Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Схемалар, есептер, ситуациялар

Схемалар, есептер, ситуациялар

3.1. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы еңгізу және игеру.

Слайд № 1. Қазақстан Республикасының туы

Слайд № 2. Қазақстан картасы.

Слайд № 3. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы қазақ тіліне аудар

Motherland                     родина                               

separate                          отделять(ся)                      

independent                    независимый                     

to disintegrate                 распадаться                        

unanimously                   единогласно                       

to elect                           избирать, выбирать          

branch                             ветвь, отрасль                    

executive                         исполнительный            

Слайд №4

to adopt                           принимать                          

gender                             род, пол                              

Commonwealth              содружество                        

Border                             граничить                        

is located                         быть расположенным в     

desert                              пустыня                               

mountain ranges             горные цепи                        

droughty                         сухой                                   


Слайд №5

distribute                         разбрасывать                  

particular                       особый, особенный              

treasure house                 сокровищница          

poultry farming             птицеводство                       

pursue                            следовать неотступно за          

strengthen                       укреплять(ся)                      

neighbourhood               соседство                           

coexistence                    сосуществование                 

harmony                        гармония                             

К арточкам ен жұмыс жасау

  1. Сөздерді оқыңыз.

       policy – political

       constitution – constitutional

       democracy – democratic

       centre – central

       continent – continental

       nation – national

       produce – propuction

agriculture – agricultural

  «Қарлы кесек» ойыны. Алдыңғы сөзді қайталап жаңа сөз қосыңыз

Р еферат тар тақырыбы

1. Қаныш Сатпаев

2. Қазахстандағы оқу жүйесі

Жедеғабыл тест :

Yesterday I tried to . . . a bus into the centre of the town.

a)Take. b)Get off. c)Go. d)Run. e)Pass.

2. Kazakhstan is … than Europe

a) Big. b) The biggest. c) Bigger. d) Small. e) The smallest.

3. The day of … was proclaimed the day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

a)November b)December c) March d) April e) January

4. Kazakhstan was … great need of state symbolics.

A) At B) on C) in D)of E) with

5. Who accepted a new flag, an emblem and anthem?

A) the President B) the Government C) the country D)the Parliament E)the people

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

№ 1. Сабақ. Тақырыбы: «Қазақстан».

Сабақ жоспары:

1. Лексиканы қайталау.  Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. стр5.упр.1-4.

2. Грамматиканы еңгізу . Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.29.упр.8.

3. « Қазақстан » мәтіні бойынша жұмыс жасау.

4. Үй тапсырмасы:  Упражнения:  Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.29.упр.9.


Сабақ мақсаты: Ырықсыз етісті пайдалана білу.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.What did the Supreme Soviet declare on the 16th of December 1991?

2.How many branches is government divided into?

3. How many chambers does Parliament consist of?

4.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

5.When was the national currency adopted?

6. What do you know about vast deserts?

7. What mountains of Kazakhstan do you know?

8. What famous rivers of Kazakhstan do you know?

9. What is the biggest lake?

10. What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?

Глоссарий : labour-труд            law-закон

                     Anthem-гимн         capital-столица

                     Relation-отношение common-общий

                     Wealth-богатство   currency-валюта

Схемалар, есептер, ситуациялар

3.1. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы қайталау.

Слайд № 6. Лексика.

A) At B) on C) in D) of E) with

2. Who accepted a new flag, an emblem and anthem?

A) the President B) the Government C) the country D) the Parliament E) the people

3.The … of flag`s design is Shaken Niyazbekov.

A) Reader B) worker C) writer D) author E) actor

4.The … colour of it reminds of great sky.

A) Green B) yellow C) white D) blue E) golden

5.The golden sun in its rays means …

A) Hope B) clear sky C) peacefulness D) freedom E) height


Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

№ 3 . Сабақ. Тақырыбы: «Қазақстан».

Сабақ жоспары:

1. Лексиканы қайталау.  Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. стр5.упр.1-4.

2. Грамматиканы қайталау . Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.29.упр.8.

3.Грамматикалық тапсырмаларды орындау.

4. Үй тапсырмасы:  Упражнения:  Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.30.упр.4.

Сабақ мақсаты: Ырықсыз етісті пайдалана білу.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.How many chambers does Parliament consist of?

2.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

3.When was the national currency adopted?

4.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

5.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

6. What do you know about vast deserts?

7. What mountains of Kazakhstan do you know?

8. Are there any big educational establishments in Kazakhstan?

9. Where is Kazakhstan situated?

10. How many kilometers from north to south does it stretch?

Глоссарий : to divide-разделять                     legislative-законный

                 executive-исполнительный         judicial-судебный

                supreme court-верховный суд      to consist-состоять

                chamber-палата                             to adopt-принимать

                leadership-лидерство                    to take into account-принимать

A) the President B) the Government C) the country D) the Parliament E) the people

2.The … of flag`s design is Shaken Niyazbekov.

