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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Make up sentences using these words.

Grammar review

1. Complete these sentences using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.

speak to our boss           buy an expensive computer         be late            develop a better website                    stay three days


1. Our online business is bad. We .......................................................... .

2. Our team is working too many hours. We ......................................... .

3. The meeting is very important. We ................................................... .

4. She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain. She ............................ .

5. We have to cut costs. You .................................................................. .


2. Give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn’t or I don’t think.

Example: I don’t think he should go to Paris next week.

1. I think he should go to Paris next week.

2. You should buy a licence.

3. She shouldn’t take the customers to an expensive restaurant.

4. I think we should launch the new product now.

5. My boss thinks it is too late to send the report now.

6. We should order online.


3. Give some advice to a colleague going on a business trip for the first time. Use the following notes:

Write on business cards

Use surnames

Give an expensive gift

Shake hands

Be late



Cultural mistakes

Read the following extracts where people are talking about cultural mistakes. Then answer the questions.


I was in Yemen, in the Middle East, and I was invited to a colleague’s house for dinner. There was a long silence during the meal. I felt uncomfortable. I saw a beautiful table and said, “What a lovely table”. My host laughed and said, “Oh, then please take it”. I said, “Oh, no, I can’t take it”. My host offered it to me three times. It was very embarrasing for us both.



My good friend Peter joined a French company recently. He made a mistake and used first names rather than family names. The staff were not happy about this. It is always best to be formal at first in France, especially when you start a new job. Peter’s last company was an American company. People were more relaxed there, and they always used first names.



I was in Osaka in Japan and we went out for a meal with our Japanese sales staff. There were lots of bottles on the table and, after a while, I poured my own drink. I didn’t wait for somebody to pour my drink, and I forgot to pour drinks for the others. The Japanese staff looked a bit embarrassed and started laughing.


a. What meal was John invited to?

b. What did John look at?

c. What was his mistake?

1. He talked during an important silence;

2. He talked about his host’s table;

3. He didn’t want a gift.

d. What was Peter’s new job?

e. What was his mistake?

· He didn’t use first names;

· He didn’t speak French;

· He didn’t use family names.

6. How did the staff feel when Peter used first names?

7. Where did Susan make her mistake?

8. Who did she go out for a meal with?

9. What was her mistake?

a) Susan poured her own drink;

b) Susan did not laugh;

c) Susan poured too many drinks.

10 What did she forget to do?


What examples of cultural mistakes do you know? Make up a similar story.



Always put the date , time and venue (place). It is also usual to include the initials of the participants.

The first point on the agenda is usually handled by a chairperson. He/ she will explain why anybody is absent, check through the minutes from the last meeting, and allow participants to briefly comment on anything relating to the previous meeting (matters arising).

The points are then worked through. They should be arranged so that they lead logically into each other, if possible.

A.O.B. means any other business. This is for other relevant issues that were not included in the agenda.


Management Committee Meeting


Date:                 7 April

Time:                14:00

Venue:              Building B Room 10-213

Participants:     JS, AH, RG, PK, TB


a. Apologies, minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.

b. Sales projections for next quarter.

c. Recruitment and capital expenditure required for no. 2.

d. Company bonus scheme.

e. A.O.B.

f. Date of next meeting.

Write an agenda for the meeting held to discuss the relocation of the company’s new office.

Unit 10


Starting up

· Are you keen on shopping? What products do you most like to buy?

·Describe some of your favourite products. Why do you like them? What do they say about you? Where do you keep them: do you always carry it with you or is there a special place at home where you keep them?

· What product would you most like to own? Why?

· Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Prove your point of view.

· Using animals to test new products is wrong.

· Companies spend too much on launching and promoting new products.



Describing products

· Give Russian equivalents to the following adjectives.

Attractive                                        Reliable

Economical                                      Comfortable

Expensive                                        Practical

Fashionable                                     Popular


·Describe some of your favourite products using these adjectives.

· Write adjectives with the opposite meanings to those in exercise 1 using the following negative prefixes:

Un-                                        In-                                Im-

· Complete the sentences with the words from below.

well            high       best       long       hard       high

IBM manufactures ...................-tech computer products.

Timberland makes a range of ......................-wearing footwear.

Ferrari produces .......................-quality sports cars.

Coca-Cola and Pepsico both developed .................-selling soft drinks.

Duracell sells ....................... –lasting alkaline batteries.

Levi jeans are a ..................-made clothing product.


· Use the adjectives from exercise 4 to describe other companies and products.

Example: Nestle makes many of the world’s best-selling food products.

· Match the verbs on the left to their meanings. Then put the verbs into a logical order to show the life cycle of a new product.

1 launch                        a) to stop making

2 test                             b) to build or make

3 promote                     c) to introduce to the market

4 manufacture               d) to change in order to improve

5 modify                      e) to try something in order to see how it works

6 discontinue                f) to make a plan or drawing

7 design                        g) to increase sales by advertising, etc.

8 distribute                   h) to supply to shops, companies, customers




Launching a new product.

Match these words from the text to their definitions.

Bald           a symbol on a product to show a company’s ownership

Enhancing  without any hair

Variety       a particular kind in a range of products

To retain             increasing the quality or amount of something

Trademark to keep or continue to have something



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