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Схемалар, есептер, ситуациялар. Карточка №1Ырықсыз етісте жазыңыз .

3.1. Тақырып бойынша лексиканы қайталау.

Слайд №13.

Оқып аударыңыз.

Symbolics, independence, to accept, an emblem, an anthem, embodiment,

heraldic, juridical state, anniversary, a sovereign state, prosperity.


3.2 Грамматиканы қайталау

1.Карточкамен жұмыс жасау.

Карточка №1Ырықсыз етісте жазыңыз .

1. a) They usually close the shop at 8.- The shop is usually closed at 8

2. They closed the shop at 8 yesterday.- The shop was closed at 8 yesterday

3. They will close the shop at 8 tomorrow.-The shop will be closed at 8 tomorrow.


4. b) The students are translating the text now –


5. The students were translating the text the whole lesson yesterday. –


6. The students will be translating the text the whole lesson tomorrow. –


7.   We have just written the test.-


8. We had written the test before the bell rang.-


9.  We shall have written the test before the bell-

10.   Карточка №2. Мәтінді оқып талқылау .


Слайд №14. 



« Қ аза қ стан . Ел.Адамдар »

The Kazakh people were formed by a process of amalgamation and assimilation of ancient tribes and people that lived on the territory of Kazakhstan in prehistoric times. Between the 7-th and the 12-th centuries, various early feudal states came one another to the vast Kazakhstan territory. In 1218 Mongol-Tatar hordes occupied Kazakhstan. The first Kazakh Khanates (states) based on unified economic and ethnic grounds appeared in the 15-th century in the south of Kazakhstan. Throughout the whole territory there were small towns, usually situated at the crossroads of the trade routes passing through the area. An important trade route linking Central Asia – and through it, Bysantium – with China, lay through the southern part of Kazakhstan. It is known in history as “The great silk route.” As a result of ethnic, political and social – economic process in 1468 an independent Kazakh state (khanstro) was formed on the territory of Kazakhstan. The long war against djungars weakened the Kazakh khaustro and some part of the people was forced to be naturalized in Russia and this was the reason of annexation of Kazakhstan.                                   

Р еферат тар тақырыбы :

1. Қазақстан өнері.

2. Қазақстан экономикасы.

Жедеғабыл - тест :

1.What is the symbol of high thoughts and cherished dreams?

A)the sun B) the eagle C) the shanyrak D) the star E) steppe

2.The text of new anthem was presented of the first time on the …

A)15th of December, 1992 B) 15th of August, 1992 C) 15th of December, 1990 D) 5th of December, 1992 E) 15th of December, 1993

3.Four days earlier (December, 11) the national anthem … by the Parliament

A)was devoited B) was written C) was adopted D) was read E) was presented

4.What is the symbol of the sovereign state?

A) the flag B) the Parliament C) the anthem D) the capital E) the currency

5. … couplet is devoted to the historical and fundamental past of our land.

A) the first B) the second C) the third D) the whole anthem E) none

6. … November

 a) since; b) at; c) from; d) into. E) none

Choose the participle ІІ.

To situate.

 a) situates; b) situating; c) situated; d) situate. E) none

To divide.

a) divided; b) divide; c) divides; d) dividing. E) none

Choose the verb in the Passive Voice.

9. The President … for a period of five years.

a) elects; b) electing; c) is elected; d) elected. E) none

10. The government … into three branches.

a) divided; b) is divided; c) divides; d) divide. E) none

Әдебиет: 1. Любимцева С.Н. и др. Деловой английский для начинающих. М: ГИС, 2000.

2. Христорождественская Л.П. Практический курс английского языка. Минск,1994.

3. Шелкова Т.Г. и др. Деловой английский. Москва: «Вече», 2000.

 № 7 Сабақ. Тақырыбы : « Қ аза қ стан»

Сабақ жоспары: 1. Лексикамен, грамматиканы қайталау. 1.Практический курс английского языка под ред. Батиновой А.С. с.28-30.упр.1.текст.

2.Мәтінді оқу./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.11.-13. упр.8.

3.Сұрақтарға жауап беру./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.16.упр.5.

4. Үй тапсырмасы:./ Харечко Е.Ф. и др. Казахстан.Страна.Люди. Актобе, 2004.стр.11.-13. упр.8.

Сабақ мақсаты: Мәтінді оқуды дамыту және мағынасын түсіну.

Бақалау сұрақтары:

1.What did the Supreme Soviet declare on the 16th of December 1991?

2.How many branches is government divided in to?

3.How many chambers does Parliament consist of?

4.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

5.What is the population of Kazakhstan?

 6. Does it border with Afganistan?

 7. . What industries are developed in Kazakhstan?

 8. . What do you know about the mountain system of Kazakhstan?

9. What is the climate of our Republic?

10. What traditional holidays of our country do you know?

Глоссарий : : valley-долина                mountain-гора

                    to determine-определять deep-глубокий  

                    sharp-резкий                     lake-озеро

                     east-восток                       to border-граничить

                     population-население to amount-равняться

                     boundless-безграничный   severe-суровый

                    hot desert-горячая пустыня vast-обширный 

                   to take place-занимать               to separate-разделять

                  to become-становиться               independent-независимый

                   to elect-выбирать                       to declare-объявлять 

                  sovereignty-суверенность           democratic-демократичный

                  state-государство                        to conduct-проводить


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