A) Reader B) worker C) writer D) author E) actor

3.The … colour of it reminds of great sky.

A) Green B) yellow C) white D)blue E) golden

4.The golden sun in its rays means …

A) Hope B) clear sky C) peacefulness D) freedom E) height

5The steppe … is generosity and sharp-sightedness the height of ideas of the citizens.

A) Flower B) man C) tree D) animal E)eagle


B)    a) meeting; b) cooperation; c) friendship; d) neighbourhood. E) the people


a) task; b) role; c) example; d) play. E) golden

 синонимін таңдаңыз.

Choose the synonym.


a) other; b) another; c) various; d) any. E) golden

To be located

a) to be situated; b) to live; c) to take place; d) to inhabit. E) height


a) single; b) independent; c) vacant; d) busy.

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.


№ 4 Сабақ. Тақырыбы: « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары :

1.Грамматиканы қайталау. / Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.30.упр.3.

2. « Қазақстан» мәтінін оқу./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.4-5.

3. Сұрақтарға жауап./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.6.упр.5.

4. Үй тапсырмасы: Упражнения: Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.стр30.упр.5.6

Сабақ мақсаты: Оқуды дамыту және мағынасын түсұну.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

2.When was the national currency adopted?

3.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

4.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

5.Why is Kazakhstan often described as a treasure house of minerals?

6.What did the Supreme Soviet declare on the 16th of December 1991?

7.How many branches is government divided into?

8. Are there any big educational establishments in Kazakhstan?

9. How many regions has Kazakhstan?

10. What is the capital of it?

Глоссарий : to take place-занимать               to separate-разделять

                  to become-становиться               independent-независимый

                   to elect-выбирать                       to declare-объявлять  

                  sovereignty-суверенность           democratic-демократичный

                  state-государство                        to conduct-проводить 

A)Green B) yellow C) white D)blue E) golden

2.The golden sun in its rays means …

A)Hope B) clear sky C) peacefulness D) freedom E) height

3.The steppe … is generosity and sharp-sightedness the height of ideas of the citizens.

A)Flower B) man C) tree D) animal E)eagle

4.The architects of national … are Malibayev and Valichanov.

A) Flag B) emblem C) statue D) anthem E) museums

5 … is the token of home, family and health.

A) Steppe B)eagle C) golden sun D)shanyrak E) flag

6. To separate … the Union.

a) in; b) into; c) from; d) on. E) out

7. … the history of Kazakhstan.

 a) under; b) in; c) into; d) at. E) out

8. To divide … three branches.

a) into; b) of; c) at; d) on. E) out

9. To elect … a period of five years.

 a) on; b) of; c) at; d) for. E) out

10. To enter … relations.

 a) in; b) into; c) at; d) on. E) out

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.


 № 5 сабақ . Тақырып: « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары :

1. Лексиканы қайталау . )./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.13.упр.1-2.

2. Грамматиканы қайталау. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.стр.29.7.

3. Ырықсыз етісте сөйлемдерді табу. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.6-7.

4. Аяқталған осы шақтағы сөйлемдерді табу./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.5-6.упр.7.

5.Үй тапсырмасы: Упражнения: ./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.8-9.упр.1-4.

Сабақ мақсаты : Мәтінмен жұмыс жасап үйрену.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.How many branches is government divided in to?

2.How many chambers does Parliament consist of?

3.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

4.When was the national currency adopted?

5.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

6. Could all the countries of European Union be placed on the territory of KZ and why?

7. Does it border with Afganistan?

8. What industries are developed in Kazakhstan?

9. What do you know about the mountain system of Kazakhstan?

10. What is the climate of our Republic?

Глоссарий : north-север             south-юг

                     east-восток            to border-граничить

                     population-население to amount-равняться

                     boundless-безграничный   severe-суровый

                    hot desert-горячая пустыня vast-обширный 

A)Flag B) emblem C) statue D) anthem E) museums

2 … is the token of home, family and health.

A)Steppe B)eagle C) golden sun D)shanyrak E) flag

3..What is the symbol of high thoughts and cherished dreams?

A) the sun B) the eagle C) the shanyrak D) the star E) steppe

4.The text of new anthem was presented of the first time on the …

A) 15th of December, 1992 B) 15th of August, 1992 C) 15th of December, 1990 D) 5th of December, 1992 E) 15th of December, 1993

5.Four days earlier (December, 11) the national anthem … by the Parliament

A) was devoited B) was written C) was adopted D) was read E) was presented

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

 № 6 Сабақ . Тақырыбы: « Қазақстан»

 Сабақ жоспары:

1.Лексиканы қайталау./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. стр.13.упр.1-2.

