2. “It’s better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path.”

3. “My favorite plague boils and sores.”

4. “You’re gonna get yours, Beni! ”

5. “Patience is a virtue.”

6. “Live today, fight tomorrow.”

5.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. невиновные люди 2. воскрешать из мёртвых 3. спасти кого-либо 4. чучело 5. держаться за 6. труп 7. превращать в

5.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. How many plagues do you know? Can you enumerate them?

2. What is the Black Book supposed to do?

3. What is the Golden Book supposed to do?

4. Where is the Black Book located?

5. Where must the Golden Book be?



a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza ( королевские воздушно - военные силы )

b) Hamunaptra again

Vocabulary notes:

to live through it – выживать

to bump into – участвовать

What’s the challenge? – в чём состоит дело?

to rescue the damsel – выручить, спасти заложницу

to be in distress – быть в беде

to be at your service – быть к вашим услугам

pedal faster – давай быстрее

keep him busy – отвлеки его

it’s your turn – твоя очередь

look out – берегись

stay out of trouble – берегите себя

to get comeuppance – не остаться безнаказанным

a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza

6.1 Imagine a story ending with this sentence:

Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy and save the world!

b) Hamunaptra again


Part II


a) Thebes – 3067 B.C. – five thousand years ago. The Oasis of Ahm Shere

b) Egypt – 1933

c) Hamunaptra – City of the Dead

Vocabulary notes:

a fierce warrior – свирепый воин

a vicious campaign – злобное завоевание

to be awakened – быть пробуждённым

scorching sun – палящее солнце

to come back to life – оживить

not to have a decent night of sleep – не спать вообще

to sort out smb. – разобраться с кем-либо

to have a vision – иметь видение

to be pure myth – быть чистым мифом

in the meantime – тем временем

archival evidence – доказательство

to make a nice filled out of smb. – сделать хорошую отбивную из кого-либо

to acquire smth. – приобретать, получать

The opportunity passes us by. – Не смогли воспользоваться ситуацией

to handle smth. – заниматься чем-либо

to have different chore for smb. – иметь другую задачу

a) Thebes – 3067 B.C. – five thousand years ago. The Oasis of Ahm Shere




Vocabulary notes:

to send troops – посылать войска

weird dream – странный сон

to coincide (What a coincidence! ) – совпадать

to be cautious – быть осторожным

scepter – скипетр

to slap on smb. – наколоть (тату)

to beckon smb. to death – зажарить до смерти

to wink at travelers – моргать путешественникам

to lighten up – освещать, просветлять; облегчать; проясняться

to yell for smb. – кричать; вопить

dismemberment – расчленение

take out – справиться

Hooray! – ура!

the old play – знакомая история

a catch – подвох

2.1 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Evy and Rick at home and act the dialogue:

Evy: “I think the (1)…….. is some sort of (2)…….to the lost (3)………of Ahm-Shere.”

Rick: “Evy, I know what you’re thinking and the (4)……..’s no. We just got (5)……..”

Evy: “That’s the (6)……… of it. We’re already packed.”

Rick:  “Why don’t you just give me one good (7)………? ”

Evy: “It’s just an (8)………, darling. A beautiful, exciting, romantic oasis.”

Rick: “The (9) …….with the white, sandy (10)…….. and the palm (11)……..and the cool, clear, blue (12)………? We could have some of those big (13)……….with the little (14)………...”

Evy: “Sounds good.”

Rick: “Sounds too good. What’s the (15)………? ”

Evy: “Supposedly it’s the resting (16)………. of Anubis’s (17)………..”

Rick: “You see? I knew there’s a (18)………. There’s always a catch. How did I know that? And let me guess. It was commanded by that Scorpion King (19)…….? ”

Evy: “Yes, but he only awakens once every 5.000 years.”

Rick: “And if someone doesn’t kill him, he’s gonna wipe out the (20)……….

Evy: “How did you know? ”

Rick: “I didn’t, but that’s always the (21)………...”

Evy: “The last known (22)............. to actually reach Ahm Shere was sent by Ramses the Forth over 3.000 years ago. He sent over a thousand (23)…….”

Rick: “None of them was ever seen again.”

Evy: “How did you know? ”

Rick: “I didn’t, but that’s always the (24)……….”

Evy: “Did I mention the (25)……… of gold? ”

Rick: “Twice”.

Evy: “Alexander the Great sent (26)……… in search of it”.

Rick: “Hooray for him”.

2.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Evy’s first weird dream coincides with Russian New Year.

2. Evy and Alex are the only things that matter to Rick.

3. The Bembridge scholars have been begging Evy to run the Egyptian Museum.

4. Egyptian asps are not poisonous.

5. Ardeth Bay is a Medjai.

6. Mr. Hafes (the curator) works at the British Museum.

7. They could not remove the creature from his grave.

8. That woman with him (Anck-su-namun) knew things no living person could possibly know.

9. She knew exactly where the creature was buried.

10. She would obviously lead them to the bracelet.

11. When Alex stuck the bracelet on, he saw the Statue of Liberty then straight across the desert to Karnak.

12. Alex had started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse.

13. They had 5 days before the Scorpion King awakened, because the bracelet was on.

14. If Imhotep was not killed, he would raise the Army of Anubis and he would save the world.

15. Whomever could kill the Scorpion King could send his army back to the Underworld or used it to destroy mankind and ruled the Earth.

16. Imhotep was tough enough to take out the Scorpion King.

17. Ardeth could drive the bus.


2.3 Complete the sentences:

The sacred mark says:

Ardeth Bay: “If I were to say to you, I’m a stranger traveling from the east seeking (1)……………………….”.

Rick: “Then I would reply that I am a stranger traveling from the west. (2)………………………”.

Ardeth Bay: “That mark means you’re a protector of man, (3) ……… ………., ………….”.

Rick: “Sorry. You’ve got (4)…………….”.

2.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. испытывать терпение                               a) to fear for smb.

2. проиграть в карты                            b) to behave oneself

3. быть свободным человеком           c) to make an arrangement

4. бояться за кого-либо                        d) to try one’s patience

5. вести себя прилично                       e) to lose in a card game

6. научиться от отца                            f) to reflect the sun

7. договориться                                     g) to be a free spirit

8. отражать солнце                              h) to learn from the father


2.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. уничтожить весь мир 2. ради спасения 3. ружьё 4. истерика 5. двухэтажный автобус 6. заслужить 7. быть похищенным 8. быть холостым 9. защищать машину

2.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the plan of digging up Imhotep?

