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Mahesa said:

1-6. Then the divine river after her confluence with Vartraghni, has entered with Bhadra into the ocean, the abode of Varuna. The ocean also, having come there with a desire to do what is dear to her, and due to his affection for Sabhramatl, brought about the pleasing union. Bhadra who was the friend of Subhadra formerly, actually taking the form of Shri, helped her on the way. Their confluence on the northern shore of the ocean is meritorious. A man who, after bathing (there) offers pure water, after saluting Varaha, would obtain Varuna's place. Lord Vishnu entered the ocean along that path, vanquished all the demons, the enemies of gods, then the god, Yajnavaraha, agitated the ocean, sported there, for a very long time, and came out through Kardamala. Parvati said:

7. O god, tell me in detail the entry of Yajnavaraha into the Sabhramati and his exit through Kardamala. Mahadeva said:

8-11. I shall tell you about this sport of Vishnu (in the incarnation of) Varaha, in the interior of the earth, done formerly. O daughter of the Himalaya Mountain, listen. He who is actually the lord, took up the form of a boar. Having taken up the form for the success of the mission of the gods, the lord of gods, holding the divine earth (on his tusks), came out of the place (called) Kardama. O beautiful lady, a great holy place has come about there. A man who bathes there, enjoys salvation. There is no doubt about this. A man should perform a sraddha here for the release of his dead ancestors. Freed with them, he goes to the great world giving happiness.



Mahadeva said:

1-5. A holy place superior to this holy place is called Sarigama. Here that Sabhramati Ganga has joined the ocean. A man should bathe and give gifts there. Having bathed here, even those who are great sinners, get salvation. One desiring the good of his kinsmen, should offer a sraddha there. When a sraddha is performed here, the man would certainly live in the world of the dead ancestors. At that place where god Sagara (i.e. the divine Ocean) always joins Ganga, (even) the murderer of a brahmana is freed. Then what to say of other sinners? When dull-witted men do not know about the holy place there, then a holy place in my name should be fashioned.




Mahddeva said:

1-4. Near the confluence is a good holy place (Sattirtha) well-known in the world, called Aditya. There was not and there will not be a holy place superior to it. One should visit it, and bathe. Worship should be done with a blue lotus, an arka flower and also with karaviras. Men should always perform a sraddha and offer gifts there. This Adityaka-tirtha is pure and destroys sins. This holy place gives religious merit even to great sinners who visit it.




Mahadeva said:

1-4. A holy place superior to that holy place is well known as Nllakantha. One desiring salvation should always visit it. By (offering) bilva-leaves, incense, lamps and on seeing Nilakantha a man gets the desired object. In a secluded place he (i.e. the deity) highly devoted to fasting, always dwells. He gives to people whatever they long for. O great goddess, that Kasyapl is well-known in Kali (age).




Mahadeva said:

1-6. One should bathe there where that river Sabhramati has joined Durga and the ocean, O goddess. (Such men) become free from blemishes in this Kali age. There is no doubt about this. A man should perform a sraddha at the confluence of Durga. Having gone there, one should especially feed brahmanas and offer (them) cows, buffaloes. This (river) is blessed, most blessed, pure and destroyer of sins, seeing which, O goddess, a man is freed from sins. This river SabhramatI should be known as Ganga. O goddess, in the Kali age she especially gives fruits for a long time. Even if there were hundreds of tongues in my mouth I shall not be able to describe her merits.



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