Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Angina?

Pain and discomfort are the main symptoms of angina. These symptoms

  • Are often described as pressure, squeezing, burning, or tightness in the chest
  • Usually start in the chest behind the breastbone
  • May also occur in the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, throat, or back
  • May feel like indigestion

Some people say that angina discomfort is hard to describe or that they can't tell exactly where the pain is coming from. Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, light-headedness, or weakness may also occur. Symptoms vary based on the type of angina.

Key points:

  • Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when your heart muscle does not get enough blood. Angina may feel like pressure or a squeezing pain in your chest. The pain may also occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back.
  • Most people with angina have coronary artery disease, with narrowed arteries due to atherosclerosis. When arteries are narrowed, blood flow to the heart is reduced.
  • The most common types of angina are stable angina and unstable angina. A less common type of angina is called variant angina.
  • Stable angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart is working harder than usual. Pain from stable angina goes away when you rest or take your angina medicine. Angina medicine, such as nitroglycerin, helps widen and relax the arteries so that more blood can flow to the heart.
  • Unstable angina is a very dangerous condition that requires emergency treatment. Unstable angina is a sign that a heart attack could occur soon. Unstable angina can occur without physical exertion. It is not relieved by rest or medicine.
  • Variant angina is caused by a spasm in a coronary artery. The spasm causes the walls of the artery to tighten. This narrowing of the artery slows or stops blood flow to the heart.
  • The immediate cause of angina pectoris is believed to be myocardial ischemia. A coronary artery which has been narrowed by an atherosclerotic plaque may allow enough blood to pass through it to satisfy the demands of the myocardium during rest and during mild activity. If cardiac work should increase beyond a certain threshold level, however, a disproportion between available blood on the one hand and the work of the heart on the other is created and myocardial ischemia is the result. Angina pectoris is the subjective manifestation of this myocardial ischemia, and it will last until cardiac demands again fall to the level which can be satisfied by the coronary blood flow available. In addition to physical effort, the work of the heart can be increased by eating a meal, by emotional disturbances, and by peripheral vasospasm such as that which occurs on exposure to a cold atmosphere. Hence after a meal, during an emotional upset or in cold weather, angina pectoris occurs with less physical effort than would otherwise be the case. Obesity also adds to the work of the heart because of the greater demand for blood to nourish the extra fat, and of the greater amount of effort necessary to carry this extra weight.
  • Doctors diagnose angina based on your health history, your family’s health history, a physical exam, and the results of various tests.
  • Angina is usually treated with medicines such as nitrates (nitroglycerin). People with angina may need to take other medicines to lower their blood pressure or cholesterol. They also may take medicine to prevent blood clots.
  • To prevent and treat angina, it is important to make changes to improve your health. Get regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, don't smoke, and eat a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. A cardiac rehab program can be helpful for many people with angina.
  • When medicines and lifestyle changes do not control angina, special procedures may be needed. Angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery are two common procedures used to treat angina.


Тема № 6

Название темы:  «The Respiratory system».

2. Формы работы: подготовка к практическим занятиям, подготовка материалов по НИРС.

3. Перечень вопросов для самоподготовки по теме практического занятия.

Знать лексический минимум по теме, основную медицинскую терминологию на иностранном языке; грамматический материал - страдательный залог; уметь использовать знания лексико-грамматического материала устной и письменной речи, владеть иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для возможности коммуникации и получения информации из зарубежных источников.



1. Отработка лексико-грамматического материала. Подбор английских эквивалентов к латинским словам trachea, larynx, cilium e.t.c., подбор синонимов и антонимов к словам. (№1 - 2 стр. 74, №16-18 стр. 78)


2. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “The Respiratory System”


3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the term “respiration” mean?

2. Describe the process of external respiration.

3. How many per sent oxygen does inhaled air contain?

4. Do muscular efforts increase the number of respiration?

5. Why is respiration so important?

6. How many per sent oxygen does exhaled air contain?

7. What is the diaphragm?

8. Name some other structures connected with the respiratory system.


4. Письменный перевод текста (5, 6 абзац).


5. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “The Disorders of the Respiratory System”


6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is bronchopneumonia?

2. What is pneumonia caused by?

3. What are particular signs of the respiratory diseases?

4. What does the physical examination reveal?

5. What treatment is helpful in controlling pneumonia?


7. Повторение грамматического материала - понятие страдательного залога, образование времен страдательного залога. Действительные и страдательные обороты. Употребление страдательных оборотов.


В английском языке глаголы могут иметь два залога: действительный залог ( the Active Voice ) и страдательный залог ( the Passive Voice ). Глагол в действительном залоге обозначает действие, которое производится подлежащим:

I examined the patient.                        Я осмотрел больного.

Глагол в страдательном залоге обозначает действие, которое производится над подлежащим:

I was examined.                          Я был осмотрен/Меня осмотрели.

В английском языке глаголы делятся на объектные и необъектные. Необъектные глаголы выражают действия, которые не могут быть направлены на какой-то объект. Эти глаголы не имеют при себе дополнения и не могут употребляться в страдательном залоге.

Примером необъектных глаголов являются следующие глаголы: to go — идти, to live — жить, to come — приходить, to work — работать.

Объектные глаголы выражают действия, которые могут быть направлены на какой-нибудь объект. Они могут иметь при себе прямое, косвенное и предложное дополнение.