2. When was Anck-su-namum reincarnated?

3. What was Imhotep going to do with his love?

4. What was the first vision when Alex stuck the bracelet on?

5. Why did the O’Connells want to get to Karnak before Imhotep?

6. What were the sightseeings while driving along the streets of London by double-decker bus?

7. What was the curator of the British Museum afraid of?

8. When would Imhotep’s powers be regenerated?



Cairo, Egypt



Vocabulary notes:

to be mated together as one – слиться воедино (о душах)

to make perfect sense – иметь смысл

to be preordained – быть предназначенным

to finagle – мошенничать

shrunken heads – усохшие головы

to retrieve the bracelet – вернуть обратно браслет

to be in case of an emergency – в случае необходимости

It ’ s not worth your life. – Это не стоит вашей жизни.

to swear on the head of – поклясться головой

to get through with smb. – разобраться с кем-либо

4.1 Number the sentences in the right order:

How to shoot:

1. Squeeze the trigger.

2. Not to pull it.

3. Keep it tight in the shoulder.

4. Lead the target a little bit.

4.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Izzy, Rick, Imhotep, the curator of a museum, Evy)

1. “I hope your parents enjoyed their journey.”

2. “You know it’s not easy being a dad.”

3. “The great god Anubis has taken my powers.”

4. “I have released the Army of Anubis.”

5. “I must face the Scorpion King alone.”

6. “Go to hell and take your friends with you.”

7. “This whole damn place is gonna get sucked up.”

8. “Get your butts moving! Hurry up.”

9. “Would you like to know what heaven looks like? ”

10. “I swear on the head of my wife.”


4.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. принести себя в жертву для кого-либо

2. священная кладбищенская земля

3. копьё

4. быть награждённым на небесах

5. быть в ловушке

6. кубический метр

7. нажимать на спусковой крючок

8. освободить армию




Vocabulary notes:

to do a lap – пройтись

recessive genes – рецессивные гены

to rethink the strategy – передумать

foster parents – приёмные родители

to answer with a sentence – сказать словами

to make smb. dizzy – ошеломлять

to be overwhelmed with remorse – захлёстывает раскаяние

to be a new intern – быть новеньким

a new janitor – новый уборщик, дворник

to trash the theater – разбить театр

to take the routine to the next level – продвигаться дальше

to be sophisticated – быть утончённым, извращённым

to have a bad sprain – иметь растяжение

to take a breath – передохнуть

to be adequate – подходить

That’s my concern. – Это меня беспокоит

He looks like the real deal – он выглядит крутым

to set smb. up – подставить кого-либо

I am screwed – мне крышка

to slap smb. – дать пощёчину

to walk smb. home – проводить домой

to expand one’s range – расширять, улучшать

to ditch smb. – кинуть кого-либо

to dump smb. – опрокинуть кого-либо, выкинуть

I came down on my ankle wrong – я подвернул лодыжку


1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. 150 hours of community service should be performed at the scene of the offense.

2. The cost of repairing the damage was not roughly the equivalent of the student’s tuition.

3. Nora was very mature for her age.

4. Tyler was so eager to get to work he was sprinting off to the supply closet.

5. Brett was so close with the music.

6. Nora wanted to find someone to rehearse with.

7. Rehearsing was not the most important part of Nora’s schoolwork.

8. Unimportant people from every major dance company in the country would be during this showcase.

9.  Nora taught ballet class, it just put off her coming home a little longer.

10.  Nora’s father died when she was a kid.

11.  If Nora had enough dancers, she could have them all starting in unison and then slowly breaking out in a canon.


1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (the director of a school, Andrew, Brett, Tyler, Nora, Nora’s mother, Mac)

1. “I need a daily report on his activities.”

2. “I come down on my ankle wrong.”

3. “He is not taking this seriously.”

4. “No offense to Miles, but he’s not involved in every aspect of the music as I am.”

5. “You talk about dancing like it’s rocket science or something.”

6. “Don’t make me regret my decision.”

7. “I won’t miss a beat when Andrew gets back.”

8. “If you don’t get a job from the showcase, you go to school in the fall.”

9. “People make stupid decisions every day.”

10. “You quit everything you start.”

11. “My mom doesn’t get the whole dancing thing.”

12. “You haven’t heard my side of the story.”

13. “I have to find out through everyone else.”

1.3 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs in the conversation between Nora and Brett and act the dialogue:

Brett: “Hey, baby.”

Nora: “Is that why you (1)…… to New York last week? ”

Brett: “Nora, (2)……… down.”

Nora: “You (3)……… Miles? After all the work you (4)……… together, you (5)……… him just like that? ”

Brett: “You haven’t (6)………. my side of the story.”

Nora: “You don’t have time to (7)…….. your girlfriend. I have to (8)……… out through everyone else.”

Brett: “Nora, (9)……… on. I’m sorry. I didn’t (10)………… it to (11)………… like this. It’s just (12)…………. All right? Like we always (13)………. about.”

Nora: “We never (14)………. about (15)…………. on our friends.”

Brett: “When you’re (16)……….. your dream, you (17)………. it. You don’t (18)…….. questions. “

Nora: “I would.”

Brett: “You (19)………. you would. But you don’t (20)……….. until it’s right in front of you. Seriously, would you have (21)…………. away? ”

Nora: “I don’t (22)………. but I’m (23)………… away now.”

Brett: “You’re (24)…………. up with me? ”

Nora: “Yes.”

Brett: “This isn’t about me or Miles or any of that. It’s about Tyler, isn’t it? ”

Nora: “No, it’s about me, Brett.”

Brett: “Fine. (25)………….., that looser’s (26)………… nowhere fast and you (27)………. it.


1.4 Give Russian equivalents:

1. to get smb. a girl fast

2. to have no idea of the consequences actions

3. to keep denying the obvious

4. to be in the courtroom

5. to come to the audition

6. to mop floors

7. to be so tough

8. a bunch of dancers

1.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. очень благородно 2. посадить в тюрьму 3. отметить хороший вкус 4. получать стипендию 5. выпускное выступление 6. получить права 7. разработать соло 8. быть надоедливым 9. быть на сигнализации (о машине) 10. попасть в беду


1.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the music in the club when Tyler was dancing?

2. How did it happen to them to get in the Art School?

3. What was the end of their visiting school?

4. Why did Nora choose Tyler as a rehearsal partner?

5. What did she do after school? And why?

6. Why did she think that without this showcase she had nothing?

7. Who always encouraged Nora and drove her to rehearsals?

8. Why did Nora decide to break up with Brett?

9. What was Nora’s dream in dancing?

1.7 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Tyler didn’t get in the school?

2. What could happen if Nora’s partner hadn’t a bad sprain?




Vocabulary notes:

to apply to the school – учиться в школе

grueling program – самостоятельная программа

to work oneself into the ground – работать до седьмого пота

to do a favor – сделать одолжение

to break up with smb. – разорвать отношения с кем-либо

Don ’ t be mean! – не начинай!

to blow off – опрокинуть кого-либо

to leap around with – зависать с

That’s a relief. – прощай

to fill in for smb. – заменять кого-либо

to buy into – купиться на

to figure out – разобраться

to pull this routine off – выполнить программу

to be through with smth. – покончить с чем-либо

an art-school cat – толстопуз

to get a fraction closer to the goal – приближаться чуть ближе к цели

2.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Nora and Tyler were going to talk to Director Gordon about using the showcase as his audition to get into the Cambridge University.

