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Salmalika, Kraunca, Kusha and Puskara Dvipas and Their Mountains

Suta said:

1. O illustrious ones, now listen to the account of the northern islands from me who am telling it.

2. There is an ocean having the water of clarified butter; another has the water of curds; then there is an ocean having the water of wine; and one more is an ocean of milk.

3. O best brahmanas, these islands have double the size of one another (as they proceed northwards). O highly intelligent ones, there are also mountains surrounded by oceans.

4-6. In the middle island there is a large mountain (made of) minerals. In the western island there is the mountain Krishna, that is the friend (i.e. favourite) of Narayana, O brahmanas. There Vishnu himself guards divine gems; and there, being pleased, he bestows happiness on creatures. In the centre of the country in the Saradvipa there is a clamp of Kusha (grass); O brahmanas, the Salmali (tree) is worshipped in the Salmalika island.

7-9a. O best brahmanas, on the Kraunca island is the Mahakraunca mountain, which is a mine of heaps of gems. It is always adored by all the four castes. O brahmanas, then there is the Gomanta mountain full of all minerals, where the glorious, lotus-eyed (Vishnu) always lives. The lord Narayana, (also called) Hari is always in the company of those who have secured salvation.

9b-11. O best brahmanas, in Kushadvipa is the mountain Sunama (literally, of a good name) which is full of corals and is inaccessible. Another mountain, the golden mountain, is Dyutiman, O best of brahmanas. The third is Kumuda mountain. The fourth mountain is called Puspavan, the fifth one is KuSheshaya. The sixth is Harigiri. These six are the chief mountains.

12-14a. The distance between each of them becomes double (as we proceed from one to another). The first country is Audbhida; the second in Renumandala; the third one is Suratha, and the fourth one is known as Lambana. The fifth country is Dhrtimat, and the sixth country is Prabhakara. The seventh country is Kapila. These seven are in a straight line.

14b-16. O brahmanas, in these gods and gandharvas and fother) creatures are cheerful and sport and enjoy. No man dies in these (divisions). O brahmanas, there are no thieves there, nor the Mleccha tribes. O best ones, the people there are almost white and delicate. O best brahmanas, O very wise ones, I shall describe as I have heard about the remaining islands.

17-20a. O illustrious ones, in Krauficadvipa, there is a large mountain called Kraufica. Next to Kraunca is the (mountain) Vamanaka; next to Vamana (or Vamanaka) is Andhakaraka; next to Andhakara (or Andhakaraka) is the best mountain Mainaka, O brahmanas. Next to Mainaka, O brahmanas, is the best mountain Govinda. Beyond Govinda is the great mountain Pundarika. Next to Pundarlka is said to be the (mountain called) Dundubhisvana. Towards the east the distance between any two of the mountains becomes double.

20b-24a. I shall tell you about the countries there. Listen to me who am describing them. The country of Kraunca (i.e. in which Kraunca is situated) is Kushala; that of Vamana is Manonuga; O ascetics, the country beyond Manonuga is Usna. Beyond Usna is Pravaraka. Andhakaraka is next to Pravara. Munidesa is said to be next to Adhakaraka country. Dundubhisvana is said to be next to Munidesa. It is crowded with siddhas and caranas. The men there have almost a white complexion. These regions are said to be resorted to by gods and gandharvas.

24b-32a. In (the island of) Puskara there is a mountain called Puskara which is rich in gems and jewels. The lord of beings himself moves there. All gods and great sages always wait upon him. O best brahmanas, they worship him with agreeable words. Various gems proceed uninterruptedly from Jambudvlpa. O best sages, due to celibacy, truthfulness and restraint of the brahmanas the span of life and the quality of health of the people in those islands go on doubling (as one goes) on (towards the north). O best ones, I have described to you the countries in which only one religion exists. The lord, the creator himself, having raised the rod of punishment always protects these islands. O brahmanas, he is the king, he is the final beatitude, he is the father and the grandfather. O best brahmanas, he protects the creatures along with the brahmanas and the wise. O glorious ones, the beings here daily eat the food that is ready and that itself approaches them.

32b-41. Beyond that a region called Sama (Or, beyond that a great mountain, the habitation of people) is seen. It is symmetrical and is round on all sides. O best brahmanas, the four quarter-elephants, dear to the world and with their cheeks and mouths in rut, live there. O best sages, O brahmanas, (they are: ) Vamana, Airavata, Anjana and Supratika. I do not venture to count their measure. The proportion — breadthwise, lengthwise and height wise — -is ever incalculable. There winds blow irregularly from all directions. O best sages, the elephants take them. They draw them with the very lustrous trunks resembling lotuses. Then they always again quickly let them out in a hundred ways. O best brahmanas, the winds (thus) let out by the breathing elephants come (down), and the creatures live (by them). I have described to you the world along with its creation as desired (by you). O best brahmanas having heard this measure of the earth, which gives merit and is agreeable, a rich person gets emancipated, has his objects accomplished, and is liked by the good. His span of life, strength, glory and lustre increase. The (fore-)fathers and grandfathers of him, who, having taken a vow, listens to this when narrated on a parvanday, are pleased.




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