2. Грамматиканы қайталау. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. стр.стр.10.упр.6-7.

3. Жаттығуларды орындау.

4. Үй тапсырмасы:  Упражнения: Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. стр.стр.10.упр.8.

Сабақ мақсаты: «Ырықсыз етісті» жетілдіру.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.When was the national currency adopted?

2.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

3.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

4.Why is Kazakhstan often described as a treasure house of minerals?

5.What are the main branches of industry and agriculture?

6.What do you know about vast deserts?

7. What mountains of Kazakhstan do you know?

8. What famous rivers of Kazakhstan do you know?

9. What is the biggest lake?

10. What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?

Глоссарий : valley-долина           mountain-гора

                    to determine-определять deep-глубокий  

                    sharp-резкий              droughty-засуха 

                    difference-разница     lake-озеро

A)the sun B) the eagle C) the shanyrak D) the star E) steppe

2.The text of new anthem was presented of the first time on the …

A)15th of December, 1992 B) 15th of August, 1992 C) 15th of December, 1990 D) 5th of December, 1992 E) 15th of December, 1993

3.Four days earlier (December, 11) the national anthem … by the Parliament

A)was devoited B) was written C) was adopted D) was read E) was presented

4.What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A) the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

5. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

A) the first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

6. … November

 a) since; b) at; c) from; d) into. E) none

Choose the participle ІІ.

To situate.

 a) situates; b) situating; c) situated; d) situate. E) none

To divide.

a) divided; b) divide; c) divides; d) dividing. E) none

Choose the verb in the Passive Voice.

9. The President … for a period of five years.

a) elects; b) electing; c) is elected; d) elected. E) none

10. The government … into three branches.

a) divided; b) is divided; c) divides; d) divide. E) none

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

 № 7 Сабақ. Тақырыбы : « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары: 1. Лексикамен, грамматиканы қайталау. 1.Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.28-30.упр.1.текст.

2.Мәтінді оқу./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.11.-13. упр.8.

3.Сұрақтарға жауап беру./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.16.упр.5.

4. Үй тапсырмасы:./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.11.-13. упр.8.

Сабақ мақсаты: Мәтінді оқуды дамыту және мағынасын түсіну.

Бақалау сұрақтары:

1.What did the Supreme Soviet declare on the 16th of December 1991?

2.How many branches is government divided in to?

3.How many chambers does Parliament consist of?

4.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

5.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

 6. Does it border with Afganistan?

 7. . What industries are developed in Kazakhstan?

 8. . What do you know about the mountain system of Kazakhstan?

9. What is the climate of our Republic?

10. What traditional holidays of our country do you know?

Глоссарий : : valley-долина                mountain-гора

                    to determine-определять deep-глубокий  

                    sharp-резкий                     lake-озеро

                     east-восток                       to border-граничить

                     population-население to amount-равняться

                     boundless-безграничный   severe-суровый

                    hot desert-горячая пустыня vast-обширный 

                   to take place-занимать               to separate-разделять

                  to become-становиться               independent-независимый

                   to elect-выбирать                       to declare-объявлять 

                  sovereignty-суверенность           democratic-демократичный

                  state-государство                        to conduct-проводить

Abai Kunanbaev

Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904 ) the founder of Kazakh classical written literature is a great poet, thinker and a composer. Abai (histrue name Ibragim ) was born in Semipalatinsk region.

Abai’s father, Kunanbai – was the leader of Tobikty family. His mother, Ulzhun, gently loved her son and the tender name of Abai, having superseded the true name of the great poet, became known to the whole world.

Firstly Abai got his education in aul at mullah’s, where he studied eastern literature at the same time Abai also visited a Russian school. Already in medresse his poetic talents were visible. The boy was good at imitating some eastern poets. Kunanbai wanted his son to take part in management of the people and because of this he didn’t let Abai finish school. Soon Abai gradually departed from managing because he couldn’t stand the family conflicts any more.

The poet was surrounded by many talented people. Neither the great rulers of the clan nor aristocrats of the steppe but talented dzhigits who valued the art of a word were grouped around the poet. The representatives of Russian intellegentsia with whom Abai got acquainted in Semipalatinsk influenced the poet’s outlook greatly. Abai highly esteemed the outstanding representatives of democratic culture such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy and other poets, writers and thinkers.


3.Сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз.

1. When and where was Abai Abai Kunanbaev born?

2. What is the true name of the poet?

3. Where did Abai get his education?

4. Why didn,t his father let Abai finish school?

5. Who influenced the poet,s outlook?

Р еферат тар тақырыбы :

1.Қазақстан тарихы.

