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Упражнение 7. Семья Ричарда любит бывать дома. Что они любят делать дома?

  Образец: They (to work) in the garden.

They enjoy working in the garden.

Mom (to invite) people to dinner.

Mom loves inviting people to dinner.

He (to swim).

He likes swimming.


1. They (to work) in the garden.

2. Mom (to invite) people to dinner.

3. He (to swim).

4. Jane (to sit) near the fireplace.

5. Dad (to work) in the garden.

6. They (to invite) to stay with them.

7. His son (to swim) in hot weather.

8. His daughter (to cook) in the new kitchen.


Упражнение 8. Выразите сожаление:

Образец: go with them to the movies

I'm sorry/Too bad I can't go to the movies with you.


stay longer

speak French/German/Spanish

remember his address/phone number

come to the office at nine

keep the appointment

operate the computer

come to the party

dance well


Упражнение 9. Выразите сожаление на вопросы или высказывания автора:

I've lost the tickets.                                

Did you enjoy the visit?                            

I can't come to see you off.                    

I'm not going to visit Leningrad.            

You will not have time to see the hospital. 

The boss won't be able to see you tomorrow.

Did you find the report interesting?

What a pity!

I was rather disappointed.

What a shame!

That's disappointing.

How disappointing!




Getting ready for a trip

The company arranged a trip to its Washington branch for me.

I wanted to go there by train. I wondered if American railroads were much different from ours. I also wanted to see more of America. You don't see much from a plane, do you? Richard went along with me. Or maybe I went along with him.

Richard had wanted to book tickets and make reservations, but I insisted on making all the necessary arrangements myself. After a month in America I wanted to see if I could manage it. There was no problem with train tickets. They could be bought on the day of the trip. I made our hotel reservation from New York by calling an 800 number. Though it was a long distance call it was free. All toll-free numbers begin with 1—800. Some companies want to attract more customers that way, so they pay the telephone company for these calls.

By train to Washington

The American passenger railroad is called Amtrak. We boarded the train at Pennsylvania Station. We arrived at the station an hour before departure. As far as I remember, we paid about a hundred dollars for our one-way tickets. I checked (in) Rich's big suitcase for him. It was too big and heavy to take into the car as carry-on baggage. We chose a non-smoking car. That was because I had decided to give up smoking.

After we were seated, the conductor collected tickets. He took our tickets and placed seat markers above our seats. I wondered what they were for. I saw our destination — Washington, D. C. — written on them. Rich said that we should take them anytime we left our seat!

It took us just about three hours to reach Washington. Two hours and fifty minutes to be exact. On the train we had some pizza and cold drinks. Rich said he had always traveled by plane to Washington before. It was convenient because the airport in Washington was so close to downtown. But Union Station was literally within sight of the Capitol.


Richard and Victor are discussing a trip to Washington.

— So now I`ll be able to see the capital, won't I?

— I guess you will. And you'll be able to visit our Washington branch. You've read some guidebooks about Washington, haven't you?

— Yes, I'm taking them with me.

— We're going by Amtrak, aren't we?

— Amtrak?

— Right. That's the railroad company. It's called Amtrak.

— I'd love to see more of America by train. You don't see much from a plane, do you?

— No, I don't. Frankly speaking, I've forgotten when I traveled by train last.

— I wonder what American trains are like.

— I don't think they are much different from yours.

— You don't often go to Washington, do you?

— Actually I do. But not by train. I always fly.

— Do you make reservations in advance?

— No, never. I do that on the day of the departure.

— You see, Rich, I'd like to make all the arrangements myself.

— But you are my guest, aren't you?

— I'm. But I'd like to do it on my own.

— Okay. Let's see if you can manage it after a month in America.

— I guess I get tickets first.

— Oh, no, you don't have to do that.

— Why not?

— We'll do that on the day of the departure. First you make the hotel reservations. You call an 800 number in Washington. It's a toll-free number.

— But why is it free?

— The companies pay for the calls since they want to attract more customers. It's common practice.

— I see. That's smart of them.



-I don't think they want to set up a joint venture. -I think we should go to Washington by plane. -In my opinion New York is a very exciting city. -I think that the Empire State Building is the tallest sky­scraper in New York. -I believe we should fly to Washington -Washington is much more beautiful than New York. -It's in Washington that de­cisions are made. — I think you are right. — I think so too. — That's true. — I don't think you are right. — I believe the World Trade Center is taller. — I think you are right. We can save a lot of tin flying. — I can't agree with you. — I prefer New York. It's full life. — You are wrong. Decisions are made where the money is.


-Do you like Hemingway? -Do you like Mark Twain? -Do you like Gershwin? -Do you like „Porgy and Bess"? -Do you like this monument? -Don't you like modern sculp­ture?   -Have you seen the newest pictures in the Gallery? -Have you seen the one with two heads and no arms? What do you think of it? -Are you sure you wouldn't like to see some more? -What about the one across the hall? -Do you like modern painting?   -You are hard to please, aren't you? — Yes, I do. — I do very much. — I love him. — I like it very much indeed. — No. — No, I don't.   — I have, and I don't like them at all.   — I can't stand it.   — It's terrible. — I don't like modern art, and I hated the picture. — Not particularly.



I wonder — значит (мне) интересно.

Customer значит клиент, покупатель.

As far as I remember -  насколько (букв, так далеко как) я помню.

One-way ticket билет « туда ». Билет «туда и обратно» назы­вается round - trip ticket.

To give up отказаться, бросить. Видите, как резко меняет смысл глагола give (давать) добавление ударного up?

We had some pizza and cold drinks — в русском переводе мы вынуждены употребить два глагола: поели и выпили. В английском же языке глагол have, если после него идет название какой-нибудь еды или питья, означает и то, и другое.

Close близкий. Не путать с имеющим такое же написа­ние глаголом close закрывать!

Within sight в пределах видимости.


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