2. Miles thought Lucy’d be smart enough to know she deserved better.

3. Tyler messed around with their friendship for a girl.

4. They kicked Skinny out the party because his mother prohibited his going outside.

5. The senior showcase was a highlight of their year at the Maryland School of the Art.

6. Tyler was not fighting for something real for the fist time in his life.

7. Tyler was said to send the Director Gordon his transcripts.

2.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Tyler, the director of a school, Nora, company’s agent)

1. “I could finish out my school year here.”

2. “Saying the words doesn’t make it so.”

3. “Miles needed a wingman.”

4. “I was a chubby kid.”

5. “I could deal with the chubbiness.”

6. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this very special evening.”

7. “I’d like to discuss with Nora the possibility of joining our company after graduation.”


2.3 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Director Gordon and Tyler and act the dialogue:

Tyler: “(1)……… Gordon. I mean, (2)……… Gordon? ”

Miss Gordon: “Can I help you, Tyler? ”

Tyler: “Um. There’s something that I kinda[2] wanted to, um. It’s probably stupid.”

Miss Gordon: “Then perhaps it can wait.”

Tyler: “You know how me and Nora have been working together? ” It’s been kinda making me think lately that may be I’d like to come here.

Miss Gordon: “You want to apply to the (3)……….?

Tyler: “Yeah, kids (4)………., don’t they? I was kinda hopin’[3] may be I could finish out my school (5)……… here.

Miss Gordon: “It’s not that you don’t have (6)…………, Tyler. But a lot of kids have (7)……….. It takes so much more than that. This is a grueling (8)………... My (9)……….. work themselves into the (10)…………. every day just to get a (11)……….. closer to their (12)………. We’re tough as hell on them in here, because we know what they’re going to face out there. Only (13)……… that make it are the ones prepared to fight.”

Tyler: “Yeah, I understand that.

Miss Gordon: “I’m not sure that you do, not for something real. And I’ve already seen you give up once already.”

Tyler: “That’s not gonna[4] happen again.

Miss Gordon: “Saying the (14)………. doesn’t make it so.”

Tyler: “Then tell me what I gotta[5] do.”

Miss Gordon: “I can’t. You have to show me. Show me that you want it, really want it. You do that, then we can talk. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a 3: 00.

2.4 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Nora and her mother and act the dialogue:

Nora:     “Mom? Are you OK? ”

Mother: “Do you know even when you were a (1)……… you danced better than you could walk? It was all you ever wanted to do. I remember the (2)……… on your (3)………. the (4)……… we took you to your first dance (5)………..”

Nora:    “You do? ”

Mother: “I never expected that (6)……….. would still bring you such (7)…….. after all these (8)………. Seeing you up there on the (9)………. so happy – it used to make me happy. I guess I forgot about that.”

Nora:    “Mom, it’s OK.”

Mother: “I am so excited to see you dance in your (10)……………..”

Nora:    “Oh, Mom. I don’t even have a (11)………… anymore. Tyler’s not doing it and Andrew’s out.”

Mother: “(12)……… You can do this. You’re been doing this by yourself your whole (13)………. Come here. You are gonna be great.”

Nora:    “Thanks, Mom.”


2.5 Translate the dialogue between Tyler and Mac in order to understand what changes were after Skinny’s death:

Tyler: “Hey.”

Mac: “Hey.”

Tyler: “How long you been out here? ”

Mac: “I don’t know.”

Tyler: “How’s your mom? ”

Mac: “She spoke to me for the fist time today.”

Tyler: “You know they got PJ, right? ”

Mac: “That’s not gonna bring Skinny back.”

Tyler: “This ain’t[6] your fault.”

Mac: “That don’t bring him back either.”

Tyler: “I hate seeing you beat yourself up.”

Mac: “I’m beating myself up? We been beating ourselves up way before Skinny… Skinny’s dead. He’s gone. My little brother’s gone. And that’s on me, Ty. I know that. I ain’t stupid. All the partying, stealing cars, messin’[7] around. You don’t think I know it’s a bunch of bull? ”

Tyler: “We’re doing the best we can.”

Mac: ‘You really believe that? You really think this is the best we can be? ”

Tyler: “No.”

Mac: “I wanna[8] be better. I wanna do better.”

Tyler: “You’re right.”

Mac: “We gotta do it for my mom, for Skinny.”

Tyler: “For Skinny. Can you do me favor? ”

Mac: “Yeah.”

Tyler: “Will you come somewhere with me? ”


2.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was Tyler’s idea while rehearsing with Nora at school?

2. Was there anything that Tyler wanted to have when he was a kid? And why?

3. Why didn’t Mac want to communicate with Tyler?

4. Who helped Nora when she was disappointed?

5. What happened to Skinny? And why could it happen to him?

6. Was there any difference in the behavior of Mac and Tyler after Skinny’s death?

7. Do you like the performance on the scene? Was it so exciting?

8. Could Nora get a job after such showcase?

9. What happened to Tyler?

2.7 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Nora’s mother didn’t help her to believe in herself?

2. What could happen if Skinny wasn’t shot?


Vocabulary notes:

exhilarating display – восхитительное событие

to mystify – ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку

to dump smb. – бросать кого-либо, избавляться

to barf over smb. – обливать грязью кого-либо

incredibly disgusting – ужасно противно

salacious gossip – светские сплетни

to have no business mucking around – не позволять капаться в личной жизни

I have a problem hanging onto relationships – у меня не складываются отношения с мужчинами

to cavort with – флиртовать

to start by dating a guy – завести роман с парнем, окрутить его

Sounds needlessly vicious – звучит жестоко

to pull the switch – пойти в атаку

That’s cookie – это наглость

All’s fair in love and war – в любви как на войне

to dangle the bait – ловить на живца

to have an ethical problem – иметь принципиальную проблему

to rift/peek through the purse – шарить в сумочке

a clutch – косметичка

to catch a movie – сходить в кино

to bring out the big guns – достать козырь

to look gorgeous – роскошно выглядеть

to get ahold of smb. – застать кого-либо

drastic measures – радикальные меры

to obsess over smb’s old girlfriends – расспрашивать о бывших подружках

1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Andie wanted to write about things that didn’t matter anything.

2. Andie got NBA Final tickets.

3. Magazine Composure was the fastest growing men’s magazine in the country.

4. DeLauer Diamonds was looking for a new ad agency.

5. If the most beautiful woman in the world acted the way Michelle did, any normal guy would still go running in the other direction.

6. Andie was going to use the classic mistakes most women, like Michelle, made all time while dating a guy.

7. Benjamen could make a woman fall in love only with him.

8. Benjamen decided to win the bet and made the pitch to the DeLauers.

9. Andie had a Master’s in journalism from California.

10.  A clutch is Andie’s secret source of power.

11.  A baby-fern was just like their relationship.

12.  The dog was already potty-trained.

13.  “Frost yourself” is the slogan for the compaign.