2. Мұхтар Әуезов.

Жедеғабыл - тест :

1.Four days earlier (December, 11) the national anthem … by the Parliament

A)was devoited B) was written C) was adopted D) was read E) was presented

2.What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A)the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

3. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

A)the first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

Abai Kunanbaev

Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904 ) the founder of Kazakh classical written literature is a great poet, thinker and a composer. Abai (histrue name Ibragim ) was born in Semipalatinsk region.

Abai’s father, Kunanbai – was the leader of Tobikty family. His mother, Ulzhun, gently loved her son and the tender name of Abai, having superseded the true name of the great poet, became known to the whole world.

Firstly Abai got his education in aul at mullah’s, where he studied eastern literature at the same time Abai also visited a Russian school. Already in medresse his poetic talents were visible. The boy was good at imitating some eastern poets. Kunanbai wanted his son to take part in management of the people and because of this he didn’t let Abai finish school. Soon Abai gradually departed from managing because he couldn’t stand the family conflicts any more.

Карточка №1. Сұраққа жауап беріңіз :

1. When and where was Abai Kunanbaev born?

2. What is the true name of the poet?

3. Where did Abai get his education?

4. Why didn,t his father let Abai finish school?

5. Who influenced the poet,s outlook?

6. Was Abai a talented composer? Why?

7. What was a remarkable monument of his art-philosophical prose?


Үй тапсырмасы. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.19.упр.1-6.

Р еферат тар тақырыбы :

1. Алматы

2. Жамбыл Жабаев.

Жедеғабыл - тест :

A)the sun B) the eagle C) the shanyrak D) the star E) steppe

2.The text of new anthem was presented of the first time on the …

A)15th of December, 1992 B) 15th of August, 1992 C) 15th of December, 1990 D) 5th of December, 1992 E) 15th of December, 1993

3.Four days earlier (December, 11) the national anthem … by the Parliament

A)was devoited B) was written C) was adopted D) was read E) was presented

B) the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

5. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

The first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

6. Karaganda is a city of ( шахтер лар ).

A) `Drivers B) Miners C) Teachers D) Lingers E) Businessmen

7 . There is no bus … we`ll have to walk .

B) As. B) So C) So as. D) As so. E)Such.

8 . Kazakhstan is situated in Asia and borders on … .

A) Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and China

B) Russia, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan and China

C) Russia, Kirghizia, Georgia and China

D) Russia, Ukraina, Uzbekistan and China

E) Russia, Armenia, Hungary and Bulgaria

9 . The Republic of Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent state in the centre of the … continent.

A) European B) Eurasian C)African D) North Asia E) South Asia

10 .Many new houses … built in our town last year

A) Are. B) Was. C) Were. D) Had.E) Has.

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

№ 9 Сабақ. Тақырыбы: « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары : 1.Лексикамен, грамматиканы қайталау./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.17.-20.упр.1-5.

2. Тақырып бойынша мәлімет жинау.

3. Сұрақтарға жауап беру.

4. Үй тапсырмасы: 1. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стрю21.упр8-9.

Сабақ мақсаты: Сөйлеу қабілетін дамыту.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

2.When was the national currency adopted?

3.When was the 1st president of Kazakhstan elected?

4.What did the Supreme Soviet declare on the 16th of December 1991?

5.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

6. Does it border with Afganistan?

 7. . What industries are developed in Kazakhstan?

 8. . What do you know about the mountain system of Kazakhstan?

9. What is the climate of our Republic?

10. What traditional holidays of our country do you know?

Глоссарий : to divide-разделять                     legislative-законный

                 executive-исполнительный         judicial-судебный

                supreme court-верховный суд      to consist-состоять

                chamber-палата                             to adopt-принимать

                leadership-лидерство                    to take into account-принимать во внимание                                                                         

                    Motherland-родина                    change-менять

                    labour-труд                                law-закон

                     Anthem-гимн                            capital-столица

                     Relation-отношение                 common-общий

                     Wealth-богатство                     currency-валюта

Слайд №18 Астана.



       In 1830 the fortress akmolinsky was situated on the bank of the river Ishim on the pasture Karaotkel. Trade fairs occupied the place, where the huge amount of cattle was on sale. The fairs glorified by abundance and rich assortment of the dairy goods as kumys, shubat, that further determined the name of the city – Akmolinsk.

In 1832 the expanding settlement received the status of the city. Occupying a favourable place on the way of caravans going from Tashkent to Ural and other areas of the Russian Empire, Akmolinsk gradually turns into a large trade center. A new layer of the society – the merchants appear.

The year 1929 became the important stage in the development of the capital, when the construction of the first railway line in Kazakhstan Borovoye – Akmola began.

