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Q: What are the guidelines on the amount of food that a person should consume?

A: One, who is focused on balanced living and meditation, should neither over eat nor under eat. Excessive eating leads to lethargy, indigestion and other ill effects. Under eating renders one weak and unable to concentrate on daily activities and hinders meditation. Similar approach applies to sleep.


Q: How does the process of food digestion work?

A: The Lord powers the digestive organs in the body to be able to successfully digest the 4 types of food consumed by a person. Food is categorized as following based on the method of consumption: food that is chewed, sucked, licked or drunk. Foods chewed includes those that are masticated before swallowing such as rice, bread etc. Honey is an example of a food that is sucked and swallowed. Mango pulp is often licked and then swallowed. Liquids such as milk and water are drunk. Given that the Lord Powers the organs of digestion, it is important that one always offer food to the Lord before consuming.


Q: Since there are a wide variety of foods available for consumption, which are the recommended categories for those focused on living an ideal life?

A: Food is basically categorized into 3 classes based on the effect they produce on the body and mind. 

• Foods which are tasty, moderately sweet, salty, spicy, or pungent are generally considered to promote healthy body and mind

• Those foods which are excessively salty, spicy, pungent, or hot are known to promote excessive passion and do not allow for a calm mind and also cause bodily discomfort

• Those foods which are stale, not tasteful, unhealthy and have negative impact on mind and body (ex: alcohol and non-vegetarian food) are known to excite negative feelings, apart from harming the body.


Q: How can one avoid consuming unhealthy (and harmfully addictive) substances such as alcohol, tobacco etc?

A: It is interesting to note that even passionate consumers of such addictive substances usually refrain from offering them to their parents, Gurus and elders out of respect. They will certainly avoid consuming them in temples and such places out of respect for others. It is however, ironic that they feel comfortable consuming them in other circumstances as perhaps they feel that they are not amongst elders, Gurus or parents. Once they realize that the Lord is everywhere, including every nook and corner of their bodies and anything one consumes is indeed consumed by the Lord within, perhaps such behavior may change.




ü Yoga is a generic term meaning way or path. The Gita introduces the concept of different types of paths which are essential for a seeker travelling on the road to self realization

ü Aspects of Patanjali yoga such as physical exercises, breath control and mediation have the beneficial effects of calming the mind and relaxing the body which allows one to concentrate better in daily activities

ü Human behavior is also impacted by the type of food that one consumes. Reduction of food consumption or dieting does not necessarily result in reduction of carving for food, which can only be achieved by mind control.

The Final Frontier

This chapter attempts to summarize the teachings in The Gita and attempts to answer some questions on the ‘Final Abode’ and the way to self realization. A discussion on supposedly different paths to redemption and the design of an optimal path for the seeker is indicated. The behavior, activities and responsibilities of redeemed souls are also addressed.


The Final Abode


Q: What is the definition of ‘Redemption’ (also known as salvation, deliverance, Nirvaana, Moksha etc)?

A: Redemption is defined as the casting off of what is not natural to the soul and remaining in its true nature for all eternity. The souls are in their intrinsic nature of pure intelligence and happiness. It is a state upon reaching which, the souls will not get entangled in bondage and will not have to return to the earth.



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