14.  Ben wore diapers till he was seven.

15.  Ben’s friends thought that she was a kind of mental person.

1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Andie, Jeannie, Andie’s boss, Ben, Green)

1. “I busted my butt in grad school.”

2. “Ten to one she’s wallowing.”

3. “What a hellish ordeal for you.”

4. “I was thinking that I could start by dating a guy and then drive him away.”

5. “I am going to have this guy running for his life.”

6. “The guys hate clingy, needy, touchy-feely.”

7. “I want to handle this pitch.”

8. “She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous and desperate.”

9. “You get to wear the goofy-looking helmet.”

10. “Denying your subconscious desires is extremely dangerous to your health, young lady.”

11. “I suppose your mind is a complete blank.”

12. “I hope you brought your appetite, girl.”

13. “A helpless little baby in need of tender loving care.”

14. “You are acting completely insane.”

1.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. неуклюжий человек

2. защита (в игре)

3. сдачи не надо

4. глазируйся

5. носить подгузники

6. планёрка, совещание

7. международные отношения

8. самый читаемый журнал

9. отпугнуть парня

10. подсознательно

1.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was written in Magazine Composure?

2. What did Andie want to write in the magazine?

3. What was the bet?

4. How did they manage to choose each other?

5. Where did they go together firstly? How was Andie’s behavior?

6. What was the movie that they caught?

7. How did she decorate his house? Did he like it?

8. What did he cook for her? And what was her reaction?

9. What did Ben think about Andie in 5 days?

10. What was the breed of a dog? What was its name? And why?

11. What was Ben’s idea when he heard a word “frosting” from Andie?

12. What is the city where the action takes place?

13. Did Ben like Celine Dion concert?

14. Where did she get a copy of a key from his flat?



Vocabulary notes:

to schedule an emergency session – договориться о сеансе

to freak out – разозлиться

to be pure of heart – чистая душа

to read people – читать по лицам

to get scalded – быть ошпаренным

to be spunky – быть резким

to be insatiable – быть ненасытным

to be uppity – быть спесивым

to be a wagering enthusiast – быть удачным игроком

clutch – сцепление

brake – тормоз

gears – переключение скоростей


2.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Ben called Andie his girlfriend.

2. Mr. DeLauer controlled 50% of the world’s diamonds.

3. Mrs. DeLauer could not controll Mr. DeLauer.

4. The average Composure reader is spunky, insatiable, uppity.

5. Ben was a very talented advertising executive.

6. Ben was a knowledgeable sports fan.

2.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Andie, Ben, Ben’s mother, Andie’s boss)

1. “I know a therapist who will work wonders with somebody like you.”

2. “You are hitting on our shrink.”

3. “You are a pathological flirt! ”

4. “Betrayed by my own parents.”

5. “Don’t you break his heart, now.”

6. “There’s a lot of cool thing about a bike, you know? ”

7. “This shows me you’re ready to be unleashed.”

2.3 Number the sentences in the right order and translate:

How to ride a bike:

1. The gears are on the left.

2. A little give, a little go.

3. When we take off, you are going to give a little bit on the clutch.

4. Turn it on.

5. There we are.

6. Keep this clutch in.

7. Brake here on the right.

8. You are going to go a little bit here.

9. A little clutch and a little brake.

2.4 Translate from Russian into English:

1. творить чудеса

2. приударить за консультантом

3. делать что-то за спиной

4. пробка на дороге

5. обнимать кого-либо

6. пятнышки или соринки

2.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What did Ben’s friends advise him after their quarrel?

2. What was the game at parents’ house?

3. Why did Andie decide to quit? What things helped her?

4. Where was she going to go after it?

5. Do you think they will be happy after all?




Vocabulary notes:

first conviction – первая судимость

to be implicated – быть вовлечённым

schemes and frauds – заговоры и обманы (махинации)

to get into a self-destructive pattern – попасть на путь самоуничтожения

to start out – сдавать

to draw out the bluff – выявить блефующего

I fold – я сдаюсь

to keep smb. on the leash – держать на коротком поводке, привязи

to knock over a casino – обчистить казино

to take the house – сорвать банк

to breath out of a hose – дышать через трубку

to torpedo casino – взорвать казино

to work with proper villains  – работать с настоящими негодяями

to venture – рисковать

to be rigged with – быть оснащённым

reconnaissance – разведка

dealers’ rotation – график смены

surveillance – наблюдение

a visual impairment – видимая помеха

obsequious – подобострастная

to be in a snit – быть взволнованным

to suffocate – задохнуться

to trigger the vault – вскрывать хранилище

to refute – опровергать

to comply with request – соглашаться с требованием

1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. The casino was beneath 100 feet of solid earth.

2. The security system had vocal confirmation.

3. The security system was rigged with sensors.

4. There were 80-90 million dollars on the weekend.

5. Security had an eye and an ear on everything.

6. They decided to build an exact replica of the Bellagio vault to practice.

7. The grease man should get to the door without touching the floor.

8. They stole a pinch (a bomb) at California Institute of Advanced Science.

9. Such bomb would be worked without destruction and death.

1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Rusty, Daniel, Terry Benedict, Linus)

1. “I’m about to propose is highly lucrative and highly dangerous.”

2. “It’s not your brand of vodka.”

3. “Be specific, but not memorable.”

4. “An explosive incendiary device has been detonated.”

5. “Just out of curiosity.”

6. “That’s an issue with availability.”

7. “You think we need one more? ”

8. “The taupe is very soothing.”

9. “That is the best part of my day.”

10. “In my hotel, there’s always somebody watching.”

11. “That’ my cue.”

1.3 Give Russian equivalents:

1. to commit the crime

2. to get out of a clink

3. accessible vault

4. to take the house

5. to employ an ex-convict

6. authorized Personnel only

7. to pay debt to society

8. to handle personally

9. to blow the power

10. to be in violation of parole

1.4 Give English equivalents:

1. нарушить закон

2. удачное ограбление

3. ради любопытства

4. плевать в лицо

5. вносить вклад

6. залог

7. быть замешанным в

8. выбросить на улицу

9. разведка

1.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What cities were mentioned?

2. What were the most successful robberies in the world?

3. What three casinos were going to be robbed?

4. Whom did they want to get robbed?

5. How many were they? Can you name them all? What was each duty?

6. What was the second task?

7. What was the fourth task?

8. What was the fifth task?

9. How many tasks were there? What was the last?

10. How much money did they steal? And what was the occasion on that day?

11. How did they manage to take money outside?

12. How did Daniel return his wife back?

1.6 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Terry Benedict didn’t decide to ruin Reuben’s casino?