The next stage was the development of the virgin land. Shortly after in 1961 Akmolinsk changed its name for Tselinograd and grew into a modern and beautiful city with the population of 250.000 people. Thousands of volunteers from the former USSR came to build the city and live there.

  Карточка №1 Сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз :

1. What is this text about?

2. Why is this very city taken for description?

3. Where and when was the fortress Akmolinsky situated?

4. What new layer of the society appears in Akmolinsk?

5. What can you say about the railway line Borovoye - Akmola?

6. When did Akmolinsk change its name for Tselinograd?

7. What happened in 1992?

8. What does the word “Astana” mean in Kazakh?

9. What were the reasons for transferring the capital?

10. What has been done for a short time in Astana?


3.4. Үй тапсырмасы: 1. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стрю21.упр8-9.

Рефераттар тақырыбы:

1.Қазақстандағы қысқы олимпиада ойындары.

2. ҰОС ардагерлері

Жедеғабыл - тест :

1. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

A)the first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

2. The letter … sent tomorrow

A) Is sent. B) Was sent. C) Will be sent. D) Will. E) Has.

3. The main rivers of Kazakhstan are … .

A) The Irtysh, the Volga, the Syr-Darya and the Ural.

B) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Dnieper, the Syr-Darya.

C) The Irtysh, the Lena, the Syr-Darya and the Ember.

D) The Irtysh, the Syr-Darya, the Ural and the Ember.

E) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Neva, the Ember.

4.Kazakhstan is a … state with presidential form of government.

A) Unitary B)Federal C) People’s republic D) Autonomous E) Union

5. What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A)the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

6. To separate … the Union.

a) in; b) into; c) from; d) on. Е) under

7. … the history of Kazakhstan.

 a) under; b) in; c) into; d) at. Е) on

8. To divide … three branches.

a) into; b) of; c) at; d) on. . Е) under

9. To elect … a period of five years.

 a) on; b) of; c) at; d) for. . Е) under

10. To enter … relations.

 a) in; b) into; c) at; d) on. . Е) under

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

№ 10 Сабақ. Тақырыбы: « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары: 1. Лексикамен, грамматиканы қайталау./ . Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. Стр.20-21.упр.2-4.

2. Мәлімет жинау.

3. Сұрақтарға жауап беру.

Үй тапсырмасы: Упражнения: 1. Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004. Стр.23.упр.1-2.

Сабақ мақсаты :Мәтінді талқылай білу.

Бақылау сұрақтары:

1.Why is Kazakhstan often described as a treasure house of minerals?

2.What are the main branches of industry and agriculture?

3.What laws does Kazakhstan have?

4.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

5.How many branches is government divided in to?

6.What do you know about vast deserts?

7. What mountains of Kazakhstan do you know?

8. What famous rivers of Kazakhstan do you know?

9. What is the biggest lake?

10. What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?

Глоссарий : chemical-химический         raw material-сырье

                  to enable-давать возможность main branch-главная отрасль

                  coal-mining-угольная шахта  grain-farming-зерноводство

                 cattle-breeding-КРС               to receive-получить

                 to go abroad-уезжать за границу to gain-выйграть

                 to intend-намереваться          strengthen-крепить,усиливаться

Слайд №6, №8, №9.

2. Мәлімет жинау .

Слайд №19 Нефтебанк

Economy of Kazakhstan

We live in the Republic of Kazakhstan. After Kazakhstan announced its independence, a large scale reorganization of its economy took place. The reform of the economy primarily concerned the transition to a market economy based on competition and private sector development. The process of economic reform has had 4 main stages: price liberalization, privatization of property, a national program acceptance and its gradual implementation and the introduction of the national currency – the tenge. These reforms helped Kazakhstan to gain independence in the area of credit – financier. Each of these steps was very successful but there were difficulties connected with the material and ideological remnants of the previous system. These reforms took place during a direct economic crisis, economic decline and hyperinflation. The seriousness of the crisis in Kazakhstan is also connected with the previous position of Kazakhstan. Its agriculture and the extraction of natural resources were developed far more than the industrial and consumer goods manufacturing sectors. Kazakhstan was economically dependent on the developed Republics of the European part of the USSR.

Слайд №2 (карт).

Карточка №2.

Сұрақтарға жауап беру:

1. When did a large scale reorganization of Kazakhstan economy take place?

2. What did the reform of the economy concern primarily?

3. What is a market economy based on?

4. How many staged has the process of economic reform had?

5. What are these stages?

6. What did Kazakhstan gain due to the reforms?

7. What difficulties did Kazakhstan face while reforming its economy?

8. How can you define the present economic situation in Kazakhstan?

Р еферат тар тақырыбы :

1. Қазақстандағы халықаралық университеттер.

