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The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

V+ ed, V2 ? Did + V (Didn’t + V)

Yesterday, last year, last week, last Sunday, a year ago,

the other day, in 1996

Примеры :

They collected a lot of stamps last year.

I didn’t watch TV the day before yesterday.

Did she understand the play? – No, she didn’t.

Exercise 66.

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в форме Past Indefinite :

1. We _______________ (to work) in our garden all day yesterday.

2. I _______________ (to listen) to the radio until twelve o’clock last night.

3. He always _______________ (to want) to learn English.

4. Ann and I _______________ (to talk) over the telephone yesterday.

5. They _______________ (to live) in France for many years.

6. The meeting _______________ (to last) about two hours.

7. They (to get off) the train at a small station near a wood.

Exercise 67.

Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме, и образуйте общий, Who и Why – вопрос к каждому предложению:

1. They stayed in Moscow all summer.




2. She planned her work well.




3. The crowd waited a long time to see the famous actor.




4. He worked in that Institute for many years.





Exercise 68.

Используйте глагол в скобках в Past Simple :

    Yesterday Peter _______________ (have) breakfast at 8 o’clock in the morning. After breakfast he _______________ (walk) to school. In the morning he _______________ (have) there classes: French, gymnastics and history.

    At lunch time, Peter _______________ (talk) to some of his friends, and in the afternoon he _______________ (attend) the geometry and art classes. Then he _______________ (walk) home, _______________ (cleaned) his room, and _______________ (listen) some music before dinner.

    After dinner he _______________ (watch) TV for about two hours. Then he _______________ (study) for a little while and at about ten thirty, he _______________ (undress) and _______________ (go) to bed. It _______________ (be) a busy day.

The Past Progressive Tense

was/were + V + ing


At … o’clock yesterday, when mother came home, from 7 yesterday, the whole morning

Примеры :

We were playing chess the whole evening.

What were you doing yesterday at 9 o’clock?


Exercise 69.

Употребите was или were в данных предложениях:

1. The Titanic __________ going very fast.

2. We __________ sleeping in our room.

3. Another ship __________ passing a party.

4. We __________ not having a party.

5. They __________ not firing the rockets in fun.

6. The captain __________ sleeping in his cabin.

7. What __________ you doing at the moment?

8. My mother __________ wearing a nightgown and my father pajamas.

9. __________ the people crying? – No, they __________ laughing and joking.

10. What kind of music __________ the band playing?



Exercise 70.

Употребите глаголы , данные в скобках в Past Simple или в Past Progressive:

1. _______________ she (go) home when you _______________ (meet) her yesterday?

2. We _______________ (have dinner) when he _______________ (arrive).

3. When _______________ (see) him last?

4. What _______________ you (do) yesterday at 8 o’clock?

5. He _______________ (work) for this company for two years.

6. She _______________ (eat) a lot of meat when she was younger.

7. I _______________ (sleep) when you _______________ (phone).

8. How fast _______________ you (drive) when the accident _______________ (happen)?

Exercise 71.

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или в Past Progressive:

1. When I _____ __________ (to come) home, my little sister _______________ (to sleep).

2. When Nick _______________ (to come) home, his brother _______________ (to play) with his toys.

3. When mother _______________ (to come) home, I _______________ (to do) my homework.

4. When father _______________ (to come) home, Pete _______________ (to sleep).

5. When mother _______________ (to come) home, the children _______________ (to play) on the carpet.

6. 6. When I _______________ (to get) up, my mother and father _______________ (to drink) tea.

7. 7. When I _______________ (to come) to my friend’s place, he _______________ (to watch) TV.

8. When I _______________ (to see) my friends, they _______________ (to play) football.

9. When I _______________ (to open) the door, the cat _______________ (to sit) on the table.

10. When Kate _______________ (to open) the door, the children _______________ (to dance) round the fir tree.

11. When Tom _______________ (to cross) the street, he _______________ (to fall).



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