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R.A. Yusupova, L.F. Kharisova


For Agronomists






R.A. Yusupova, L.F. Kharisova

English for agronomists

Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»



Издательство Баш ГАУ



УДК 811

ББК 81.2.Англ

А 64


Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом Башкирского ГАУ


Авторы: Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф. Харисова


Рецензенты: д.б.н., проф. кафедры агрохимии и экологии Башкирского ГАУ Ф.Я. Багаутдинов; ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков Башкирского ГАУ Р.А. Исмагзамова.


А 64 English for agronomists. Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» / Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф. Харисова. – Уфа: Издательство Башкирского ГАУ, 2010. – 200 с.



Учебное пособие предназначено для выработки навыка чтения англоязычной специализированной литературы у студентов, изучающих агрономию. Упражнения направлены на выработку лексических и грамматических навыков чтения литературы на английском языке, связанной со специальностями «Агрономия», «Агрохимия и агропочвоведение», «Плодоовощеводство и виноградарство», «Агроэкология». Пособие может быть использовано в аудиторной и внеаудиторной работе студентов для развития коммуникативной компетенции – умения получать, перерабатывать и передавать информацию. 



УДК 811

ББК 81.2.Англ 

© Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф.Харисова, 2010

© Башкирский государственный

аграрный университет

Unit 1


Active vocabulary

soil почва
particle частица
mineral matter минеральное вещество
organic matter органическое вещество
parent material материнская порода
weathering атмосферное влияние
fertility плодородие
subsoil подпочва
surface поверхность почвы
composition состав
compounds соединения
erosion эрозия
glaciation оледенение
gravel гравий
stone камень
sand песок
clay глина
density плотность
porosity пористость
salinity соленость
fine-textured soils мелкозернистая почва
coarse-textured soils крупнозернистая почва
irrigation орошение
acidic кислый
alkaline щелочной
neutral нейтральный
decomposition разложение
residue остатки
nutrition питание
deficiency недостаток
texture строение
structure структура

Text 1

What is soil?

Gently rolling field of a recently harvested crop

1.1 Read the following international words and translate them: organisms, tropical, region, base, traditional, physics, chemistry, biology, system, barrier, structure, typical, reaction, energy, atoms, ions, electrons, positively, negatively, erosion, phase, technique, bacteria.

1.2 Say it in Russian: mineral matter, organic matter, living organisms, dry desert areas, wet tropical regions, man’s activities, weathering, a soil organism, a particle of soil, a complex three phase system, to improve soil’s fertility, to maintain soil’s fertility, subsoil, roots, the chemical characteristics, mineral composition, new compounds, size of minerals, solubility, resistance, various organisms.

Text 2

Soil formation

2.1 Read the following international words and translate them: classify, process, physical, chemical, biological, factor, result, catastrophic, type, central, organisms, category, form, reaction, microfauna, microflora, humus, ecosystem, erosion, dynamic equilibrium, profile.

2.2 Say it in Russian: parent material, particles, surface, to move rocks, river valleys, central basin area, Rocky mountains, Baring sea, Asia, physical weathering, glacial erosion, major physical forces, major chemical actions, rock cracks, to dissolve nutrients, the soil ecosystem, a scoop of soil, mixing of soil compounds, prairies, glaciation.

2.3 Read the following geographical names: The Glaciers, Western Canada, the Rocky Mountains, Asia, the Baring Sea.


Text 3

Soil Classification

3.1 Read the following international words and translate them: classification, production, taxonomy, facts, systems, scheme, reason, characteristics, groups, erosion, profile, horizon, chemical, basis, deficiency.

3.2 Say it in Russian: Russian scientist, soil’s morphology, Canadian system, soil profile characteristics, other similar areas, flooding, wind erosion, soil horizons, texture and structure.

Text 4

Soil fertility

4.1 Read the following international words and translate them: elements, reproduce, macronutrients, micronutrients, cycle, physical, chemical, characteristics, analysis, function, concentration, bacteria, factor, photosynthesis, atmosphere, mechanisms, individual, diffusion, parameters, intensive, industry, problem. 

