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Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС .. Название темы: «Blood. Circulation».

1. Владеть навыками монологической и диалогической речи, использовать новую лексику, уметь вести беседу по изучаемой теме.

2. Владеть навыками изучающего чтения, извлекая необходимую информацию.

3. Уметь переводить письменно со словарем оригинальный текст по специальности.

Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС .

1. “Diseases of the Urinary System”

2. “Kidney and it’s role in the process of excretion”

3. “Disorders of the Urinary System”

4. “Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) ”

Тема № 9

Название темы: «Blood. Circulation».

2. Формы работы: подготовка к практическим занятиям, подготовка материалов по НИРС.

3. Перечень вопросов для самоподготовки по теме практического занятия.

Знать лексический минимум по теме, основную медицинскую терминологию на иностранном языке; грамматический материал; уметь использовать знания лексико-грамматического материала устной и письменной речи, владеть иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для возможности коммуникации и получения информации из зарубежных источников.



1. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “ Leucocytes and Lymphocytes ” 


2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the difference between neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils?

2. When does the percentage of eosinophils increase?

3. The process of chemotaxis means “cell-eating”, doesn’t it?

4. What stimulates the formation of lymphocytes?

5. When do the lymph nodes become infected?

6. What kind of experiment is performed to prove this statement?


3. Выполнение упражнений (стр. 105, упражнение 11, 12, 13).


4. Составление диалогов по теме с использованием новой лексики и нового грамматического материала.

5. Повторение грамматического материала Причастия I и II в функции определения.


6. Поисковое чтение текста “ Nature of the Heart Beat ”

Найдите в тексте предло­жения, более полно выражающие мысль данного суждения, и прочти­те их:

1. The heart beat is automatic and perfectly rhythmic. 2. Cardiac muscle tissue has a special property. 3. Both ventricles expel the same volume of blood. 4. The pressure in the aorta is about six times as great as in the pulmonary artery. 5. The inhibition of the vagus and sympa­thetic centres influences the work of the heart. 6. The stroke volume depends upon the «venous return». 7. The chambers of the heart are able to supply additional blood.

7. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “ Nature of the Heart Beat ”


8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Describe the heart beat.

2. When is refractory period?

3. What are two factors according which cardiac output is a product?

4. What is heart rate?

5. What is stroke volume?

6. What is a special property of cardiac muscle?

7. What is he “venous return”?

8. How does the inhibition of the vagus influence the work of the heart?

9 .Are the chambers of the heart able to supply additional blood?


4. Самоконтроль по тестовым заданиям данной темы.

1. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи. Обратите внимание, какие предложения являются утвердительными, вопросительными или повелительными, всегда ли надо изменять время глагола в придаточном предложении.


1. He said, "I like this song."

He said __________.

2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.

She asked me __________.

3. "I don't speak Italian," she said.

She said __________.

4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.

They asked me __________.

5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

He said __________.

6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

She told the boys __________.

7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

She asked him __________.

8. "I never make mistakes," he said.

He said __________.

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

He wanted to know __________.

10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

The stuntman advised the audience __________.

11. "I was very tired," she said.

She said __________.

12. "Be careful, Ben," she said.

She told Ben __________.

13. "I will get myself a drink," she says.

She says __________.

14. "Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me.

He wondered __________.

15. "I cannot drive them home," he said.

He said __________.

16. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says.

She asks Peter __________.

17. "Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me.

She asked me __________.

18. He said, "Don't go too far."

He advised her __________.

19. "Have you been shopping?" he asked us.

He wanted to know __________.

20. "Don't make so much noise," he says.

He asks us __________.


2. Из пары слов, данных в скобках, выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1. After the … working day I felt like having a good rest (tiring, tired).

2. This food is … so it is not recommended for those who suffer from gastritis (irritating, irritated).

3. The doctor demonstrated some new techniques and the students became … in them (interesting, interested).

4. The patient will be … if he follows all the doctor’s recommendations (curing, cured).

5. She could not sleep because of that … noise in the street (annoying, annoyed).

6. The news about his death was …, so we all were … when we heard it (shocking, shocked).

5. Самоконтроль по ситуационным заданиям.

1. You are a scientific supervisor. You want your student to write a paper on the problem of circulation. Give your recommendations.

2. You are an anatomy teacher the next topic is Circulatory system. To add visualization to the lesson make up the schematics of the lesser circulatory system.

3. You are a scientific supervisor. You want your student to write a paper on the problem of diabetes. Give your recommendations.

4. You have to take an analysis of blood. What points must be present in it?



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