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Ennas - lind arnediad go-riged i ledhad athan larad min imlaid a vin ered, ah i haid

e-mbar Ilúvatar panner, ah i linnad ah i 'lamor e-linnad ledhad min gaw, ah ú-non

gaw. Idh Rodyn ú-echannir ui ab i lû hen lind sui i lind hen dan cennen i lind

roveleg echeditha núf Ilúvatar adh i chonath edh-Rodyn ah i chîn Ilúvatar ab i





The Music of the Ainur


Eru there was in that place, the only, who in Arda was called Ilúvatar; and he made first the

Ainur, the holy ones, that were born of his thought, and they were with him before things

were made.

And he spoke to them, teaching to them the airs of music; and they sang to him, and he

was joyful.

But for a long time, they sang alone, or but one or two they sang together, while those who

did not sing they listened, for they knew alone that half of the inner thought of Ilúvatar

from which he came, and in the knowledge of their sworn brothers they grew slowly. Yet as

they ever listened their understanding grew, and they sang together sweetly.

And the time came that Ilúvatar summoned all of the Ainur and he spoke to them about a

mighty air, telling them a tale of things greater than the things he spoke of before; and the

glory of its begetting and the splendour of its end startled the Ainur, they bowed to Ilúvatar

and they were silent.

Now Ilúvatar said to them: 'Of the air that I spoke to you, I want now that you fashion

together sweetly a Great Music. And as I have kindled you with the Eternal Fire, you will

give forth your divine powers fashioning this air, with your own thoughts and devices, if you

wish. But I will sit and listen, and be joyful that through you great beauty awakens in song!'

At that time the many voices of the Ainur, like harps and lyres, and trumpets and violas,

and like countless people singing with words, they began to vigorously fashion the theme of

Ilúvatar to a great music; a sound there was in that place - endless tunes wreathed

together that travelled beyond hearing into the valleys and into the mountains and the

places of the house of Ilúvatar were filled, and the singing and the echo of the singing

departed into the void, and it was not void. The Ainur did not make ever after this time a

music like this music, but it has been said that a greater music will be made before Ilúvatar

by the many voices of the Ainur and the children of Ilúvatar after the End of Days.

Nd page


Si in lind Ilúvatar nathar teliad dîr, a no cadu min lû i beded dîn, an bân trecheniathir

i iest dîn mi i berin dîn, a bân istathir i heniad o bân, ah Ilúvatar

annatha na i noeth dîn i Naur Thurin, naul gellweg. Ach thî Ilúvatar hamp a

lastant, ah anann thiant maer anden, an i 'ling garn ú 'waiss.

Dan sui i lind belthant, toll min chûn Belegurth an riged naid i olthad în; ti ú hui i

min lind Ilúvatar; an anírn galad i valan ah aglar en-ethad i óniel anden.

Na Velegurth min Rodyn óniel in aint roveleg tûr ah ist, ah havant perin mi bân in

aint i 'wedyr dîn. Ledhant erui min said gofn farad an i Naur Uireb; an anírad gala

vrassen mi den an i naid în no cuin, a thiant anden i Ilúvatar ú-havant an i 'aw, a

dhrautha i lost ennas. Dan ú-chirn i Naur, an de adh Ilúvatar.

Dan erui heriant gared i noeth în i ú hui chain i 'wedyr dîn.

Perin i noeth hîn rinc thî mi i 'ling dîn, a thî glam toll os-den a lemmaid i linner osden

Noner naer.

Ah i nauth dîn prestiel ah i 'ling dîn nuitha; dan vin egor tad heriar siriad i 'ling dîn

na i 'ling Belegurth sennui nan nauth i hevennir main. Thî i 'lam Belegurth pelia


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