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The Making of Marrow Without Marrow, Which No One Will Suspect

Take fresh kidney meat and remove its veins, and peel off the spleen its under-skin; take one part of the spleen, and five parts of clean kidney fat; pound all this until it is like brains, and stuff this into tripe or large intestines or cane tubes or the like, and boil it in a pot of tafaya; take it out and empty it into a serving dish and serve it hot.

The Making of Another Marrow

Take lamb's brains and clean them of their veins; then take tender meat, such as lamb's shoulder, and pound it fine in the stone (mortar); mix it with the cleaned brains, insert into intestines and cook them; then take them out and sprinkle them with powdered sugar, and if you add almonds or crushed nuts at the beginning, it is better.

The Making of Another Marrow

Take lamb's brains and add to them fresh clarified butter, eggs and fresh milk with some sugar; stuff them in intestines and hang them up. For some rulers there have been prepared glass vessels that seem from their shape to be tibias or other bones, and when [the stuffing] has just been mixed, insert it into these receptacles. Put it in a pot with water and salt and all that is necessary for the dish made with it; cook it until you know that the marrow has been done and thickened inside its container-this can be seen from outside the glass. Take it out and remove the dough from the tops of the containers, empty what is in them and serve it.

The Making of a Good Marrow, Which Will Not Be Doubted

Take three û qiyas of new walnuts, clean of their shells, and boil them in hot water; then take the fine skin from them and pound them very hard. Then take a quarter ratl of pounded fat and as much again of spleen and combine everything. Pour first into the glass marrow container the oil of fresh almonds, or chicken fat, or fresh butter; then fill it with the stuffing and cover its top with dough and boil it in water and salt, until it is done, then coat it with butter and present it.[8]
The best of the aquatic birds is that called the qutr goose [qutr can mean " earring, " " willow" or " leek": I propose " earring, " referring to a marking such as the mallard has]. It is a waterfowl with a large bill, blackish in color, that fattens very quickly and is only good roasted [literally, " it is not good roasted"; the word " except" has been dropped].

Recipe for Roasting It

After killing it, hang the fowl overnight by the feet, and on the following morning clean it and leave it aside: get salt pounded with thyme, pepper, oil and coriander until like thin honey, and with this coat its body, inside and out; place it in the earthen oven and when you take it out, improve it with sauce, if desired.

Recipe for Roasting Other Dishes of the Same (Another from Abu Salih al-Rahbani in His Kitchen)

Extract juice of pressed onions and juice of tender garlic and cilantro juice and murri naqî ', one û qiya of each; half a ratl of strong vinegar and sufficient oil; coriander, Chinese cinnamon, ginger, thyme and cumin, three dirhams of each. Grind all this and dissolve it in those waters with vinegar. Then get the aforementioned bird, called the qutr-goose, which is the duck. Scald this fowl and take out what entrails there are and hang them up; then perforate its body with the point of a knife and place in each hole peeled garlic and a bit of almond paste, and in some holes a piece of peeled walnut meat, and in other holes a piece of ginger; then leave it overnight in the aforementioned liquids with vinegar and on the following morning take it out and roast it in the tannur; when it is ready, take it out, cut it up, and present it in its sauce.
Know that every roast is slow to digest, but it is very nutritious, restores the strength, is not chilling to the chyme, if well-digested; it is one of the simples, [9] because in it are


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