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Dan idh Rodyn tirnir am i mar hen min laind daur en-Ardhon, i in Edhil estathar

Arda, i Geven; ah i chuin dîn gellanner mi galad, ah i chin dîn cennir pil i bannar

adh gell; dan adh i râf en-aear fellir pen-îdh. A gennir in-gwaew ah i 'welu, ah i

naid od i Arda echant, o ang a gond a geleb a gôl a naid athan i naid hin, dan o bân

I naid hin, nen daethanner rovaer. A bent adh in Eldar i mi nen cuinad dan i 'lamor

en Gling-idh-Rodyn athan i 'lamor mi naid mi i Geven hen, ah athan perin i chîn

Ilúvatar lastanner ú-fadred na i lemmaid en-aear, a dan ú-istanner an i lastanner.

Thî na nen i Rodon i in Edhil estar Ulu seidiant i nauth dîn, ah o bân, Ilúvatar den

golthant i ronûr oh gling. Dan en-gwely a gwaew Aran Einior ihdrant, i i rawarod


En-echaded e-Geven Gaul nauthant, na den Ilúvatar aun curu ah ist sui na

Belegurth, dan i 'ell a vlaud Gaul de min dass en-echaded, ah min naid i echódiel,

ah ú mi gared egor i dûr în; a man anna a ú-chêb, a de lain o brestad, ui-ledhed na

Dass eden.

Ah Ilúvatar agarfant na Ulu, a bent: "Cenol ú i hi mi i ardh hen bîn min Nûr Lû

Belegurth echant auth am i ardh lîn? Nauthant oh helch pen-edrein, a dan ú-ranc i

vainas i eithil lîn, egor i aelin lîn lim. Alae i loss, ah i mudad goru e-niss! Belegurth

nauthant oh ûr a naur pen-dorthad, ah ú-ranc i anírad lîn, egor dharo i gling enaear.

Alae sennui i challas ah aglar e-fein, ah i chîth ui-ledhed, a lasto na i dhannad eross

am i Geven! Ah mi i fein hin túgiel na Aran Einior, i vellon lîn, i melol."

Thî Ulu aun dangweth: "Mi thannas, Nen sâf vainas athan i vainas i i chûn nîn

idhrant, i nauth nîn thurin ú-nauthant i lossivor, egor mi bân i gling nîn i dhannad

e-ross ennas. Hirithon Aran Einior, a den ah im ceritham gling anuir an i 'ell lîn!"

Ah Aran Einior ah Ulu od i onnad ti gwedyr, a mi bân naid buianner adh vronwe i

innas Ilúvatar.

Dan sui Ulu agorfant, a hui idh-Rodyn tirnir am i indemm hen, mábiel athan, a

dholen od i gened dîn; a thiant andin i vi i lû han cennir nad eden, Môr, i ú-istanner

núf eng mi nauth




But the Ainur looked upon this home in the vast spaces of the World, which the Elves called

Arda, the Earth, and their hearts rejoiced in light, and their eyes saw colours that were filled

with joy; but with the roaring of the sea they felt restless. And they saw the winds and the

air, and the things from which Arda was fashioned, from iron and stone and silver and gold,

and things beyond these things, but from all these things, water they praised best. And it is

said by the Eldar that in water is living yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur beyond the

echo in things in this Earth, and beyond half of the children of Ilúvatar listen unsated to the

voices of the Sea, and yet they do not know for what they listen.

Now to water that Ainur who the Elves named Ulmo set his thought, and of all, Ilúvatar

taught him the deepest about music. But of the airs and the winds Manwë pondered, who is

the noblest of the Ainur. Of the fashioning of the Earth Aulë thought, to him Ilúvatar gave

skill and knowledge as to Melkor, but the joy and pride of Aulë it is in the task of fashioning,

and in the thing that is fashioned, and not in holding or in his own mastery; for what he

gives and does not keep, and he is free from troubling, travelling ever to some new task.

And Ilúvatar spoke to Ulmo, and he said: "Thou seest not that here in this little realm in the

Deeps of Time Melkor has fashioned war upon your realm? He thought about bitter cold

without borders, and yet he did not destroy the beauty of your fountains, or your clear

pools. Behold the snow, and the cunning labouring of frost! Melkor thought about heat and

fire without control, and he did not destroy your desiring, or halt the music of the sea.

Behold rather the height and glory of the clouds, and the ever travelling mists, and listen to

the falling of the rain upon the Eath! An in these clouds you are brought to Manwë, your

friend, whom you love."

Now Ulmo gave reply: "In truth, Water has beauty beyond the beauty that my heart

pondered, my secret thought did not think of the snowflake, or in all my music the falling of

the rain there. I will find Manwë, and he and I will make music forever for your joy!"

And Manwë and Ulmo from the beginning they are sworn brothers, and in all things they

served with faith the will of Ilúvatar. But as Ulmo spoke, and as the Ainur gazed upon this

vision, it was taken beyond, and hidden from their seeing; and it seemed to them that in

that time they saw a new thing, Darkness, that they did not know before save in thought.


Th page


Dan melthanner adh i vainas en-indemm a lúthanner min dengiad en-Ardhon; doll

ennas na naul, ah i 'ûr dîn penniel adh den; an i 'obennas ú-drenóriel ah i rind lû ú-

echannir mi bant ir i indemm móbiel athan. A vîn egor dâd pennir i i indemm dóriel

núf i veth e-Dûr Edain ah i 'wannad e-Mainennin; a man, dan i Gling or bân, i

Melain ú-gennir sui adh gened in ab-Endrainn egor i Veth en-Ardhon.

Thî idh Rodyn non ú-'ellweg, dan Ilúvatar iallant andin, a bent; 'iston i anírad i 'ûr

lîn i gennir natha thand, ú erui mi i noeth dîn, dan sui ech, le.

Thî pedin: Eä! Dafo i naid hin no! A etholithon min Gaw i Naur Uireb, a natha na i

chûn en-Ardhon, ah i Ardhon natha; a len i aníro ledhathar dad mi den.'

A chorthren idh Rodyn cennir hae calad, sui pe non faun adh chûn guiad naur; ah

istasser i hen non ú indemm erui, dan i Ilúvatar echant naid eden: Eä, i Ardhon i


Toll i idh-Rodyn mîn egor tâd dorthar adh Ilúvatar athan in rind en-Ardhon; dan

odrim e-roveleg a rovain, mabanner i dhâf Ilúvatar a lennir dad mi den.

Dan hen Ilúvatar agorfant, egor de i moe od i veleth dîn, i i dûr nîn natha gleiniad

min ardhon, no mi de anuir, na i vethen dîn, sui i di i guil dîn, a de i guil dîn. A de i

estiel i Melain, i thuir en-ardhon. Dan ir i Melain minner mi Eä cennir den adh

anwar mi i chent dîn, an non sui pe ú-nad echódiel i gennir mi indemm, a bân

dóriel an i onnad, a dan pen-gadu, a non fuin. An i Gling Veleg non dan i 'alas ah

edlothiad nauth min Thaim Pen-Lû, ah i Indemm han erui; dan thî minner mi na i

onnad Lû, ah i Melain cennir i i Ardhon cennir non dan indemm a linnant oh núf, a

Moe i echadir den.

Herianner i vudad dîn veleg mi ery ú-onoded ah ú-gennin, a mi endrainn arnediad

ah ú-reniad, na min Nûr Lû a vin ened e-themais Eä ennas na i lû han ah i had han

ias i mar i-chîn Ilúvatar echant.


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