4.2 Say it in Russian: specific functions, plant nutrition, plant metabolism, nutrient cycle, nutrient deficiency, soil testing, symbiotic association, organic matter, animal waste, the residues, the complex organic molecules, root interception, diffusion, the addition of fertilizers, maintain high yields, natural fertilizers, the underground aquifers.

Unit 2


Active vocabulary

careful осторожный, тщательный
to supply                          обеспечивать, снабжать 
deep глубокий
to apply                                 применять, вносить
trunk ствол
to thin                                     прореживать
inch дюйм
control бороться
to remove удалять, избавляться
mature зрелый, созревать   
yield  производительность, урожай
benefit польза, выгода
dwarf  карликовый
space пространство, расстояние

Text 1

Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: ensure, equip, membranes, disease, external, premature, digestion, efficiently, cardiovascular, damage, genes, fibre, stomach, neutralize.

Text 2


2.1 Read the following international words and translate them: plan, selecting, spray, refrigerator, container, original, central, season, natural, practice, chemical, control.

2.2 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: enhance, sufficient, dwarf, expose, unwrap, sawdust, susceptible, crowd, settle, figures, circular, persistent.

2.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: apple cultivar, apple trees, air temperature, home refrigerator, tree roots, spring planting, bloom season.

2.4 State the part of speech of the words and translate them into Russian: greatly, appearance, pollination, generally, to receive, moist, to incorporate, vegetative, establishment, heavy, close, essential.

Apple cultivars

There are more than 7, 500 known cultivars of apples. Different cultivars are available for temperate and subtropical climates. Most of these cultivars are bred for eating fresh, though some are cultivated specifically for cooking or producing cider. Cider apples are typically too tart and astringent to eat fresh, but they give the beverage a rich flavour that dessert apples cannot. Commercially popular apple cultivars are soft but crisp. Other desired qualities in modern commercial apple breeding are a colourful skin, ease of shipping, lengthy storage ability, high yields, disease resistance. Modern apples are generally sweeter than older cultivars, as popular tastes in apples have varied over time. Old cultivars are often oddly shaped and have a variety of textures and colours. Some find them to have a better flavour than modern cultivators, but may have other problems which make them commercially unviable, such as low yield, liability to disease, or poor tolerance for storage or transport. A few old cultivars are still produced on a large scale, but many have been kept alive by home gardeners and farmers that sell directly to local markets. Many unusual and locally important cultivars with their own unique taste and appearance exist; apple conservation campaigns have sprung up around the world to preserve such local cultivars from extinction.   

Text 3


3.1 Read the following international words and translate them: standard, urban, direction, basis, minimal, bacterial, potential, symptoms, action, perforate, plastic, accelerate, neutral, container.

3.2   Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: patience, bushel, advantage, anchor, primary, suffice, favorable, major, waxy, yank, allow, exchange, observant, resistance.

3.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: pear varieties, pest control, garden soil, fruit trees, blight symptoms, skin color, humidity level, room temperature, insect pollination.

Text 4


4.1 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: environment, century, sour, injure, orchard, excessive, herbicides, deciduous, drought, occasionally, deficiency, almond, multiple, average.

4.2 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: stone fruit, cherry species, cherry trees, bush-like appearance, sugar content, winter temperatures, flower buds, bloom time, spring frost, soil types, soil fertility, fertilizer and lime applications, soil moisture, poor water-holding capacity, potassium deficiency, leaf analysis, weed-free zone, tree care.

Text 5


5.1 Read the following international words and translate them: organic materials, centre, cotton, protection, number, examine, spray, tolerant, fruits.

 5.2 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: fertile, medium, to satisfy, to settle, previously, bone meal, to apply, however, variety, to encourage, caterpillar, foliage.

5.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: gooseberry bushes, soil conditions, planting time, garden centres, partial shade conditions, colored cotton thread, bird protection.

An ideal fruit for the small garden - gooseberry bushes are easy to grow, produce a large amount of fruit for their size and will tolerate partial shade conditions. They are self-fertile, so one bush can be grown on its own. Gooseberry bushes are also well able to withstand harsher conditions than many other fruits. This makes them a good choice for cooler areas.

