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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in the correct form, Past Simple or would.

1. If I (live) in the country, I (have) a dog.

2.. If I (have) a lot of money, I (not, work ).

3.. I (go) to the party if I (not be) so busy.

4.. What ___you ___ (do) if someone (give ) you a million dollars?

5.. If I (be) you, I (look) for another job.

Exercise 6. Rewrite the following sentences using the Second Conditional.

Example: I’m not rich. I don’t live in a big house.

1. He eats a lot of sweets. He’s fat.

2. She smokes forty cigarettes a day. She coughs a lot.

3. He does not understand Portuguese. He won’t work in Brazil.

4. They don’t have a garden. They don’t grow vegetables.

5. I don’t have a boat. I won’t sail around the world.


Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense to form either a First or a Second Conditional Clause.

1. If it (rain) this weekend, we (not be able) to play tennis.

2. Give me Peter's letter. If I (see) him, I (give) it to him.

3. I have to work about 80 hours a week, so I'm very busy. But if I (have)

any spare time, I (take up) a sport like golf.

4. If I (be) taller, I (can) be a policeman, but I'm too short.
5 . Please start your meal. If you (not have) your soup now, it (go) cold.

6 .What noisy neighbours you've got! If my neighbours (be) as bad as

yours, I (go) crazy.

7. If you (have) any problems, let me know and I (come) and help you

straight away.

8. You're a brilliant cook! If I (can) cook as well as you, I (open) a


9. If there (be) some nice fish in the supermarket, you (buy) some for


10. 'We have mice in the kitchen.' – 'If you (have) a cat, the mice soon



Exercise 8. Complete the sentences by writing the verbs in the correct form, using the Third Conditional.

1. If I (look out) of the window, I (see) the robbers.

2. If I (see) the robbers, I (phone) the police.

3. If I (phone) the police, they (catch) the robbers.

4. If they (catch) the robbers, I (get) a reward.

5. I (not go) to the jazz concert, if I (not meet) Tony.

6. If I (not meet) Tony, he (not introduce) me to his friend, Ben.

7. If Ben (not ask) me out, we (not get engaged).      

8. If we (not get engaged), we (not have) a big party.

Exercise 9. Finish each of these sentences so that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. Use the Third Conditional in each case. Make any changes that are necessary.

Example: Sanford didn’t shoot the lion because it ran to the cover.

  If the lion hadn’t run to the cover Sanford would have shot it.

1. They didn’t go out because it rained.

If it ___.

2. He only passed because he saw the questions before the exams.

If he ___.

3. He became very fat because he didn’t do any exercise.

If he____.

4. He failed his driving test because he didn’t stop at a red light.

He would ___.

5. He left home late and missed the train.

He wouldn’t ___.

6. They won the match because they scored in the last minute.

They would ___.

7. I had to go to summer school because I failed my exams.

I wouldn’t ___.

8. I didn’t go to the concert because I didn’t know about it.

If I ___.

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences, using the information in brackets and the correct conditionals.

1. If you have an early night (you / feel better in the morning).

2. If you didn't go out so much, (you / save more money).

3. If you hadn't told her, (she / not find out).

4. If you invite them, (they / come).

5. If you had asked me for the address, (I / give it to you).

6. If you wore your new suit, (you / look very smart).

7. If I had stayed to the end of the party, (I / meet them)

8. If he had left home, (they / be very upset).

9. If I bring my camera, (I / take your photograph).

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. It rained all day. If the weather (not be) so bad we (go out). 2. We expect Mary to be here soon. If she (not arrive), we (phone) her. 3. I sleep badly. If I (not get) enough sleep I (not get) much work done. 4. We went to Paris. If we (not go) to Paris , we (not have) such a good time. 5. My brother doesn't do any work. If he (work) harder, he (pass) his exams. 6. Jane and John like each other. If he (ask) her to dance, she (say) yes. 7. This is an old computer. If you (not press) 'Save' you (lose) your work. 8. I did German at school. If I (do) English, I ( get) a better job? 9. There's a bus. If we (get on) that one, we    (arrive) in time. 10. I can't see a bus. But even if we (catch) a bus now, we (be) late.


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