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At: 1) for the time of day: at 5 o’clock, at midnight, at lunchtime, etc.;

 2) in these expressions: at night, at the weekend/ at weekends, at Christ-mas/ at Easter (but on Christmas Day), at the moment/ at present, at the same time

On: for days and dates: on Friday, on 12 March 1991, on my birthday;

In: 1) for longer periods (months, years, seasons ): in October, in winter, in 1980, in the past, etc.

Compare: in the morning(s), in the afternoon(s), in the evening(s) but on Friday morning(s), on Sunday afternoon(s).

2) to say how long it takes to do smth: I learnt to drive in four weeks (it took me four weeks to learn.)

also in a few minutes / in six months, etc. ( in six months’ time, in a week’s time, etc.)= a time in the future

Do not use at/ on/ in before last/ next/ this/ every.



E x e r c i s e s


2.1. Write at/on/in.

1) on Wednesday

9) ….. spring

16) ….. the morning
2) ….. October

10) ….. Christmas Day

17) ….. the end of my holiday
3) ….. 1999

11) ….. half past two

18) ….. Tuesday afternoon
4) ….. 10 o’clock

12) ….. next Monday

19) ….. the weekend
5) ….. the 1980s

13) ….. 8 July

20) ….. two weeks
6) ….. Christmas

14) ….. my birthday

21) ….. the past
7) ….. night

15) ….. the moment

22)..... Sunday night

8) ….. the same time


2.2.Write at/on/in.

1) I like looking at the stars in the sky at night.

2) I often go away ….. the weekend.

3) The company started ….. 2000.

4) ….. autumn the leaves fall from the trees.

5) I will send you the parcel ….. the end of this month.

6) Jane’s birthday is ….. May.

7) Tom isn’t here ….. the moment.

8) I’m starting my new job ….. 1 September.

9) Let’s meet ….. 5.30 tomorrow evening.

10) Do they often go out ….. the evenings?

11) Did she go out ….. Saturday evenings?

12) Did you go out ….. Sunday?

13) We got up ….. 7 o’clock this morning.

14) Goodbye! See you ….. lunch-time.


2.3.Write at/on/in if necessary.

1) What does he usually do at the weekend?

2) They went to England ….. last summer.

3) Will you be at work ….. this morning.

4) I always feel tired ….. the evening.

5) I’m leaving ….. 2 days..... Monday.

6) I don’t like going out alone ….. night.

7) I go to bed late ….. every night.

8) Can you play golf ….. next Sunday?


2.4. Compete the sentences. Each time use at, on or in + one of the following.

Sundays, the Middle Ages, 10 seconds, night, the same time, the 1920s,

12 April 1961, the moment, Christmas, 1989, about 15 minutes, the evening

1) John is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres in 10 seconds.

2) Many of Europe’s great cathedrals were built …...

3) In Europe people send each other cards …...

4) “Can I speak to Ann? ” “I’m afraid she’s not here …...”

5) We are just going out to the shop. We’ll be back …...

6) Jazz became popular in the United States …...

7) It’s difficult to listen if everyone is speaking …...

8) The first man flew into outer space …...

9) After a long working day I like to relax …...

10)  If the sky is clear, you can see the stars …...

11)  In Belarus most people do not work …...

12) The Berlin Wall came down......


2.5. Two business people are arranging a meeting. Use at, on or in . Write your own dialogue. Act it out.

A: I’m free (1)..... the 20th March. Can we meet then?
B: That’s Sunday, isn’t it? No, I’m afraid I can’t see you (2)..... Sunday. I’ll be in London.
A: I’d like to have a meeting this month. I shall be very busy (3)..... April.
B: I’m having an extra couple of day’s holiday (4)..... Easter, so perhaps the week after. Shall we meet (5)..... the 28th? That’s Monday.
A: Well, I’ve got an appointment (6)..... the morning but nothing (7)..... the afternoon. How about (8)..... Monday afternoon (9)..... about half past four?
B: Yes, that’ll be fine.


2.6. Translate into English. Use the prepositions at, on, in.

1) Я не видел Кэт несколько дней. В последний раз я видел ее во вторник.

2) Цена на электричество возрастет в следующем году.

3) Я был приглашен на свадьбу 14 февраля.

4) Поторопись. Мы должны выйти через 5 минут.

5) Брат Джемми – инженер, но он сейчас (в данный момент) не работает

6) Надеюсь, что погода будет хорошая на выходные.

7) Я не люблю путешествовать зимой.

8) Это была тонкая книга, и я прочитал ее за день.

9) Моя машина ремонтируется в гараже. Она будет готова через 2 часа.

10) Телефон и дверной звонок зазвонили одновременно (в одно и то же время).


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