2. What could happen if Daniel’s wife didn’t part with him?





1.1 Complete the following sentences:

1. It’s bad luck for the groom...

2. No doubt you’ve discovered that loyalty is...

3. Consider into your calculations that...

4. They intend to do him the honour of...

5. There comes a time when one must...

6. If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you...

7. And how do you intend to...

8. If we were any kind of decent, we’d remove...

9. Abandon... or abandon...


1.2 Give Russian equivalents:

1. Stand your men down at once!

2. You and your fiancé e face the hangman’s noose.

3. I have faith in you.

4. She faces the gallows!

5. What has the world done to you?

6. I’m deeply flattered.

7. to secure smb’s freedom

8. to take care of smb’s immortal souls

9. to condemn an innocent man

10. to share the punishment


1.3 Give English equivalents:

1. быть под юрисдикцией

2. быть приговорённым к смерти

3. Джек Воробей – вымирающий вид

4. погибать

5. не сводить глаз с горизонта

6. добиться справедливого суда для Уилла

7. прийти к соглашению

8. давать знак

9. пронзить сердце

10. снять кандалы

Supplementary reading

1.1 Read and retell the text using the vocabulary notes:

Vocabulary notes:

important cult – важный культ

the local governor - наместник

to gain control over – приобрести контроль над

absence of importance – отсутствие важности

to be restored as – быть восстановлённым как

to be sacked – быть разграбленным

preserved monuments – сохранившиеся памятники

to be covered by – обрастать, зарастать чем-либо

funerary temples – гробницы



Thebes is the capital in ancient Egypt, and the centre of the most important cult in Egypt, centered around Amen. The name " Thebes" is Greek, while the Egyptian name for the city as " Apet" or " Apit".

Thebes lied on the east side of the Nile, in the centre of today's Egypt, 700 km south of modern Cairo. Luxor and Karnak now lie where Thebes once was. The city became important during the 11th Dynasty (21st century) when the local governor gained control over the entire Egypt, and Thebes stayed on as capital until the 14th century when Akhenaten became Pharaoh. This absence of importance lasted only 2 decades, after which it was restored as capital. With the attack of the Assyrians in 661, Thebes was sacked. In Ptolemaic times, it remained important, but it was destroyed by the Romans and lost its importance forever. Thebes has some of the best preserved monuments of Ancient Egypt, even if the old settlement is now covered by modern houses. At Karnak, the temple of Amen lies. This was constructed for the first time around 2000, but was built on for 2000 years. The temple that lies in modern Luxor centre, was begun in 1417. Many more important monuments lie on the western side of the Nile. These the Ramesseum of Ramses 2, the temple of Ramses 3, and the temple of Queen Hatshepsut and the necropolis. The necropolis has many funerary temples, among them the one of Tutankhamon.

Real Hamunaptra

In actual history, a city called Hamunaptra (City of the Dead Man) was found in India in the 1850s when British engineers, trying to build a railroad, pillaged the area for bricks. In the 1920s, archaeologists began serious excavations. They found at the site a lost civilization occupying an area greater than that of Pakistan. It was a complex, literate, urbanized, centrally located society. Raw materials located in the area indicated that the civilization had long-distance trade with Mesopotamia. The civilization ended between 1900 and 1700, which archaeologists accredit to a new group of horse-riding invaders. However, there is no evidence to prove any hypothesis of why the civilization might have become extinct.

With the passage of time, Hamunaptra became a lost city, the subject of legends. As a result, by the 1920s, the decade in which most of the film's action takes place, its existence is doubted by serious scholars.



1. What was another name for Hamunaptra?
2. Where was it found and when?
3. What kind of society was it?
4. What happened to civilization next?
5. Was it a real place? What do you think about it?

1.3 Read and retell the text using the vocabulary notes:

Vocabulary notes:

urban areas – заселенные места

on the very edge of the city – на окраине города

ancient temples – древние храмы

ancient tombs – древние гробницы

noisy honking of horns – шумное гудение клаксонов

grandest accommodations – великолепные апартаменты

incredible selection of – невероятное разнообразие

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt, the Triumphant City is one of the world's largest urban areas and offers many sites to see. It is the administrative capital of Egypt and, close by, is almost every Egypt Pyramid, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza on the very edge of the city. But there are also ancient temples, tombs, Christian churches, magnificent Muslim monuments, and of course, the Egyptian Antiquities Museum all either within or nearby the city.

Cairo, Egypt is an amazing city full of life and movement, and it is that way almost 24 hours every day, with the noisy honking of horns, children playing in the streets and merchants selling their wears and services. And here, the Egyptians are most at home in this powerful, modern and ancient city.

Cairo, Egypt provides great culture, including art galleries and music halls, such as the Cairo Opera House, as well it should, being one of the largest cities in the world. It also provides some of the grandest accommodations and restaurants in the world, such as the Four Seasons and the Cairo Marriott.

Cairo offers an incredible selection of shopping, leisure and nightlife activities. This is, and has been for over a thousand years, truly a shopper's paradise.

1.4 Read and retell the text using the vocabulary notes:

The ten plagues in Egypt

Vocabulary notes:

t o turn to blood – обратиться в кровь

to stretch out – распространиться

frog spawn – лягушачья икра

gnats – комары

the only obstacle – единственное препятствие

polluted river – загрязнённая река

without moisture – без влаги

to remove obstacle – удалять препятствие

insect explosion – нашествие насекомых

to be distinguished from – отличаться от

grievous swarm – ужасный рой мух

grievous murrain – тяжелая чума (рогатого скота)

to go unharvested – стать неурожайным

a boil breaking forth with blains – нарыв со страшными язвами

hailstorms – огненный дождь

livelihood – средства к существованию

to cause boils and blisters – вызывать нарывы и язвы

to strip crops – грабить урожай

to eat the residue – доедать остатки

culprit – виновник, преступник

to black out the sky – затемнить небо


Water to Blood

    The Bible says: the Nile turned to blood at the touch of Moses's staff.

It stretches out upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt.



    All the fish will be killed; no fish means more frog spawn, which means more frogs. And a polluted river would drive them on to the land in their millions.



    Without moisture the frogs died, removing the only obstacle to an insect explosion – and the biblical story is long before " lice" were distinguished from other insects. It may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.



    The Bible says: there came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh. Fly swarms are not uncommon, and this plague was probably of stable flies, which bite.



    A disease causing boils and blisters struck next - perhaps the ancient disease " Glanders", which is spread by stable flies. As a result, the crops went unharvested. It shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt.


Thunder and Hail

    Only last year hailstorms hit Israel and Jordan. They're not rare, but to the weakened Egyptians, whose crops were their whole livelihood, a hailstorm at this time would be a cruel blow.

    It causes to rain a very grievous hail, such as has not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof even until now.



    Again, locusts have been known to swarm since ancient times, stripping crops. But to the Egyptians, like the hail, a locust plague now couldn't come at a worse time. It brings the locusts into the coast. And they would cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth. And they would eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remained onto you from the hail, and would eat every tree which grew for you out of the field.



    The Bible says a three-day darkness fell next. A sandstorm is the likely culprit: one in Cairo in 1997 blacked out the sky for three days. The sand would cover any food supplies remaining. There may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.


Death of the Firstborn

    All the firstborn in the land of Egypt would die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sat upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.