2. Қазақстанның географиялық орны.

Жедеғабыл - тест :

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent state in the centre of the … continent. European B) Eurasian C)African D) North Asia E) South Asia

2. Astana is not far from Karaganda …

A) Is it. B)Doesn’t it. C) Has it. D) Didn’t it. E)Isn’t it.

3. I wanted to … the faculty of Karaganda State University:

A) Finish B)enter C) get D) make E) read

4. Kazakhstan is a … state with presidential form of government.

A)Unitary B)Federal C) People’s republic D) Autonomous E) Union

5. What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A)the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

6. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

A)the first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

7. The letter … sent tomorrow

A) Is sent. B) Was sent. C) Will be sent. D) Will. E) Has.

8. The main rivers of Kazakhstan are … .

F) The Irtysh, the Volga, the Syr-Darya and the Ural.

G) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Dnieper, the Syr-Darya.

H) The Irtysh, the Lena, the Syr-Darya and the Ember.

I) The Irtysh, the Syr-Darya, the Ural and the Ember.

J) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Neva, the Ember.

9.Kazakhstan is a … state with presidential form of government.

B) Unitary B)Federal C) People’s republic D) Autonomous E) Union

10. What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A)the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

Тема занятий : « Актобе»

З анятие № 1.  Тема: «Актобе»

Цель: освоение лексики по теме.

Материалы и оборудование: разработка по теме , раздаточный материал.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1.введение лексики по теме. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.

2. Домашнее задание:  Упражнения:  . Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3. Выучить лексику.

Контрольные вопросы:

1.How is Aktobe translated from Kazakh?

2.When did the history of the town begin?

3.Where is our region situated?

4.What territory does our region cover?

5.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

6. How old is Aktobe?

7. What is the population of our town?

8. Where is it situated?

9. What are the largest enterprises?

10. What can you say about the communication in our town?

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe (to translate) into Russian as “a white hill”.

2. Nowadays it “to be” a highly developed industrial centre.

3. A military fortress (to build) on the top of the hill.

4. Aktobe has been an important trading centre between … for many years.

5. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

6 . How is "Aktobe" translated?

d) "Aktobe" is translated as " big city "; 

b) "Aktobe" is translated as " white hill "; 

c) "Aktobe" is translated as " green tree ";

d) "Aktobe" is translated as " white tree ".

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.

2. Повторение грамматики. Страдательный залог в настоящем совершенном времени».

Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 49-52б.3-6.жат.

3. Сбор информаций о городе

4. Домашнее задание: Упражнения:  Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. стр.30.упр.5-6.

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.When did the history of the town begin?

2.Where is our region situated?

3.What territory does our region cover?

4.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

5.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?

7. What places of interest can you name?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe is growing very … .

2. Nowadays it “to be” a highly developed industrial centre.

3. A military fortress (to build) on the top of the hill.

4. The city becomes (beautiful) every year.

5. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

Потомок .

a) relative; b) descendant; c) leader; d) king.

Между .

a) near; b) next to; c) between; d) in the middle of.

Образование .

a) contribution; b) organization; c) education; d) establishment.

Выставка .

a) education; b) exhibition; c) establishment; d) management.

Выберите русский эквивалент.

Choose the Russian equivalent.

Equipment .

a) образование; b) выставка; c) управление; d) оборудование.

Глоссарий: Civil War-гражданская война                village-деревня

                    Junction-объединение                             ancient-древний

                    Route-маршрут                                       to connect-соединять

                   to take into account-принять во внимание to relay-сравнить 


Литература :1. Шелкова Т.Г. «Деловой английский»- Москва: «Вече», 2000.

2. Бонк. Н.А. , Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник а нглийск ого язык а. Часть 1. Москва, 199 5.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики.

2. Повторение грамматики. Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 49-52б

3. Вопросы для запроса информаций

4. Сбор информаций о городе

5. Домашнее задание: Упражнения: Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.86-92

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.Where is our region situated?

2.What territory does our region cover?

3.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

4.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

5.Have steady external economic ties been established in our region?

6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?

7. What places of interest can you name?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe has been an important trading centre between … for many years.

2. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

3. The history of the town dates back to … .

4. A military … was built on the top of the hill.

5. Aktobe is growing very ….

6. Painting.

a) живопись; b) рукопись; c) копия; d) рисунок.

7. Fortress.

a) дом; b) крепость; c) тюрьма; d) дворец.

8. Route.

a) тропинка; b) дорога; c) маршрут; d) колея.

9. Ancient.

a) современный; b) древний; c) новый; d) устаревший.

10. Settlement.   

a) население; b) соседи; c) поселение; d) переселенцы.

