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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Put in the missing prepositions of time where necessary.

1) My brother got married ….. 10  November.

2) She won’t be out very long. She’ll be back ….. ten minutes. She'll be back..... 12 o'clock.

3) How can the cars run ….. time with all these traffic jams..... the mornings?

4) I was up very early, ….. time to see the sun rise.

5) I’ll be moving to a new address..... Sunday morning ….. the end of March. 

6) I waited ages for a taxi. I gave up ….. the end and walked home.

7) I’m going to see some old friends. I haven’t seen them ….. five years..... I left the University.

8)..... winter..... New Year's Eve people wish each other " Happy New Year! "

9) Nice Gothic cathedrals were built..... the Middle Ages.

10) The students didn't speak..... the meeting, but after it was over they started speaking..... the same time interrupting each other.

11) We won't be in town..... the weekend. We are going to the countryside..... next Saturday.

12) He usually pays me..... Friday but..... last week he didn't pay me..... the following Monday.


Unit 3

Complete the sentences using the prepositions of place.

13) There was a list of names..... the notice-board. Our names were ….. the top of the list.

14) Is Alex ….. this photograph? I can’t find him.

15) It’s a very small village ….. the south of England. You probably won’t find it ….. your map.

16) I prefer to sit ….. the front of the car.

17) I love to look up at the stars ….. the sky at night.

18) You’ll find the weather forecast ….. the back page of the newspaper.

19) Sign your name ….. the bottom of the page, but write your address..... the left-hand corner.

20) My sister was seriously ill and she had to stay..... bed for two weeks.

21) I'm hungry. What's..... the menu?

22) There is a nice portrait of my aunt..... the wall..... the living room.

23) Why didn’t the bus-driver stop ….. the bus-stop..... the end of the High Street?

24)  The office was..... the tenth floor..... the right, but the lift didn't work.


Unit 4

Put in the missing prepositions of movement where necessary.

25) They walked..... the museum and saw a lot of interesting things.

26) He had lost his key but he managed to climb..... the house..... a window.

27) Welcome..... the USA! Have you ever been..... Chicago?

28) We are tired. As soon as we get..... home, we are going..... bed.

29) Shall we take a taxi..... the restaurant or shall we walk?

30) When does your boss usually arrive..... the office?

31) The boys jumped..... the river and swam..... the other side.

32) The stranger went..... the shadowy alley..... a small cottage.

33) The terrorists let the passengers get..... the plane.

34) She got..... the train and I never saw her again.


Unit 5

Complete the sentences using the prepositions in the box.

at, in, on, by, for, with

35) You mustn’t eat too much. You are ….. a diet.

36) ….. my opinion, violent films should not be shown ….. TV.

37) We are going to India ….. a short holiday next month. – Will you go there..... air?

38) My grandmother died recently ….. the age of 85.

39) The house was..... fire. It had been badly damaged..... lightning.

40) It takes about an hour to get home..... my bike and about half an hour..... my car.

41) A fat man..... fair hair..... a dark blue suit came out of the bank..... a black briefcase.

42) Will you pay..... cash or..... credit card?

43) Fill in the form..... block letters and hand it to the receptionist. – Is it OK if I write ….. pencil?

44) I liked sitting..... the shadow of a huge tree..... good weather. ….. general I enjoyed my holiday last month..

45) I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't say that..... purpose.

46) When I was..... holiday I spoke to my mother..... the phone every week.

47) The books..... Agatha Christie were read..... millions of people. ….. the whole most people find them rather interesting.

48) Did you read about an accident..... the newspaper?

Unit 6

Put in the correct preposition after the noun.

49) The cause..... the fire at the hotel last night is still unknown.

50) There has been an increase ….. the amount of cars.

51) Money isn’t the solution ….. every problem.

52) Can you take a photograph ….. me?

53) When she left home, her attitude ….. her parents seemed to change.

54) The advantage.... having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.

55) What was the answer ….. that question?

56) I’m sorry I haven’t met you at the airport. The reason ….. this is that I’ve been ill.

57) The damage..... the car was serious.

58) We got an invitation..... the wedding yesterday.


Unit 7

Complete the sentences. Use adjective + preposition combinations.

59) I felt sorry ….. my friends when they went for a journey to Scotland. It rained every day and they had to stay indoors. They were very disappointed ….. their holiday.

60) Are you upset ….. what I said to you yesterday? Sometimes I feel a bit jealous ….. my successful friend

61) I’m bored ….. my present job. I start my new job next week. I am quite excited ….. it.

62) The neighbours next door are furious ….. us ….. making so much noise last night.

63) I am fed up ….. the same food every day. – The fridge is full ….. different food.

64) Why are you always so rude ….. your friends? Can’t you be nice ….. them?

65) These days everybody is aware ….. the danger of explosion. We are sorry ….. the situation but there is nothing we can do.

66) I suggested going out for a drink but nobody else was keen ….. the idea. Nobody seemed interested ….. what I said.

67) It was very nice ….. you to do the shopping for me.

68) Why don’t you like him? – Because I’m dependent ….. him.

69) Who was responsible ….. all that noise last night? I got angry..... all that row.

70) Are you annoyed ….. me ….. being late?

71) My brother has just got engaged ….. his girlfriend. I am not aware..... that.

72) You are very good...... explaining things.

73) Three pupils were suspected ….. cheating in the examination.


Unit 8


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