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You are entertaining a foreign customer in a restaurant. Speak on the menu and discuss your food preferences.

You and your colleague discuss where to entertain a group of foreign visitors.



E-mails can have a formal business style or a very informal style, similar to spoken English.

A formal e-mail is similar to a standard business letter but usually it is shorter. The e-mail should begin with Dear... and finish with Best wishes or Best regards.

You use this style if you are writing to somebody outside the company or somebody you don’t know well.


Dear Mr Smith

I would like to invite you to dinner after your visit to our company next week, if you have time. Our managing director, Alison Mc Dermott, will also come.

I will book a table at an Italian restaurant, Via Venezia, for 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening. The restaurant is next to your hotel in Barchester road.

I hope you can join us. Please can you let me know this week.

Best wishes

Emily Lee


An informal e-mail is for people you know well inside or outside the company. The e-mail often begins with Hi or Hello and finishes with Regards or CU. CU means See you.

Other short forms are:

TX= thanks

RUOK= Are you OK?

FYI= for your information


Hello, Sally

I made an interesting contact at the seminar last week. Pablo Almeira is in charge of Research and Development at Rozlin Electronics in Seville. He is very interested in our new training software and wants you to contact him. Here is his e-mail address:

[email protected]

Hope he’s useful for you!




Write an e-mail to a foreign customer who you are going to entertain. Invite him or her to dinner and give details of the restaurant. Include the date and time and the name and location of the restaurant.



Unit 6


Starting up

a) Which of the following situations are the most stressful for you? Can you add any others?

1. going to the dentist

2. queuing in the supermarket

3. being stuck in a traffic jam

4. going to a hairdresser

5. finding a place to park

6. organising a party

7. having an interview

8. making a speech

9. flying


b) What do you do to relax? Which of the following activities are the most effective for you and why? In what other ways do you relax?

playing a sport reading eating/drinking having a bath 
walking gardening massage shopping
listening to music watching TV meditating surfing the Net



Match the words to their definitions.

lifestyle a time or date by which you have to do something
workaholic a system where employees choose the way they start and finish work every day
workload the way people choose to organise their lives
deadline someone who cannot stop working and has no time for anything else
flexitime the amount of work a person is expected to do


Complete each sentence with an appropriate word from exercise 1.

1. I worked until 11 o’clock at night to meet the ......................... for presenting the report.

2. I work six days a week and never have a holiday. My girlfriend says I’m a ............................. .

3. Carl has a heavy ............................ at the moment because several colleagues are sick.

4. She left a highly paid job to join a research group in India. She has completely changed her ..................... .

5. A .......................... system can help to reduce stress levels of employees.


3. Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:

meet the deadline
be/ become a workaholic
have a heavy workload
change the lifestyle
a flexitime system


Dealing with stress

    It is common knowledge that people are stressed at work nowadays because our modern lifestyle can’t provide them with an opportunity to relax properly. And the problems they have to deal with are becoming one of the main causes of stress not only at work, but at home as well.

    Another major cause of stress at work today is increasing job insecurity. People are afraid that they can lose their job. They don’t feel that it’s safe. Moreover, working long hours is becoming more and more common in all European countries. A typical family nowadays is a working family where both the members have a job and spend most of their time at their work place. It ruins the work-life balance of people and results in family problems.

    But men and women deal with stress in different ways. Women are more flexible and seem to cope with pressures better than men. Many working women have double pressure on then because they have to look after their children, work in the home- do the cooking and cleaning – as well as work in a paying job. But the number of women who become ill from stress seems to be less than men. This is because women have a number of strategies to cope with stress. They can express their emotions openly, which men find difficult to do. They can go to somebody and talk about their problems. And in general women don’t pretend that problems don’t exist.


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