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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 12. Translate the words and write those from which they are formed.

Traditional, typically, cleaning, relatively, availability, selection, developing, simplifying, unpack, irresponsible.


Task 13. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

retail store                        упрощать

consume                            реклама

a broad selection              потреблять

profit                                 широкий выбор

advertising                        отдел

convinent                          розничный

display                              прибыль

department                        удобный

simplify                            выставлять

Task 14. Read the text. Use the words given in brackets to form a correct part of speech.

 Know your rights

If you are a regular (1- shop), you ought to make sure you know your (2 - consumer) rights. For example, did you know that TV and radio and newspaper (3 - advertise) have to tell the truth? If they say something about a (4 - produce) that isn’t true, they can be taken to court. Also, if you order something and you promised (5 - deliver) before a certain date, you should get some money back if it doesn’t come in time.

The general rule is: don’t be afraid to make a (6 - complain). And if a shop (7 - assist) is unhelpful or rude, always insist on speaking to the (8 - manage). The shop certainly doesn’t want to lose one of its (9 - custom). Now more and more people are buying things online, shops have to try even harder to keep us happy.


Task 15. Read, translate and dramatize the dialogues.


Assistant: What can I get for you?

Customer: I’d like a packet of sugar, please.

A.: And what next, please?

C.: A packet of cornflakes, please. And yes, I’ll want some coffee and also a dozen of eggs, please.

A.: Is there anything else?

C.: Two pounds of flour and that’s all for the moment.

A.: Here you are.

C.: Thank you .


A.: What can I get for you?

C.: I’d like six or seven oranges and some grapes, please.

A.: Anything else?

C.: A couple of bananas, just not too rape, please. They’re all a bit too rape. May be those?

A.: Or those? What about those? They’re better.

C.: O.K. I’ll have those.

A.: Do you want three or two?

C.: Two is enough, actually. And apples, please. I’ll have four of those.

A.: Four. That’s just the pound. Here you are.

C.: How much is that all?

A.: That’ll be twelve pounds thirty p., please.



Grammar Revision:

· Conditionals

· Word-building

Exercise 1. Write sentences using the zero conditional based on the cues below.

1. drive a car/pollute the air

2. exercise regularly/keep fit

3. drink plenty of water/help the body properly function

4. eat too much salt/risk high blood pressure

5. boil cherries/colour changes to pink

6. sit in front of the computer screen for long periods/eyes get sore

7. take a year off / go travelling for a few months


Exercise 2. Claire is finishing school and planning her future. Write sentences about her, using the first conditional.

1. go abroad to study ® meet a lot of interesting people

2. do well in her final exams ® get a place at University

3. get a job ® earn some money

4. go to university ® have better career prospects in the future

5. go abroad ® learn some new languages


Exercise 3. Write the verbs in the correct tense.

1. If you (cut down on) sweets, you'll lose weight.

2. If you (pour) water on a fire, the fire goes out

3. If you add sugar to your coffee, you (make) it sweet.

4. If Clare is late, we (not/wait) for her.

5. If she (not/do) her homework, the teacher will be angry.

6. If he touches the oven, he (burn) himself.

7. If you heat metal, it (become) liquid.

8. If I (have) some free time, I'll drop by.

9. If he gets the job, he (be) very happy.

10. If I (see) Paul, I'll give him the book.

 Exercise 4. Fill in: if, when, unless.

 1. ____ you finish your homework, you can't go to the party.

 2. ____ you don't run, you will miss the bus.

 3. ____ you are ready to leave, call me.

 4. ____ it stops raining, we won't go for a walk.

 5. ____ you eat your dinner, you can have some cake,

 6. ____ he comes soon, we will have to leave without him.

 7. ____ you finish the report, give it to the manager.

 8. ____ you like this soup, you can have some more.

 9. ____ you leave the house, lock the door.

 10 .____ we save some money, we can't go on holiday this year.


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