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Q: What are the characteristics of a person who manages to get beyond the clutches of the three qualities and attain the Lord?

A: Following are the typical characteristics of a person who is considered to have transcended the three qualities. Such a person:  

• Neither actively desires nor rejects association, involvement or attachment with issues related to worldly activities

• is largely indifferent to mundane on goings in the world

• is aware that all activities are entirely due to the will of the Lord 

• faces happiness and sadness with equal poise

• does not distinguish between a pack of mud and a bundle of gold

• is neither elated by praise nor dejected by abuse handles moments of pride and shame with equanimity treats friends and foes alike

does not indulge in activities solely related to worldly pleasures

Such an individual, who has indeed transcended the three qualities, performs naturally chosen activities without expecting worldly riches, while focusing on pleasing the Lord with pure, unadulterated devotion earns the pleasure of Sri Lakshmi, the Lord’s consort who then leads that individual to the Lord’s abode.


Q: It is said that to attain the Lord, one should move beyond the clutches of the three qualities of material nature, one of which is ‘Purity’ or ‘Sattva’, which is a desired quality. While it is understandable that one should move beyond the undesirable traits of ‘Rajas’ and ‘Tamas’, why should one move beyond ‘Sattva’ also?

A: Sattva quality can also refer to traits leading to noble, worldly activities, which however may not be performed as an offering to the Lord. For example, a scientist conducting research to understand the nature of some elements might be working exceedingly hard in a sincere way and this effort is indeed laudable. That scientist can be a role model to society. But if such work is not performed as an offering to the Lord, then it does not help one move towards the Lord even though it is Sattvic activity. Hence in order to achieve salvation, one needs to move beyond the three qualities of material nature and focus on the Lord in all their activities. 




ü Inert nature is the third component of the triumvirate that comprises the universe

ü Inert nature is controlled by the Lord’s consort Lakshmi. The individual souls come in contact with nature and gain physical bodies with sense organs etc, whose sole purpose is to equip these souls in their journey to redemption

ü Contact with the qualities inherent in nature also binds the individual souls who need to transcend these qualities to escape bondage and move towards self realization

Yoga Meditation and Diet

While the Gita talks a great deal about the importance of knowledge, it also places a great emphasis on specific actions that one need to take on a day to day basis to reduce some of these learning into practice. Given that the physical body is granted to individual souls by the Lord to enable them to indulge in activities leading to self realization, it is but natural that the Gita should dwell on how one needs to manage the body (and the mind). Yoga and meditation techniques are part and parcel of the Vedic scriptures and their importance have been recognized by modern medicine. Gita goes a step further in its treatment of yoga and meditation to drive home the point that these should not be executed mechanically but should be performed as a part of a well thought out prayer regimen to the Lord. Gita also teaches on the importance of diet, the impact of the nature of food on human emotions/behavior, in addition to the physical health. While, modern dietary studies focus only the impact of food consumption on physical health, the Gita provides insights into the impact of food on mental health also.





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