Глоссарий:  population -население                  passenger-пассажир

                  Industrial-индустриальный          traffic-уличное движение

                  Factories-фабрики                        communication-общение

                 Products-продукций                      residential-резидентский

                 Unique-                                           services-обслуживания

                deposit -вклад                                institutions-институты

                regional-региональный                 works-работы

Литература :

1. Бонк. Н.А. , Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник а нглийск ого язык а. Часть 1. Москва, 199 5.

2. Шелкова Т.Г. «Деловой английский»- Москва: «Вече», 2000.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики

2. Повторение грамматики. Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 49-52 б

3. Чтение текстов и извлечение информации об истории края и достопримечательностях. (Сборник текстов под ред Харечко Е.Ф. стр.2-3.)

4. Ответы на вопросы.  

5. Домашнее задание: Упражнения: .Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.86-87

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.When did the history 4of the town begin?

2. What territory does our region cover?

3.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

4.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

5.Have steady external economic ties been established in our region?

6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?

7. What places of interest can you name?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. A railway between Asia and Europe (to build) in 1905.

2. The history of the town dates back to … .

3. Our region covers a territory of … .

4. … fortress was built on the top of the hill.

5. Aktobe …theatre is one of the oldest in the republic.

6. The history of the town dates back to 1869 … Mamai batyr was buried.

a) as soon as; b) when; c) while; d) where.

7. It was taken into account by Nikolai ІІ … he decided to relay Asia and Europe.

 a) when;    b) before; c) for; d) while.

8. There are two companies in the theatre … stage up modern plays.

a) when; b) where; c) which; d) while.

Выберите причастие ІІ.

Choose the participle ІІ.

To establish.

 a) establishes; b) established; c) establish; d) establishing.

10. To open.

 a) opened; b) open; c) opens; d) opening.

Глоссарий: trading centre-торговый центр            enterprise-предприятие

                External- внешний                                representative-представитель

               Contribution-вклад , содействие         development-развитие

               Equipment-оборудование                    hearing machine-слушающий аппарат

               to bear-выносить                        establishment-учреждение

Литература :

1. Шелкова Т.Г. «Деловой английский»- Москва: «Вече», 2000.

2. Бонк. Н.А. , Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник а нглийск ого язык а. Часть 1. Москва, 199 5.


З анятие № 5. Тема: « Актобе»  

Цель: повторение лексики и грамматики.

Материалы и оборудование: разработка по теме , раздаточный материал.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.

2. Повторение грамматики. «Сложные предложения». /Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 52-54. 5-8.жат.

3. Домашнее задание: Упражнения: .Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.31.упр.7.

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

2.Have steady external economic ties been established in our region?

3.When did the history of the town begin?

4.Where is our region situated?

5.What territory does our region cover?

6.Where is our region situated?

7.What territory does our region cover?

8.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

9.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

10.Have steady external economic ties been established in our region?

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe (to translate) into Russian as “a white hill”.

2. Nowadays it “to be” a highly developed industrial centre.

3. A military fortress (to build) on the top of the hill.

4. Aktobe has been an important trading centre between … for many years.

5. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

6. Economic ties … been established in our region.

a) is; b) was; c) were; d) have.

7. A military fortress … built on the top of the hill.

 a) is; b) have; c) was; d) has.

8. Two scientific centres … opened in 1993.

a) were; b) is; c) had; d) have.

Выберите вспомогательный глагол для образования вопросительного предложения.

Choose the auxiliary verb to from the interrogative sentence.

9. What territory … our region cover? 

a) did; b) do; c) does; d) has.

10. Where … our region situated?

a) is; b) are; c) were; d) did.

Глоссарий :  creative-творческий                          puppet-марионетка

              to organize-организовать                       local-местный 

              exhibition-выставка                            painting-рисование

              artist-художник                                   to grow-расти


Литература : 1. Шелкова Т.Г. «Деловой английский»- Москва: «Вече», 2000.

2. Бонк. Н.А. , Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник а нглийск ого язык а. Часть 1. Москва, 199 5.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики. Разработка по теме Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.

.2. Повторение грамматики. Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 49-52б. 7-10.жат.

3. Чтение текста. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С . с.30.упр.1.

4. Ответы на вопросы. . Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с .31.упр.7.

5.Домашнее задание: Упражнения: Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.31.упр.8.

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

2.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

3.What territory does our region cover?

4.Have steady external economic ties been established in our region?

5.What establishments of higher education are there in the town?

6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?

7. What places of interest can you name?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe is growing very … .

2. Nowadays it “to be” a highly developed industrial centre.

3. A military fortress (to build) on the top of the hill.

4. The city becomes (beautiful) every year.

5. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

6. How did Nikolai ІІ decide to relay Asia and Europe?

а) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by means of a railway;                               

b) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by airlines;

c) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by cars;      

d) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by caravan routes.

