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Academic Cover Letters for Experienced Psychology Professor

Wilson Stone
Gremial Apartment
1907 W Diversey Pkwy,
Chicago, IL, USA
[email protected]
Contact Number - (854) 502 4716


Gordon Dorothy
Hiring Officer
Xavier's College of Arts and Science
9 DuPont Circle Northwest, 56 Minor Street, Lane - 51,
Chicago, IL, USA

Dear Mr. Dorothy,

Re: Application for Psychology professor post

I am glad to apply for the post of experienced psychology professor at the renowned Xavier's College of Arts and Science. I have applied to the above mentioned post at the recommendation of Duke Clinton and have also attached my resume for your perusal.

I have done my Masters in Psychology and along with it, I also hold a Diploma in Extensive Psychology. I am interested in working with you, as it is a great opportunity to be a part of your teaching department that educates and teaches varied undergraduate students. I have an experience of about six years and have taught considerable types of students in different types of classes. Previously, I have worked with a team of researchers from the Florida University. Basically, the research involved the anatomy and scientific study about human mental functions and their behavior. I am an expert in the field of application of Clinical and Social Psychology. Therefore, I am confident enough to be a part of your teaching department.

I wish that my credentials would have directed your attention. Therefore, I look forward to hear from you and have further discussion regarding the responsibilities of the position applied for at your college. Please contact me on the above mentioned phone number or email address as per your convenience. Thanking You.


Wilson Stone


  • Resume
  • Recommendation Letter
  • Award Certificates
  • Experience Certificates
  • Identity Proof
  • Address Proof
  • Acting Specialized Course Certificate
  • Educational Credentials

Task 7. Read the resume. What did you find out about the candidate?


James Carter

4311 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48227 • (313) 245-3422 • [email protected]


Clinical Psychologist
Registered clinical psychologist with experience working in a range of psychology and therapy environments. Effective communicator with strong ACT, CBT and DCT skills. Ability to work positively with clientele in both therapeutic and clinical capacities.




§ ABCP Board Certified Clinical Psychologist

§ Expert in patient assessment, interventions, counselling and behaviour modification

§ 3 years experience working with adolescents and adults from different age groups and backgrounds

§ Member of the American Association of Behavioral Therapists (AABT)

§ Member of the American Psychological Association (APA)




MAYO CLINIC, 200 First St., RochesterMN, 2011 - Present

Clinical Psychologist

Conducted intake assessments and clinical consultations for adolescents and adults individually and in group settings.

§ Developed new intake assessment protocols for mental health clinics in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona

§ Achieved positive outcomes for patients struggling with various behavioural disorders including addictions, anxiety, trauma, depression, phobias, grief and loss, and relationship issues

§ Acted as liaise with other Mayo Clinic health professionals, departments and outside organization

§ Performed group and family mediation on a regular basis

§ Achieved measurable improvement in client outcomes




Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan 2010
Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science, Arizona State University, 2009


Задания для самостоятельной работы


Task 8. Read and translate the text.


 Tips for Applicants on a Job Search

Those seeking jobs should begin their search with the right actions. Be sure to take the following tips and suggestions into consideration when on a job search.

1. Know what to expect for your chosen field. Every industry is different in terms of expectations, qualifications, and hiring practices. By implementing this information in your applications, you will have an advantage.

2. Be persistent. You may not hear back from a company you apply to immediately. Never assume that you did not get the job until you are given a definitive answer. Remember that it is expected for you to follow up with a phone call.

3. Prepare yourself for a long job hunt. It is important that you do not become discouraged, as employers are looking for people with good attitudes. Additionally, you should think about how you are going to provide for yourself while searching for work.

4. Research other options. Do not get sucked into a specific job and forget that you have more opportunities. You should know what other jobs will still be beneficial for your long-term career goals.

5. Remember to build and utilize your network. Knowing someone in your chosen industry makes it significantly easier to break into. If you can get your cover letter into the hands of a hiring manager, you will have much better success.

Task 9. Read the cover letter and answer the questions:

1) What post is Elizabeth Cooper applying for?

2) Where did the applicant find the information about the job position?

3) Does she have any practical working experience?

4) What is she qualified in?


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