Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

X 1 points) Describing graphs. Study the graph and compare the wine consumption. Write your answers (figures 1 or 2) in the boxes.




1) The Spanish drink … wine than the Greeks.

2) The French drink … wine.


a: more  
b: the most  
c: less  
d: the least  
e: the fewest  


Points)  Read this part of a fax from David Parkinson, a company director who will be arriving from the UK to visit your company next week.


As you know, I will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon next week, and I wonder if you could answer a few questions for me.

Will someone be able to meet me at the airport? If this is possible, I would be grateful. It would be a lot easier than trying to gel a taxi in a strange city.

Can you tell me the name of the hotel and where it is? I will need to leave this information with my secretary.

Do you have any plans for dinner after I arrive? If you are free, would you care to join me? It would be a good opportunity to become acquainted.

Could you confirm the time of the meeting the next day, and let me know exactly where it will be held?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Write a fax to David:


• saying who will meet him at the airport, and where

• giving him the name and location of the hotel

• explaining the arrangements for dinner after he arrives

• confirming the time and venue of the meeting the next day.


Write 60-80 words.


Вариант № 2.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

с букв И – О).

Раздел 1.

Лингвистический аспект . Lexis and grammar key points.


1.1 (5 x 1 points) Phonetics. Choose the words in which EA has the same pronunciation as in TO READ. Tick (√) the correct variants in the boxes.


1: wealth

2: to treat

3: threat

4: head

5: steal


1 2 3 4 5

X 1 points) Morphology. Read the feature below about the qualities of a good manager.   Choose the correct word to fill each gap from А, В or С. For each question (1-12) mark one letter (А, В or C) in the boxes.



In today's competitive world, we find that different companies and businesses need managers with different management abilities. While not everyone's view (1) ____ what makes a good manager is the same, it seems that (2) ____ good managers have certain qualities in common- (3) ___ work environment requires different skills. A good manager in one company or business (4)___ not be as good in another. (5) ___ are, however, various trails that all good managers should have.

In a large corporation, (6) ____ organisation and planning are essential, the responsibility (7) _____ the managing director is to motivate and keep the managers informed so they can do their best In a small company or business, (8) ____ the owner or managers job is to train and motivate the employees directly, without having the help of (9) ___ middle management.

In (10) ___ case, the skills required are quite different. Even though (11) ____ a good manager is vital to all businesses, it is even more so in small ones. Research shows that the style and approach of the owner or manager in a small company, usually determines the

character and attitude (12) ____ its employees will adopt.


1. А of B in C for
2. А every B all C none
3. А All B Some C Each
4. А might B must C would
5. А They B There C It
6. А who B where C which
7. А of B to C on
8. А although B despite C however
9. А any B some C no
10. А which B this C those
11. А be B being C been
12. А who B what C that


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Points) Syntax. Organise the correct order of words in Special question. Write your answers (letters A, B, C or D) in the boxes.


a: Other words in the sentence

b: Subject

c: Question wordв

d: Main verb




X 1 points) Lexis. Complete the sentences putting in phrasal verbs according to the meaning. Write your answers (letters A, B, C, D or E) in the boxes.


1: Sorry I’m late. The car a: took off
2: … ! There is a car coming b: get up
3: It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane c: get on
4: I was very tired this morning. I couldn’t d: look out
5: How was the exam? How did you … ? e: broke down
6: My French isn’t very good but it’s enough to  


1 2 3 4 5 6


Раздел 2.

Иностранный язык как средство делового общения.

English for Business Communication

X 2 points) Ethics. A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Three answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Write your answers (letters A, B or C) in the boxes.


1) If you’re doing business abroad, it’s useful to know about local customs: If an Indian says ‘Come any time’, he/she expects you to … .

a: visit him/her the next day

b: ignore the invitation

c: arrange a visit immediately


2) If you’re doing business abroad, it’s useful to know about local customs: You can’t do business in Moslem countries on … .

a: on Fridays

b: on Wednesdays

c: on Sundays


3) If you’re doing business abroad, it’s useful to know about local customs: If an American nods his/her head, it probably means … .

a: ‘I understand’

b: ‘Yes’

c: ‘I am interested’


4) If you’re doing business abroad, it’s useful to know about local customs: If a British nods his/her head, it probably means … .

a: ‘I understand’

b: ‘Yes’

c: ‘I am interested’


1 2 3 4



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