1.5 Read the text and answer the questions:

Ancient Egypt Gods

In ancient Egyptian religion the gods and goddesses often appear in families of 3 or of 9. Every larger town had its divine family to whom they built shrines. Many of the same divine names occur in multiple towns and divine families at the same time. Ancient Egypt’s Gods were invisible to humans, but they were able to ascend to earth and inhabit statues or animals, and through these manifest their will to the priests, who then delivered the messages to ordinary people.

Ancient Egypt’s Gods are represented as animals or humans, or half of each. The animal with which the god or goddess is identified often has some qualities that are associated with the divinity. Furthermore, they have different crowns to help characterize them.


1. In what families could gods and goddesses appear?

2. Where could divine names occur?

3. Were they invisible to humans?

4. What were they able to do on the earth?

5. How could they be represented as?

6. What qualities could they have?

7. How can we distinguish them from each other?

1.6 Read and retell the text using the vocabulary notes:

Kings of the Dead

Ancient Egyptians believed that when the pharaoh died, he became Osiris, king of the dead. The new pharaoh became Horus, god of the heavens and protector of the sun god. This cycle was symbolized by the rising and setting of the sun.

Some part of a dead pharaoh's spirit, called his ka, was believed to remain with his body. And it was thought that if the corpse did not have proper care, the former pharaoh would not be able to carry out his new duties as king of the dead. If this happened, the cycle would be broken and disaster would befall Egypt.

To prevent such a catastrophe, each dead pharaoh was mummified, which preserved his body. Everything the king would need in his afterlife was provided in his grave – vessels made of clay, stone, and gold, furniture, food, even doll-like representations of servants, known as ushabti. His body would continue to receive food offerings long after his death.


1. What did Ancient Egyptians believe in when the pharaoh died?

2. What did the cycle mean? How could it be broken?

3. What were they doing to prevent such a catastrophe?


1.8 Read and retell the text using the vocabulary notes:

Egyptian pyramids

Vocabulary notes:

current archaeological consensus – современная точка зрения в археологии

quarrying – добыча

to superimpose upon – накладывать на

the natural hillock – естественный холм

satellite pyramid – спутниковая пирамида

a better state of preservation – лучшая степень сохранности

satellite edifices – спутниковое сооружение

polished limestone – полированный известняк

elevated location – надземное расположение

steeper angle of inclination – более крутой угол отклонения

to be attributed to – быть отнесенным к чему-либо

four-year tenure – четырехлетнее пребывание

premature – преждевременный

truncation – округление

vibrant economy – оживленная экономика

predecessor – предшественник

loose masonry – свободная каменная кладка

substantial monumental structure – надежное монументальное сооружение

inaccessible – недоступный

to create a pyramid with smooth sides – создавать пирамиду со сглаженными сторонами

a significant proportion – значительные пропорции

luminous appearance – святящаяся внешность, вид

relative obscurity – относительная неясность

to construct the pyramids out of mudbrick – строить пирамиду из глиняных блоков

obscure structures – затемненные структуры

subsidiary pyramids – вспомогательные пирамиды

in the vicinity – в окрестностях

a mountain of rubble from the collapsed outer casing – гора развалин из разрушившегося корпуса

pharaoh's predecessor – предшественник фараона

to suffer a catastrophic collapse – переживать катастрофический крах

the small mountain of debris – маленькая гора обломков

to reduce the amount – понижать количество


Abu Rawash

Abu Rawash is the site of Egypt's most northerly pyramid – the mostly ruined Pyramid of Djedefre, son and successor of Khufu. Originally it was thought that this pyramid had never been completed, but the current archaeological consensus is that not only was it completed, but that it was originally about the same size as the Pyramid of Menkaure, which would have made it among the half-dozen or so largest pyramids in Egypt.

Its location adjacent to a major crossroad made it an easy source of stone. Quarrying – which began in Roman times – has left little apart from a few courses of stone superimposed upon the natural hillock that formed part of the pyramid's core. A small adjacent satellite pyramid is in a better state of preservation.


Giza is the location of the Pyramid of Khufu (also known as the " Great Pyramid" ); the somewhat smaller Pyramid of Khafre (or Kephren); the relatively modest-sized Pyramid of Menkaure (or Mykerinus), along with a number of smaller satellite edifices known as " Queen's pyramids"; and the Great Sphinx.

Of the three, only Khafre's pyramid retains part of its original polished limestone casing, near its apex. This pyramid appears larger than the adjacent Khufu pyramid by virtue of its more elevated location, and the steeper angle of inclination of its construction – it is, in fact, smaller in both height and volume.

The Giza Necropolis has been a popular tourist destination since antiquity, and was popularized in Hellenistic times when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Today it is the only one of those wonders still in existence.

Zawyet el-Aryan

This site, halfway between Giza and Abu Sir, is the location for two unfinished Old Kingdom pyramids. The northern structure's owner is believed to be the Pharaoh Nebka, whilst the southern structure is attributed to the Third Dynasty Pharaoh Khaba, also known as Hudjefa, successor to Sekhemkhet.

Khaba's four-year tenure as pharaoh more than likely explains the similar premature truncation of his step pyramid. Today it is approximately twenty meters in height.


Abu Sir

There are a total of seven pyramids at this site, which served as the main royal necropolis during the Fifth Dynasty. The quality of construction of the Abu Sir pyramids is inferior to those of the Fourth Dynasty – perhaps signaling a decrease in royal power or a less vibrant economy. They are smaller than their predecessors, and are built of low-quality local limestone.

The three major pyramids are those of Niuserre (which is also the most intact), Neferirkare Kakai and Sahure. The site is also home to the incomplete Pyramid of Neferefre. All of the major pyramids at Abu Sir were built as step pyramids, although the largest of them – the Pyramid of Neferirkare Kakai – is believed to have originally been built as a step pyramid some 70 metres in height and then later transformed into a " true" pyramid by having its steps filled in with loose masonry.


Major pyramids located here include the Step Pyramid of Djozer – generally identified as the world's oldest substantial monumental structure to be built of finished stone – the Pyramid of Merykare, the Pyramid of Userkaf and the Pyramid of Teti. Also at Saqqara there is the Pyramid of Unas, which retains a pyramid causeway that is one of the best-preserved in Egypt. This pyramid was also the subject of one of the earliest known restoration attempts, conducted by a son of Ramesses II. Saqqara is also the location of the incomplete step pyramid of Djozer's successor Sekhemkhet, known as the Buried Pyramid. Archaeologists believe that if this pyramid had been completed it would have been larger than Djozer's.


Red Pyramid

This area is arguably the most important pyramid field in Egypt outside Giza and Saqqara, although until 1996 the site was inaccessible due to its location within a military base, and hence was virtually unknown outside archaeological circles.

The southern Pyramid of Sneferu, commonly known as the Bent Pyramid is believed to be the first (or by some accounts, second) attempt at creating a pyramid with smooth sides. In this it was only a partial – but nonetheless visually arresting – success; it remains the only Egyptian pyramid to retain a significant proportion of its original limestone casing, and serves as the best example of the luminous appearance common to all pyramids in their original state. The northern, or Red Pyramid built at the same location by Sneferu was later successfully completed as the world's first true smooth-sided pyramid. Despite its relative obscurity, the Red Pyramid is actually the third largest pyramid in Egypt – after the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre at Giza. Also at Dahshur is the pyramid known as the Black Pyramid of Amenemhet III.