Выберите английский эквивалент для фразы.

Choose the English equivalent for the phrase.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики. Подготовка к сообщению о родном городе друзьям из Великобритании. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.


2. Повторение грамматики./ Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 54-56. 1-6.жат.

3. Сбор информаций о городе

4. Описание одной из главных улиц города./ Картины улиц города.

5. Составление плана к тексту разработки для устного изложения содержания текста. . Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С . с.30.упр.1.

6. Домашнее задание: Упражнения: Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.30-31../ Пересказ текста по плану.

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.When did the history of the town begin?

2.Where is our region situated?

3.Can we say that Aktobe is a highly developed industrial center of the Western Kazakhstan?

4.How is Aktobe translated from Kazakh?

5.What establishments of higher education are there in the town?

6.What territory does our region cover?

7.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. Aktobe has been an important trading centre between … for many years.

2. Aktobe drama… is one of the oldest in the republic.

3. The history of the town dates back to … .

4. A military … was built on the top of the hill.

5. Aktobe is growing very ….

6. Aktobe is not very large but (он быстро растет).

а) it was growing quickly;     

b) it is growing slowly;  

c) it is growing quickly;

d) it will be growing quickly.

Выберите вопрос, к которому следующее предложение служило бы ответом.

Choose the question to which the following sentence could serve as an answer.

7. A military fortress was built on the top of the hill.

a) where was a military fortress built?        b) what was built on the top of the hill?  

c) when was a military fortress built?         d) why was a military fortress built?

8. Ancient caravan routes were used to connect the two continents.

а) why were ancient caravan routes used? b) when were ancient caravan routes used?  

c) were ancient caravan routes used?      d) was a railway used to connect two continents.

Содержание и порядок выполнения работы:

1. Повторение лексики. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с30.упр.2-3.

2. Повторение грамматики./ Утегенова Д.Н., Рабаева А.Ж. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық анықтамасы. 56-57.

3. Обсуждение плана пересказа. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С . с.30.упр.1.

4. Устное изложение текста. Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С . с.30.упр.1.

5. Домашнее задание: Упражнения: Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.31.упр.9-10.

Кон трольные вопросы :

1.What establishments of higher education are there in the town?

2.Is Aktobe a cultural center?

3.Where is our region situated?

4.What territory does our region cover?

5.What kind of center has Aktobe been for many years?

6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?

7. What places of interest can you name?

8. Do you like this town? Why?

9. Where are you from?

10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.

Блиц - тест :

1. A railway between Asia and Europe (to build) in 1905.

2. The history of the town dates back to … .

3. Our region covers a territory of … .

4. … fortress was built on the top of the hill.

5. Aktobe …theatre is one of the oldest in the republic.

6. How did Nikolai ІІ decide to relay Asia and Europe?

а) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by means of a railway;                               

b) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by airlines;

c) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by cars;      

d) he decided to relay Asia and Europe by caravan routes.

Выберите английский эквивалент для фразы.

Choose the English equivalent for the phrase.

Методические указания

 к практическим занятиям

по дисциплине «………………………»

07.10-03  стр…. из …..


Схемалар, есептер, ситуациялар

3.1. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы еңгізу және игеру.

Слайд № 1. Қазақстан Республикасының туы

Слайд № 2. Қазақстан картасы.

Слайд № 3. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы қазақ тіліне аудар

Motherland                     родина                               

separate                          отделять(ся)                      

independent                    независимый                     

to disintegrate                 распадаться                        

unanimously                   единогласно                       

to elect                           избирать, выбирать          

branch                             ветвь, отрасль                    

executive                         исполнительный            

Слайд №4

to adopt                           принимать                          

gender                             род, пол                              

Commonwealth              содружество                        

Border                             граничить                        

is located                         быть расположенным в     

desert                              пустыня                               

mountain ranges             горные цепи                        

droughty                         сухой                                   


Слайд №5

distribute                         разбрасывать                  

particular                       особый, особенный              

treasure house                 сокровищница          

poultry farming             птицеводство                       

pursue                            следовать неотступно за          

strengthen                       укреплять(ся)                      

neighbourhood               соседство                           

coexistence                    сосуществование                 

harmony                        гармония                             

К арточкам ен жұмыс жасау

  1. Сөздерді оқыңыз.

       policy – political

       constitution – constitutional

       democracy – democratic

       centre – central

       continent – continental

       nation – national

       produce – propuction

agriculture – agricultural

  «Қарлы кесек» ойыны. Алдыңғы сөзді қайталап жаңа сөз қосыңыз

Р еферат тар тақырыбы

1. Қаныш Сатпаев

2. Қазахстандағы оқу жүйесі

Жедеғабыл тест :


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