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Jimliyya of Legs and Breast of Squab

Take the legs of squab and the breast, place in a pot and add two spoons of oil, another of best murri and an adequate amount of vinegar, onion pounded with salt, coriander seed, caraway, pepper, sprigs of thyme and enough water; cook [p. 38, verso] until the sauce equals its grease and the meat is cooked; dot with four egg yolks and cover the contents of the pot with two eggs, put it in a platter and sprinkle with pepper, decorate with the yolks and serve it.

[85]Stuffed Goose

Clean a tender goose and do not cut it up, boil its gizzard and chop as small as possible, with its liver and chicken livers and gizzards also; beat with pepper, cinnamon, coriander and cilantro, ground thyme, a little vinegar, murri, eggs, salt and chopped onion; cook some of it and taste it; then stuff the goose with it, sew it up and put it in a clean pot; add a little water, oil, and murri and place it in the oven; when the top is browned, turn it over to brown the other side and let it finish cooking, then take it out of the pan and put around it tender citron leaves and cut them, pour its grease on top and serve it, God willing.


Cut the partridge through all its joints, clean it and place in an earthenware pot and throw in salt, chopped onion, a spoon of murri and two of oil, chopped cilantro, pepper, some caraway and enough water; cook till done, then take a handful of coriander seed, ground as fine as kohl, break over it four eggs and cover the contents of the pot with them and throw some whole pine-nuts on it and serve, God willing.

Sliced Chicken

Slice the breast of the chicken, after cleaning it, and fry in the frying pan with fresh oil until it browns, then place in the earthenware pot with salt and onion-juice, a spoon of murri, two of oil and four of water, pepper, rue, thyme, chopped cilantro, pine-nuts and cut almonds; boil this on the fire and make meatballs with lamb meat, and cook with it; cover the contents of the pot with some of the stuffing and eggs; then boil the eggs separately and cut in quarters, arrange them with the almonds on the platter and sprinkle a little chopped rue on top and serve, God willing.

A Dish of Whole Turtledoves

Open up their bellies, clean and arrange in a pan, add salt, half a spoon of vinegar, one of murri and three of oil, a little chopped cilantro, pepper, coriander seed, caraway and a suitable amount of water; cook until done, then pound a piece of meat [p.39, recto] finely with two or three walnuts and cover the contents of the pot with them and with egg white and serve it, God willing.

A Jointed Hen, Veiled and this dish with partridge is also extraordinary

Cut up the chicken and place in a pot, throw in a lot of onions, some five or six, cut in quarters and all the spices, murri, good oil, stalks of fennel, citron leaves, some rosewater, sprigs of thyme, pine-nuts, skinned garlic and almond; beat eggs either alone or with the seasonings of the pot; throw it over the chicken and put egg-yolks in, put a lid on the pot and seal the lid with dough and place in the bread oven until done; then serve it, God willing.

Chicken with Stuffed Eggplants

Boil the eggplants and take out the insides, beat with eggs, ground meat and all the flavorings, murri, onion juice, salt and chopped rue; stuff the eggplants with this and fry them in fresh oil until brown and the stuffing is cooked. Roast the chicken on a spit and baste it constantly with oil and murri beaten together until it is brown and take care that is does not touch the fire and burn; then place it on a platter and put around it citron leaves and the stuffed eggplants and decorate with sliced eggs, and chop some rue and serve.

A Coral Dish of Chicken

Roast the chicken, according to the recipe for roasting in the recipe previous to this one. Take a new pan and place in it two spoons of vinegar, one of murri, three of water and two of fresh oil, citron leaves, two fennel stalks, an onion pounded with salt, cilantro, a sprig of rue, another of thyme and skinned almonds and put the pot on a low fire; if you make lamb meatballs and fry and put in it, it is good. When the onion is done and the pot has boiled several times, dot with the yolks of eight eggs, cover the contents of the pot with the whites together with some white flour and pepper; put the roast chicken in it until the chicken absorbs the sauce and sprinkle with some murri; put on a platter and pour the sauce over, chop rue over it and serve, God willing.


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