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Translate into English placing the adverbs in their right place.

26) Я обычно кладу в чай сахар.

27) «Где Джим? » «Вероятно, он рано ушел домой»

28) Джейн всегда очень щедра.

29) Мы всегда вынуждены долго ждать автобус.

30) Салли и Чак оба родились в Лидсе.

31) Джефф хороший пианист. Он может также очень хорошо петь.

32) Наш телевизор часто ломается.

33) Я никак не могу понять, почему он не носит очки.

34) Возможно, я уеду завтра утром.

35) Возможно, я не смогу прийти завтра на вечер.

36) Если бы мы не сели в тот же поезд, мы могли бы никогда не встретиться.

37) Я тихонько закрыл двери.

38) Обычно я не работаю по субботам.

39) Джек всегда поет, когда он принимает ванну?

40) День был достаточно теплым.


Unit 3

Complete each sentence by writing the correct form of the adverb in brackets.

41) I like this book (well) than that.

42) She visits them (frequently) than us.

43) Who ran (fast) in the racing?   

44) Which of the books did you enjoy (much)?

45) Which of these two books do you like (much)?

46) Now I can see the mountain (clearly) than before.

47) You should have told me (early).

48) The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected.

49)  She speaks English (well) of all in our group.

50)  He walked (fast) of all.

51) He knows English, German and French, but he speaks English (well).

52) He listened to the teacher (attentively) than you did.

53) He visits us (often) than you do.

54) He speaks (slowly) than I do.

55) I read (much) in summer than any other time.

Translate into English.

56) Маленькая Маша танцевала даже красивее своей сестры.

57) Джон играл хуже всех.

58) Они играли хуже на прошлой неделе.

59) Тебе надо вставать пораньше.

60) Вы могли бы сказать это помедленнее, пожалуйста?

61) Лучше всего он рисует животных.

62) Он рисует животных лучше всех.

63) Она прибежала быстрее всех.

64) Ты можешь плыть дальше, чем Мартин.

65) Дешевле всего ты можешь купить их в магазине

Unit 4

1. Name adverbs that semantically correspond to the following adjectives:

66) happy 67)  daily 68) exact 69) fast 70) early 71) late 72) little 73) hard 74) high 75) near


2. Use good or well.

76) We had a very … time. 77) Jill speaks English very …. 78)  I feel quite.... 79) I am not quite …. 80) She feels … in that suit.

3.Complete the following sentences by using the correct form (adjective or adverb) of the word in brackets:

81) It is not (good) for you to smoke. 82) He spoke (angry). 83) He wrote his dictation (bad). 84) This is not quite (clear). 85) This medicine tastes (bitter). 86) Two sisters were dressed (different). 87) The explanation was quite (simple). 88) She is feeling (bad). 89) The coffee tastes very (nice). 90) Please, shut the door (quiet). 91) Keep (quiet)! 92) His voice was (quiet). 93) She drives (careless). 94) Speak (loud) and (clear). 95) Go (slow).  

Translate into English.

96) Она все еще любит его.

97) Мы сейчас почти у дома.

98) Этим утром нам надо уйти рано.

99) Он дешево купил пальто.

100) Раньше я его никогда не встречал.


100/ ______



UNIT 1  Meaning, classification and creation

1. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb as in She dances beautifully , an adjective (She looked somewhat pale), an adverb (She knew him very wel l) or a noun (He is such a monster! ) .


2. Most adverbs modify a verb and tell us how ( adverbs of manner ), when ( adverbs of time ), where ( adverbs of place ) or how often ( adverbs of frequency ) a certain action takes place: A turtle crawls slowly. We will eat later. Go there. He often visits us.


Adverbs of degree make the meaning of a verb, an adjective, adverb or noun stronger or weaker: I like the book very much ; I completely forgot about it; she is incredibly beautiful; he is smoking very heavily; he is such a bore!


Sentence adverbs refer to the whole phrase to show what the speaker thinks about the whole utterance ( Unfortunately, nobody saw him do it).

3. Many adverbs, especially adverbs of manner, are formed from adjectives by adding ly: theoretical ly, complete ly, nice ly and scarce ly .

Adjectives that end in –ly (cost ly, friend ly, like ly, live ly, love ly, lone ly, sil ly, ug ly ) do not have related adverbial forms and to express manner they use such adjectival word combinations as in a friend ly way, in a live ly manner.


Many adverbs are simple or compound and do not end in – ly: now, very, yet; nowhere, inside, tenfold. Some of them coincide with adjectives in form as fast, often, long, straight, far, near.


Some adverbs have two forms – with and without -ly : late and lately, near and nearly, hard and hardly, high and highly, deep and deeply. But usually they differ in meaning (cf.: He came late ‘поздно’ and I haven’t seen him lately ‘последнее время’; He lives quite near ‘близко’ and It’s nearly почти’ 6 o’clock; He works hard ‘усердно’ and He hardly ‘вряд-ли’ ever works properly; The plane flew very high ‘высоко’ and They have a highly ‘весьма, в высшей степени’ developed industry).


There are also some adverbs that have two forms – one with – ly ending and one without the – ly ending and no difference in meaning. Adjectives that are commonly used in this way include: cheap, quick, slow, kind, real. Usually, however, the longer form with – ly is preferred, especially for writing: Don’t talk so loud/loud ly .(See Unit 4).

E x e r c i s e s

1.1. Say if the words below are adverbs of manner, frequency, time or place. Write each word under a heading to show if the word tells how, how often, when, or where.

How how often when where

Quickly, slowly, today, usually, hopelessly, brightly, there, often, yesterday, happily, later, softly, forward, forever, eastward, always, nowadays, nowhere, twice, abroad, well, below, far, finally.



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