Located to the south of Dahshur, this area was used in the First Intermediate Period by several kings who constructed their pyramids out of mudbrick. Today these structures are obscure and unimpressive.



The ruined Pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht

Two major pyramids are known to have been built at Lisht – those of Amenemhet I and his son, Senusret I. The latter is surrounded by the ruins of ten smaller subsidiary pyramids. One of these subsidiary pyramids is known to be that of Amenemhet's cousin, Khaba II. The site which is in the vicinity of the oasis of Faiyum, midway between Dahshur and Meidum, and about 100 kilometres south of Cairo, is believed to be in the vicinity of the ancient city of Itjtawy (the precise location of which remains unknown), which served as the capital of Egypt during the 12th Dynasty.


Sneferu's Pyramid at Meidum; the central core structure remains surrounded by a mountain of rubble from the collapsed outer casing.

The pyramid at Meidum is one of three constructed during the reign of Sneferu, and is believed by some to have been started by that pharaoh's father and predecessor, Huni. However, this is not very likely, as his name does not appear on the site. Some archaeologists also suggest that the Meidum pyramid may have been the first unsuccessful attempt at the construction of a " true" or smooth-sided pyramid.

The pyramid suffered a catastrophic collapse in antiquity, and today only the central parts of its stepped inner core remain standing, giving it an odd tower-like appearance that is unique among Egyptian pyramids. The hill that the pyramid sits atop is not a natural landscape feature – it is the small mountain of debris created when the lower courses and outer casing of the pyramid gave way.



The Pyramid of Senusret II. The pyramid's natural limestone core is clearly visible as the yellow stratum at its base.

The pyramid of Senusret II at el-Lahun is the southernmost royal-tomb pyramid structure in Egypt. Its builders reduced the amount of work necessary to construct it by ingeniously using as its foundation and core a 12-meter-high natural limestone hill.


1. Britannica CD. Version 97. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1997.


1. THE MUMMY – DVD (124 Minutes)

2. MUMMY RETURNS – DVD (129 Minutes)

3. STEP UP – DVD (103 Minutes)

4. HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS – DVD (115 Minutes)

5. OCEAN’S ELEVEN – DVD (112 Minutes)


(144 Minutes)



Надежда Анатольевна Гаркуша



English through cinema classics

Английский язык

Учебно-методическое пособие

по развитию навыков аудирования и устной речи

на материале художественных фильмов

для студентов неязыковых специальностей


Часть II


Подписано в печать                Тираж            зкз.

Объём  п.л. Формат                    Заказ №              

Издательство Тюменского государственного университета

625003, Тюмень, Семакова, 10.


[1] ya = you

[2] kind of – вроде, как будто (просторечное)

[3] hoping (просторечное)

[4] am going to (просторечное)

[5] have got to (просторечное)

[6] is not (просторечное)

[7] messing (просторечное)

[8] want to (просторечное)

УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК Ш 143Ю21 – 923

Г 204

Н.А. Гаркуша. Английский язык. Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков аудирования и устной речи на материале художественных фильмов для студентов неязыковых специальностей. Часть II. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008, 74 с.


Данное пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку студентов неязыковых специальностей.

Основной целью пособия является дальнейшее совершенствование навыков, полученных в общеобразовательной школе, а так же обогащение лексического запаса и развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Большое внимание уделяется слушанию и восприятию аутентичной английской речи.

Фильмы пособия подобраны с учётом различных уровней подготовки студентов. При формулировке заданий учитывался принцип коммуникативного подхода к обучению.

Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов.


ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Л.В. Скороходова, ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ:     Л.В. Мельникова, канд. филос. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

О.Э. Сухарева, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков МИФУБ ТюмГУ

© ГОУ ВПО Тюменский государственный университет, 2008.

© Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008.

© Н.А. Гаркуша, 2008.


Пособие состоит из 5 разделов, посвященных художественным фильмам, принадлежащих к различным периодам мировой киноиндустрии. Каждый фильм делится на эпизоды, что позволяет достаточно тщательно проработать весь материал. Пособие направлено на развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Каждый из разделов начинается с представления нового лексического материала, использованного в эпизоде, который сопровождается упражнениями на совершенствование продуктивных навыков аудирования и устной речи. Присутствуют различные стили современной английской речи: официальный, нейтральный, разговорный, сленг. Упражнения на развитие лексических и коммуникационных навыков и тренировочные задания по аудированию помогают студентам справиться с пониманием достаточно сложного языка в фильмах и значительно расширить свой словарный запас.

Каждый раздел включает в себя следующие блоки: Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, также особую ценность представляет сопутствующая энциклопедическая и культурологическая информация.

Представленные в пособии фильмы разработаны с учетом специфики обучения английскому языку на неязыковом факультете, так художественные фильмы «Мумия» и «Мумия возвращается», разработаны более детально и предназначены для обучения студентов как первого так и второго курса. Фильмы «Шаг вперед», «Как отделаться от парня за 10 дней» и «11 друзей Оушена», представляющие образец современной разговорной речи, рекомендуются для развития навыков аудирования также у студентов первого и второго курса. Рекомендуется работать с предложенными заданиями 15-20 минут в конце урока. Представленный вариант разработанных заданий по художественным фильмам рассчитан на несколько занятий, посвященных одному и тому же фильму. Пятый раздел методического пособия посвящен фильму «Пираты Карибского моря: сундук мертвеца». Данный раздел рассчитан на 2 аудиторных часа и содержит задания на понимание (пересказ) и на усвоение лексического материала (заполнение пропусков, перевод).

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых специальностей. При отборе аутентичного материала соблюдались принципы, отвечающие современным требованиям методики обучения иностранным языкам: мотивация, коммуникативность, интегрированный подход.

    Рекомендуется начинать урок с разбора лексического материала для снятия трудностей при работе с эпизодом. Если группа имеет высокий уровень подготовленности, их можно рекомендовать для углубленного изучения языка. Более подробная разработка некоторых разделов способствует глубокому пониманию смысла фильмов и доскональной отработке лексического материала.

Очень важно, чтобы учащийся, работая над упражнениями, не выполнял их механически, формально, а всякий раз бы обдумывал, «переживал» сказанное.



THE MUMMY. ........................................................................................6

EPISODE 1............................................................................................6

EPISODE 2............................................................................................8

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................11

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................14

EPISODE 5..........................................................................................17

EPISODE 6..........................................................................................19

MUMMY RETURNS. ............................................................................21

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................21

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................24

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................28

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................31

STEP UP. .............................................................................................33

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................33

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................37

HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS. ..............................................43

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................43

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................46

OCEAN’S ELEVEN. ............................................................................49


SUPPLEMENTORY READING. ..........................................................55


REAL HAMUNAPTRA..........................................................................56

CAIRO, EGYPT....................................................................................57

THE TEN PLAGUES IN EGYPT..........................................................58

ANCIENT EGYPT GODS.....................................................................61



KINGS OF THE DEAD.........................................................................64

EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS.......................................................................65

WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS?...........................................................71

BIBLIOGRAPHY. .................................................................................73


Part I


Hamunaptra-1290 B.C.