Selecting a site Gooseberry bushes are very tolerant of different conditions, although in an ideal setting they prefer full sun in cooler areas.

Unfortunately, gooseberries are not so tolerant of bad soil conditions - they need a medium weight soil which is well-drained but not dry. They need moisture in the soil if the fruits are to develop fully. They do not require a very fertile soil, too fertile and the plant produces too much weak green growth at the expense of good fruit. The best time to plant is October; the soil is still warm, and this allows the roots to establish themselves quickly before the rest of the plant begins to put on new spring growth. Prepare the soil in advance of planting, gooseberry bushes will be productive for up to 20 years, so a little effort at this stage will satisfy their needs for well-drained, medium type soil. Dig a hole of about 1m (3 ft) round, incorporate as much organic material as possible. Do the digging in August to give the soil time to settle by October. Where more than one bush is being planted, allow 1.6m (5ft) between bushes.

At planting time in October, dig out a 60cm (2ft) hole in the centre of the previously dug area to a depth so that the soil mark on the bush will come to the existing soil level. Place the bush in the hole, spread out the roots evenly and replace the soil, firming it down with your foot.

Watering and Feeding Gooseberry bushes need the soil to be kept moist, especially when the fruit is being formed. In dry periods during June to August, water them to keep the soil moist.

Put a layer of organic material to act as a mulch around (but not touching) the main stem each spring. Where no organic material is available, incorporate a couple of handfuls into the top soil around the bush and cover the soil with bark chipping or similar to prevent the growth of weeds. A couple of handfuls of bone meal applied again September should be all that is needed.

  Some birds are notorious for pecking out the young fruits in mid-May time, and then coming back for more in July to eat the almost ripened fruits. One solution is to wind colored cotton thread round the branches which will deter the birds to some degree. The best protection however undoubtedly comes from a fruit cage. Not only will it protect your gooseberries but the larger ones will protect most of your fruit plants from bird, squirrel, rabbit and most other large pests.

Pruning Prune the bushes in February each year. Keep the centre of the bush clear of most growth by cutting out any weak or dead branches. On the outside of the bush, young growth should be left untouched, older and longer side shoots should be cut back to within 2cm (1 inch) of their base. The aim is to achieve a wine glass shape with the centre of the bush reasonably clear of growth.

Harvesting Most varieties of Gooseberry bush produce both cooking and eating gooseberries - those for cooking being harvested earlier than those for eating. In order to encourage the best berries, pick about 10% of the fruit in mid-May time when they are pea-sized, these can be used for cooking. This will encourage the remaining fruits to become larger. When the gooseberries look ready for harvest in July time, first pick those fruits which are shaded at the bottom and in the middle of the bush - these will be the first to stop improving. Leave the fruits on the outer edges of the bush to be picked a week or so later.

Pests and Diseases Gooseberry bushes are attacked by Gooseberry Sawfly caterpillars which are capable of stripping the plant of all foliage. As soon as foliage damage is noticed, examine the plant for caterpillars and pick them off by hand. If the numbers of caterpillars are large, spray with derris.

Unit 3


Active vocabulary

to apply применять, вносить
berry ягода
branch ветвь, ветка
bush куст, кустарник
bloom цветение, цветок, цвести
content содержание
cultivar сорт
deficiency недостаток, нехватка
to dig копать, рыть
flavor вкус, аромат
insect насекомое
leaf (leaves) лист (листья)
loam soil суглинистая почва
manure навоз
to pick собирать
to prune обрезать, подстригать
ripe спелый, зрелый
shoot побег, росток
to support поддерживать
wet влажный

Text 1


1.1 Read the following international words and translate them: genus, aeration, produce, stimulate, neutral, equivalent, control, uniform, circulation, tolerant, pub, ingredient.

Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: organic matter content; water-holding capacity; soil structure; bare-root plants; air pockets; better air circulation; root growth; a light crop; soil test.

Text 2


2.1 Read the following international words and translate them: hybrids, ideal, regions, factor, type, characteristics, productive, certified, energy, press, structure, equivalent.

