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Making Fresh Fish with Eggs

Scale the fish, salt it, and arrange it in an earthen casserole (qaswila, cazuela), having strained for it cilantro juice, and a little garlic, which you will pour on it, but not enough to cover. Throw in oil and spices and put in the bread oven; when it is done, break eggs in a platter, chop rue, sprinkle with a little pepper and some spikenard minced fine and pour over the fish at the door of the oven, and when it is done, eat with fine wheat flatbreads.

[96]Tortoise or Mullet Pie

Simmer the tortoises lightly in water with salt, then remove from the water and take a little murri, pepper, cinnamon, a little oil, onion juice, cilantro and a little saffron; beat it all with eggs and arrange the tortoises and the mullets in the pie and throw over it the filling. The pastry for the pie should be kneaded strongly, and kneaded with some pepper and oil, and greased, when it is done, with the eggs and saffron.

[p. 43, recto]...[about four words missing]... a Dish of Sourdough

Dissolve the sourdough in water and place in a pot, throw in...[two words missing]... and cook until done, and cover the contents of the pot with eggs.

To Make Isfî riyâ

Pound the flesh of a leg until it is like brains. Remove the sinews and throw in pepper, half a spoon of honey, a little oil, as much as is needed, and a little water. Mix all smoothly with flour and do not neglect to pound it, and do not slacken in this, because it will cool and be ruined. Grease the pan with oil or fat, make the pounded meat into flatbreads and fry in the pan; if there be with the meat almonds or walnuts or apples, it will be superb, God willing.

Isfî riyâ in the Manner of the Market Folk

Pound the meat of a leg when it is flayed, before it cools and after cutting it into strips, when it stops steaming. Remove its sinews, until nothing remains in it; throw in, while pounding, a little salt. When it is done, take what you need of sifted flour, mix with water and knead with the hand until it is mixed; throw in oil and also a little honey and break over it eggs; stir smoothly and throw it with the meat in the brass mortar and stir in the mortar very vigorously; add water little by little until it becomes light, and use it so that it does not cool and spoil. Then clean a frying pan and smear with oil, then take the meat out of the mortar and put round cakes of it in the pan and arrange the pan on the fire. And when you think it is going strongly, throw in a little oil and turn the pan so that the oil goes between and under the meat-cakes, and check that you stir it by the sides with a skewer so that it does not burn; then turn until done and brown it, if you want it brown, or do it in another manner as most people do, dash cold water on to the pan, then spread with oil, as you did the first time and use it as you please.
Make sausage in the same way as you make isfî riyâ : reduce the amount of water and increase the amount of eggs, remove the meat to the platter and leave it till it sets, and add fat to the weight of a third of the meat and throw in pepper and chopped rue and be at it all until it mixes. Clean the gut and fill with this meat with the fat, and tie in the lengths you wish; throw into boiling water [p. 43, verso] until hard; take them out and put in cold water...[about three words missing]... the isfî riyâ so that it does not turn black. Fry the sausage (dukâ nik) after this, God willing.

[97]...[title missing, about a third of a line]...

Take pure semolina, clean it and throw in enough water to saturate it and knead dough, as for ka'k; throw in oil and beat smoothly until it is light, after adding eggs, enough water, and leaven; put in the pot or in the platter until it rises, then fill the pan with oil and throw in morsels of the paste and when they are done, take them out and throw in more until you have done all you need and if you wish to add chopped almonds and pine nuts or pistachios, it will be better, God willing.


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