Примером объектных глаголов являются следующие глаголы:

to examine осматривать                               Я осматривал (кого? что?)


to give давать                                                Он дает (кого? что?) урок.

to see  видеть                                                 Мы видели (кого? что?) вас.

В страдательном залоге могут употребляться только объектные глаголы.

Времена страдательного залога группы Simple образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Present , Past или Future Simple и причастия II смыслового глагола.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, причем в Future Simple на 1-ое место ставится вспомогательный глагол shall или will .

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not , которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола, при этом в Future Simple  эта частица ставится после 1-го вспомогательного глагола shall или will .

Подлежащее в предложении, содержащем глагол в Passive Voice , является объектом действия, действующее же лицо в таком предложении выражается дополнением с предлогом by :

The operation was performed             Операция была выполнена

by professor N.                    профессором Н.


4. Самоконтроль по тестовым заданиям данной темы.

1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенному слову:

1. All the tests will be taken tomorrow.

2. The patient’s lungs are auscultated carefully every day.

3. The patient will be given some heart drug as he complains of pain in the chest.

4. The stethoscope is kept in special cabinets.

5. Two or three lungs operations are performed in our clinic every day. 6. He will be admitted to the hospital in two days.


2. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. These instruments …….. now.

a) are used b) have been used c) are involved d) is involved

2. The tooth ………. under local anaesthesia and you will feel no pain at all.

a) is extract b) are extracted c) is extracted d) has extracted

3. When will the operation …..?

a) is performed b) are performed c) was performed d) be performed

4. The drug ……. when the patient wakes up.

a) to inject b) will be injected c) will inject d) injects

5. These patients ……. from our hospital.

a) will discharged b) have been discharged c) is discharged d) discharges

6. On admission to the hospital patients by the doctor on duty.     

a) to examine b) be examined c) is examined d) are examined

7. He ………. a new more effective drug.

a) was prescribed b) have prescribed c) been prescribed d) will prescribes

8. The lecture ……….by Professor Smirnov on Monday.

a) will be delivered b) be delivered c) is delivered d) were delivered

9) The concept of respiration ……… directly upon the work of Lavoisier.

a) were based b) are basing c) was based d) have based

10) By the discovery of the tubercle bacillus Robert Koch …….. already much ……… .

a) had been spoken b) was spoken c) is spoken d) will be spoken


3. Choose the correct word:

1. The coughing begins, and there may be (отхаркивание).

 A. attention                               C. breathing

 B. prostration                           D. expectoration

2. (Воспаление) of the lung, with or without infection is also called pneumonitis.

A. complications                        C. inflammation

B. cause                                      D. infection

3. The organisms that (вызывают) most pneumonias are already present in the

A. form                                      C. lead

B. do                                          D. cause

4. There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including (инфекцию).

A. condition                               C. hypersensitivity

B cause                                      D. infection

5. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic

A. qualified                                C. starting

B. dental                                     D. emergency

6. The patient has (двустороннюю) pneumonia.

A. chronic                                  C. lobular

B. clear                                       D. bilateral

7. The (причина) of the disease is unknown.

A. condition                               C. signs

B. cause                                      D. attack

8. A variety of (осложнений) may occur with lobar pneumonia.

A. inflammation                         C. cases

B. complications                        D. rates

9. The lungs are main organs of (дыхательной системы).

A. respiratory surface                C. respiratory rate

B. respiration                             D. respiratory system

10. Patients often (жалуются) pain in the throat.

A. suffer from                            C. try to

B. complain of                         D. breathe out
11. This medicine (облегчает) an asthma attack.

A. causes                                   C. takes

B. is given                                  D. relieves

12. Sometimes the pain may extend in the (брюшная полость или живот)

simulating acute appendicitis.

A. lymph                                    C. lung

B. abdomen                                D. chest

13. The disease usually terminates by crisis, when the temperature

A. does                                      C. drops

B. makes                                    D. looks

14. She had (сухой кашель) two days ago.

A. dry cough                              C. purulent sputum

B. persistent cough                    D. acute attack

15. These various factors lead to two different patterns of pneumonia.
A. приводят                              C. приведут

B. привели                                D. могут привести

16. Many pneumonias that are infectious begin for no apparent reason.

A. были начаты                         C. начались

B. начинаются                             D. начнутся

17. Inflammation of the lung, with or without infection is called pneumonitis.

A. называет                               C. назывался

B. называется                            D. был назван

18. General measures include rest, support of breathing, if needed.

A. включает                             C. будут включать

B. включил                       D. включают

19. These various factors can lead to two different patterns of pneumonia.
A. не нужно C. могут

B. можем                                   D. могли

20. Many complications may occur with lobar pneumonia.

A. могут                                  C. должен

B. мог                                        D. может


5. Самоконтроль по ситуационным заданиям.

1. You are the head of pulmonologic department. There will be an audit next month. To pass it without troubles you have to write a guide for patients. Starting with “When you are admitted to the hospital …..” and finishing “…. You are discharged”


2. You are at the examination. Your topic is “The work of the structures connected with the respiratory system”. Pay special attention to the exchange of gases occurring in the lungs.


3. You have gathered parents of ill children who are in your department. You explain them the causes, precautions and preventive measures of respiratory diseases.


4. You are a doctor. And you are examining the patient with such symptoms as constant and moist cough with expectoration, pain in the side, accelerated respiration and high temperature. Make a correct diagnosis.  



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