Unit 4


Active vocabulary

condition условие, состояние
cluster кисть, гроздь
grape                                     виноград
hill                                         холм, возвышенность                          
to increase                             увеличивать(ся), повышать(ся)
to decrease                             уменьшать(ся), убывать
juice                                       сок
to improve                             улучшать
layer                                       слой
maturity                             зрелость, спелость      
pollination                              опыление
species                                    вид, разновидность
viticulture                               виноградарство
vine                                     лоза
vineyard                                                                           виноградник

Text 1


Part 1

1.1 Read the following international words and translate them: associate, microclimate, practice, characterize, geographical, geological, composition, structure, ideal, component, metabolism, tolerant.

1.2 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: h umidity, consideration, influence, circumstance, sufficiently, saturate, essential, stereotypical, exposure, foliage, vigorous, primarily, climb, orbicular, require, accomplish, oblong, glaucous.

1.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: grape juice, soil composition, root structure, root development, vineyard site, water uptake, world grape production, grape vines, temperature variations.

1.4 Translate the following words having the same stem. Check your translation with the help of a dictionary:

a) plant, to plant, plantation, planter, plantain.

b) variety, various, variant, to vary, variation.  

Part 2

1.1 Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: favorable, equipment, vigor, beneficial, insure, emphasis, particular, mechanical, judge, occupy, determine, saline, frequently, uniformly.

1.2 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: Grape varieties, wine production, root system, grape quality, grape roots, soil management, cover crop, soil texture, high organic matter content, processed grapes, hand-picked berries, plant growth.


For Agronomists






R.A. Yusupova, L.F. Kharisova

English for agronomists

Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»



Издательство Баш ГАУ



УДК 811

ББК 81.2.Англ

А 64


Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом Башкирского ГАУ


Авторы: Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф. Харисова


Рецензенты: д.б.н., проф. кафедры агрохимии и экологии Башкирского ГАУ Ф.Я. Багаутдинов; ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков Башкирского ГАУ Р.А. Исмагзамова.


А 64 English for agronomists. Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» / Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф. Харисова. – Уфа: Издательство Башкирского ГАУ, 2010. – 200 с.



Учебное пособие предназначено для выработки навыка чтения англоязычной специализированной литературы у студентов, изучающих агрономию. Упражнения направлены на выработку лексических и грамматических навыков чтения литературы на английском языке, связанной со специальностями «Агрономия», «Агрохимия и агропочвоведение», «Плодоовощеводство и виноградарство», «Агроэкология». Пособие может быть использовано в аудиторной и внеаудиторной работе студентов для развития коммуникативной компетенции – умения получать, перерабатывать и передавать информацию. 



УДК 811

ББК 81.2.Англ 

© Р.А. Юсупова, Л.Ф.Харисова, 2010

© Башкирский государственный

аграрный университет

Unit 1


Active vocabulary

soil почва
particle частица
mineral matter минеральное вещество
organic matter органическое вещество
parent material материнская порода
weathering атмосферное влияние
fertility плодородие
subsoil подпочва
surface поверхность почвы
composition состав
compounds соединения
erosion эрозия
glaciation оледенение
gravel гравий
stone камень
sand песок
clay глина
density плотность
porosity пористость
salinity соленость
fine-textured soils мелкозернистая почва
coarse-textured soils крупнозернистая почва
irrigation орошение
acidic кислый
alkaline щелочной
neutral нейтральный
decomposition разложение
residue остатки
nutrition питание
deficiency недостаток
texture строение
structure структура

Text 1

What is soil?

Gently rolling field of a recently harvested crop

1.1 Read the following international words and translate them: organisms, tropical, region, base, traditional, physics, chemistry, biology, system, barrier, structure, typical, reaction, energy, atoms, ions, electrons, positively, negatively, erosion, phase, technique, bacteria.

1.2 Say it in Russian: mineral matter, organic matter, living organisms, dry desert areas, wet tropical regions, man’s activities, weathering, a soil organism, a particle of soil, a complex three phase system, to improve soil’s fertility, to maintain soil’s fertility, subsoil, roots, the chemical characteristics, mineral composition, new compounds, size of minerals, solubility, resistance, various organisms.


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