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Віза. На митниці. Паспортний та митний контроль

At the Customs (Speakers: two passengers)

 - Have you filled in the immigration card? - Yes. Have you? - Да, а вы?

 - I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens.

- Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?

 - No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid you have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EEC Passports».

- All right. See you outside the baggage claim area

(Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger)

 - Can I see your passport?

 - Certainly, here it is.

 - Have you anything to declare?

 - Nothing.

 - What’s the purpose of your visit?

- I’m attending a conference in London.

 - Well, would you mind opening this bag, please. - There you are. - Вот, пожалуйста.

 - Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.

- Thank you.


Passport control

 - Helen, the passport control officer will ask you for your passport. Produce it, please.

 - Oh, yes, here it is. I believe he will ask us where we are going to.

- That’s right. Besides he will be interested to know how long you are going to stay here.

- I am obliged to answer all questions. Is that so? - No doubt. You will have to tell the passport control officer about the purpose of your visit.

 - Anything else?

 - Nothing else. They are usually very polite.

 - Will he ask me about the visa I have?

- Sure, he can. He’ll be interested to know if you have a tourist visa, or a multiple entry and exit visa or an exchange one.

- But I have an immigration visa. It has been recently granted to me. I’m not going to extend it.

- O.K. Don’t be nervous. Everything will be fine.

 - Is that all?

 - No, after the passport control you’ll go through the customs control at the customs area.

Active vocabulary

could I see your passport, please? пожалуйста, покажите ваш паспорт

where have you travelled from?  откуда вы прибыли?

what's the purpose of your visit? какая цель вашего визита?

I'm on holiday                          я в отпуске

I'm on business                         это деловая поездка

I'm visiting relatives               я приехал к родственникам

 how long will you be staying?   как долго вы собираетесь здесь пробыть?

where will you be staying?   где вы будете жить?

you have to fill in this ...               вы должны заполнить ...

landing card                                    карту прибытия

immigration form                      иммиграционную карту

could you open your bag, please? откройте вашу сумку, пожалуйста

do you have anything to declare? у вас есть что-нибудь, подлежащее декларации?

you have to pay duty on these items    вы должны уплатить за это пошлину

EU citizens                                    Граждане ЕС

All passports                          Все паспорта


Wait behind the yellow line     Ждите за жёлтой чертой

Please have your passport ready Пожалуйста, приготовьте паспорт

Nothing to declare                            Нечего декларировать

Goods to declare                        Вещи, подлежащие декларации


Практичне заняття № 16

В готелі. Бесіда з адміністратором про розміщення в готелі.


 -Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon Madame. How can I help you?

- I would like a double room with a bathroom.

- Wait a moment, please. Yes, we may offer you a room like that.

- I also would like it to be on the first floor.

- Hmm, unfortunately there are no vacancies on the first floor. But I suggest that you take the one on the second floor, at the back, whose windows overlook the mountains.

- That sounds fine. Is there a balcony in this room?

 -Yes, of course.

- Will I have any noisy neighbors?

 -No, there lives only one older couple in a room next to yours.

- Is there the air condition in my room?

- Of course. Moreover there is a telephone, radio and a TV set.

- How long is the room service available?

- All day and night. But you can order a hot meal only till 11 PM. And breakfast is included in the price.

- That sounds great.

- Can I ask, who are you saying with at the hotel?

- I am staying all by myself, but I like much space that is why I take double room.

- Yes, of course.

 -How much will it cost?

 -It is 60 pounds per night.

- Fine. May I go and see my room then?

 -Yes, Mike will show you the way.


- Well, the room is really nice and seems comfortable. I will stay there.

- Fine. Could you fill in the registration form?

- Sure.

- And I would like to see our IC or passport.

- Of course. Is it necessary to write my phone number in the form? I don't like giving it to anyone.

- If you don't, it makes no problem.

- And what is my room's number?

- It is 10. Here is the kea.

- And what about my car? Where is the parking?

- The porter may take you to the garage. He will bring the keas back and tell you, where the car stands.

- Fine. And what about my bags?

- Mike will take it to the room.

- Could you call me at 6:30 in the morning? I need to wake up and I always have problems with that.

- Of course. Do you expect any guests tonight?

- No I don't. Could I have breakfast delivered to my room?

- Sure. At what time?

- A quarter after seven.

- Ok. If you needed anything more, please call me.

- I will. Oh, and where is the swimming pool and sauna?

- It is in the basement. There is also a cocktail bar.

 -And where can I find Internet café?

- It is on the first floor, just under your room.

- Ok. Only one more thing- I want to order a bottle of champagne.

- The room service will bring it to you in 5 minutes.

- Thank you very much

- You are welcome.


 -Good evening.

 -Good evening Mrs. Stone. What can I do for you?

 -I want to send a fax for the number 422-35-78 in Krakow, Poland.

- Sure. Oh, and there is a message for you.

- Really? What is it?

- Mr. Smith called and said that he will be waiting for you in lunch time at the café in our hotel.

- Oh, that is nice. Thank you.


- Hello Mrs. Stone. Are you leaving today?

- Yes I am. I want to ask, how much will I have to pay for the hotel and all services?

- One moment, please. It all makes 1000 pounds.

 -Oh, that is quite much. And I didn't have hot water for one night.

- Oh, yes, I remember that. That will be 50 pounds less.

- And the swimming pool was closed for whole three days.

 -Well, we could do nothing about it. The pump broke down and it takes much time to repair it.

- But the hotel's headmaster said that the guests will pay less because of that.

- Wait a moment… Oh, yes, I am sorry I forgot about that. So all in al you are to pay 800 pounds.

- Ok. Do you accept credit cards and checks?

- Yes. How are you going to pay then?

- With the card. Here it is.

- Yes. Can you sign this receipt, please?

- Yes. And could you order a taxi for me?

- Sure. What time are you going to leave?

- In one hour. I am almost ready and my plane takes off at 4 PM.

- Ok. I will call the taxi. And may I ask you, where are you going now?

- Oh, I am going to visit my friend in California. I am quite nervous about the flight, because it is going to be very long and tiring.

- So don't forget to take a hot bathe before you leave.

- I will, thank you.

- And remember- anytime you visit Manchester, you are welcome to our hotel

- Thank you very much. I really enjoyed staying here.

- Thank you too. And good bye.

- Bye.


Практичне заняття № 21

Презентація фірми


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