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Choose the right adjective.

1) We were (horrifying/horrified) to know about the accident. – We were horrified to know about the accident.

2) Why do you look so (boring/bored)?

3) He easily gets (embarrassing/embarrassed).

4) I was (amazing/amazed) to get such present from him.

5) Are you (interesting/interested) in politics?

6) It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) to ask for help.

7) I am (exciting/excited) about moving to a new flat.

8) She is an (interesting/interested) personality.

9) The situation is rather (depressing/depressed).

10) He was (shocking/shocked) to know about it.

11) He is fond of (shocking/shocked) tricks.

12) She looked (worrying/worried).


5.2.Make up sentences with pairs of adjectives ending in - ing and – ed.

    amazing – amazed                               fascinating – fascinated

    amusing – amused                               frightening – frightened

annoying – annoyed                            horrifying – horrified

astonishing – astonished                     satisfying – satisfied

confusing – confused                          shocking – shocked

    depressing – depressed                       worrying – worried

    embarrassing – embarrassed               exciting – excited




1. Some adjectives may be used as nouns and acquire some or all of the characteristics of the noun. In this case they become substantivized. There are wholly and partially substantivized adjectives.


Wholly subtantivized adjectives may have the plural form, the possessive case, and may be used with articles: native (adj) – a native, the native s, a native ’s hut. Some of them may have only the plural form: valuable valuable s, green – green s.

Partially substantivized adjectives denote a whole class and are used like nouns with the definite articles: the blind, the poor.


2. Adjectives denoting nationalities may be wholly or partially substantivized.

Wholly substantivized are the adjectives ending in –an/-ian: a Russian, two Russian s, the Russian s; a German, two German s, the German s.

The adjectives ending in –se and –ss are partially substantivized and the same form is used for singular, plural and to denote the nation on the whole: a Chinese, two Chinese, the Chinese; a Swiss, two Swiss, the Swiss.

The adjectives ending in –sh and –ch are used only to denote the whole nation: the English, the Irish, the Scotch, the French, the Welsh, the Dutch. To denote a person of this nationality or two of them the root -man or -woman is added: an English man – two English men; an English woman – two English women; a Dutch man – two Dutch men .


Note the exceptions:

Adjective a person     two persons       nation

Spanish     a Spaniard     two Spaniards         the Spanish

Polish        a Pole             two Poles                 the Polish/Poles

Danish      a Dane           two Danes               the Danes

Finnish     a Finn            two Finns                the Finns

Swedish     a Swede          two Swedes                       the Swedes

Turkish     a Turk            two Turks                the Turks


E x e r c i s e s


6.1.Use adjectives as nouns.

1) The extremely old people need a great deal of attention. – The extremely old need a great deal of attention.

2) We will nurse your sick people and feed your hungry people.

3) The young in spirit people enjoy life.

4) The rich people will help only the humble poor people.

5) The wise people look to wiser people for advice.

6) The old people who resist change can expect violence.

7) The industrious Dutch people are admired by their neighbours.

8) You British people and you French people ought to be allies.

9) This Irish man retained all sentimental links with Ireland.

10) The rebellious Polish peasants resisted strongly.

11) The British troops have control of the bridge.

12) The blind people need our support.

13) The native people were very friendly.

14) The Russian sportsmen performed well in figure dancing.

15) Are the German people sentimental?

16) Five Chinese people entered the hotel.

17) The Swiss people are fond of mountains.

18) He is an English man.

19) The Turkish people got their independence only at the beginning of the 20th century.

20) The Finnish people live in Finland.

21) A Spanish girl was dancing beautifully.




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