Vocabulary notes:

sacred canopic jar – священный погребальный сосуд

plague – бедствие

invincibility – непобедимость

to be condemned – быть приговорённым

to be bestowed – быть одарённым

eternity – вечность

corpse – труп

to dare – осмелиться, отважиться

to race – мчаться

the wealth – казна

to remain sealed – оставаться запечатанным

mistress – наложница


1.1 Put these names carefully in the following context:

Imhotep,     Pharaoh Seti the First,      Anck-su-namun


Thebes is city of living, crown jewel of (1)………….., home of (2)…………, Pharaoh’s high priest, keeper of the dead, birthplace of (3)………….., Pharaoh’s mistress.

1.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Hamunaptra – is the City of the Dead.

2. Anck-su-namun’s soul had been sent to the dark Underworld and her vital organs removed and placed in four sacred canopic jars.

3. When Anck-su-namun’s soul had come back from the dead, the ritual of resurrecting was completed.

4. After curse Imhotep could arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind.

5. He could be an unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages and he could have power over the sands and the glory of invincibility.

6. City of the Dead is the ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

7. Hom-Dai is the worst of all ancient curses, when somebody was to remain sealed inside the sarcophagus the undead for all of eternity.


1.3 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

break   dare go   steal  take   race  take resurrect


    (1)………….Anck-su-namun, Imhotep and his priests (2)………….into her crypt and (3)…………her body. They (4)…………deep into the desert (5)………….Anck-su-namun’s corpse to Hamunaptra. For his love, Imhotep (6)………..the gods’ anger by (7)…………deep into the city where he (8)………….the Black Book of the Dead from its holy resting place.

1.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. проклятие                                             a) the wealth

2. казна                                                     b) to resurrect smb.

3. усыпальница                                       c) the body is not a temple

4. воскрешать кого-либо                       d) dark underworld

5. тело – не храм                                    e) to be mummified alive

6. древнее погребальное место          f) sacred jars

7. подземный мир                                   g) the high priest

8. священные сосуды                            h) the sarcophagus

9. быть мумифицированным заживо  i) the crypt

10. верховый жрец                                   j) ancient burial site

11. саркофаг                                              k) the curse

1.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Was anybody allowed to touch Anck-su-namun?

2. Was she in love with Imhotep?

3. What were they willing to do for their love?

4. What did she do with herself when they were noticed?

5. What is the City of the Living?

6. What is the City of the Dead?

7. What is Hom-Dai? What does it mean?




a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert

b) Cairo, Egypt – 3 years later. Museum of antiqutties

c) Cairo Prison

Vocabulary notes:

the descendants of sacred bodyguards – потомки священных телохранителей

to put up with smb. –  терпеть кого-либо

to decipher hieroglyphics and hieratic – расшифровывать иероглифы и священные письмена

precise moment – точный, определённый момент

to reject an application – отклонить предложение

to be gullible – быть доверчивым

to strangle to death – удавиться до смерти

humble home – скромный дом

worthless trinket – безделушка

to straighten up – прибирать

foolish pursuit – глупая погоня; преследование


a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert

Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

fight          keep        know          lie         remain      watch   


For 3.000 years, men and armies (1)……….over this land never (2)…………what evil (3)……….beneath it. And for 3.000 years the Magi, the descendants of Pharaoh’s sacred bodyguards (4)………. (5)………….. And the Creature (6)………….undiscovered.


b) Cairo, Egypt – 3 years later. Museum of antiqutties

2.2 Fill in the gaps in the conversation between Evy and the curator of the museum. Some verbs are missed. Act the dialogues:

curator: (1)..............to you, the other plagues were a joy.

Evy: I am so very sorry, it (2)............ an accident.

curator: My girl, when Rameses (3)..............Syria, that was an accident. You are a catastropher! (4)............ at my library! Why do I (5)...........up with you?

Evy: Well, you put up with me, because I can (6)............and (7)............... ancient Egyptian and I can (8)...............hieroglyphics and hieratic and, well, I am the only person within a thousand miles who (9)............how to properly (10)..............and (11)..............this library, that’s why.

curator: I (12).............. up with you because your father and mother were our finest patrons. That’s why! Allah rest their souls. Now, I don’t (13)...............how you do it. I don’t care how long it (14)............... (15)..............up this meshiver!

2.3 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Evy can read and write ancient Egyptian.

2. The Bembridge scholars have rejected Evy’s application again.

3. Jonathan found a map which is almost 4.000 years old.

4. Hamunaptra is the city being protected by the curse of a mummy, where the earliest pharaohs had hidden the wealth of Egypt.

5. But the place would disappear beneath the sand dunes, taking the treasure with it.

6. Few men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra.

7. The puzzle box was found in Hamunaptra.

2.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. подняться по карьерной лестнице         a) old mum

2. саранча                                                        b) to be on a high note

3. не уважать мёртвых                                  c) to be ridiculous

4. разрушить карьеру                                    d) to get promoted

5. подбодрить кого-либо                               e) to ruin the career

6. старушка                                                      f) treasure hunters

7. быть на вершине (о карьере)                  g) to cheer smb. up

8. официальная королевская печать         h) locusts

9. охотники за сокровищами                        i) to have no respect for the dead

10. быть нелепым, смехотворным                       j) the official royal seal


2.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Who is Seti the First?

2. Is it a fairy tale that the earliest pharaohs had hidden the wealth of Egypt in Hamunaptra?

3. What was interesting in this puzzle box?

4. Who was going to show the road to Hamunaptra for Evy and Jonathan? And what was the reason?

c) Cairo Prison

2.6 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Jonathan stole a puzzle box from a drunk at the casbah (bar).

2. Evy and Jonathan came to ask him (Mr. O’Connell) about Hamunaptra.

3. Mr. O’Connell was in Hamunaptra when he found a box.

4. Mr. O’Connell said the exact location where Hamunaptra was.

5. Mr. O’Connell was going to be hanged.

6. The head of the prison took 100 pounds for saving Mr. O’Connell’s life.

7. Mr. O’Connell’s neck was broken.



a) Giza Port – Cairo

b) On the barge

Vocabulary notes:

to gamble with – рисковать чем-либо

wager – пари

secret incantations – секретные заклинания

to cut the deck – срезать, сдвинуть колоду карт

messed-up country – отвратительная страна

а) Giza Port – Cairo

3.1 Translate from Russian into English:

  1. быть грязным, мерзким
  2. быть законченным мошенником, негодяем
  3. очаровательный день
  4. враньё, неправда, ложь
  5. защищать инвестиции


b) On the barge


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