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Sages Pray to God Shiva for Protection from Demon Bana

Narada said:

1. The greatest river Narmada, that is holy and most auspistrands is divided into three (streams) by the glorious sages, longing for piety.

2. O Pandava, the (three) divisions are just like (the three strands of) a sacred thread. O lord of kings, a man bathing in (any of) them is free from all sins.

3. O son of Pandu, listen to me who am telling you about the origin of the sacred place Jalesvara which is well-known in the three worlds.

4-5. Formerly all hosts of sages and all the groups of Maruts with Indra praised that magnanimous Mahesvara, the god of gods. Praising him, they reached (the place) where god Mahesvara stayed. The hosts of Maruts with Indra prayed to him: " O Virupaksa, we are distressed with fear. O lord, protect us." The lord said:

6-7. O best sages, welcome to you. For what purpose have you come here? What is (the cause of) your grief? What is (the cause of) your tormentation? Wherefrom has fear come (to you)? O glorious ones, tell (it); I desire to know it. Thus addressed by Rudra, they, of unlimited vows, told him: The sages said:

8-11. There is a terrible, very powerful demon, proud of his strength, well-known by the name Bana, whose divine city (called) Tripura, remaining in the sky moves by his lustre. O Virupaksa, we are afraid of him; we have sought your refuge only. Protect us from this great distress; you are our great shelter. O lord of gods, please do this favour to all (gods) so that gods, being very much pleased, (would) live happily, O shankara. O lord, do that by which they will be extremely happy. The god (i.e. Shiva) said:

12. I shall do all this. Do not be dejected. In a very short time I shall do what makes you happy.

13-14. Having comforted all of them, and remaining on the bank of Narmada, the lord of gods thought over (the way) to kill him, O Pandava. 'How, in what manner, should I kill Tripura? ' Thinking like this he remembered Narada at that time. Just due to his remembering (Narada), Narada came to him. Narada said:

15. O Mahadeva, order me for what purpose I was remembered (by you). O god, tell me what mission I have to carry out.

The lord said:

16-18a. O Narada, go there where the city Tripura of Bana, the lord of Danavas, stands. Go quickly and do that. The husbands are like deities and the wives are like celestial nymphs. Due to their lustre, O Brahmana, Tripura moves in the sky. Going there, O lord of brahmanas, give them a different advice.

18b-19a. Hearing the words of the lord, the sage of quick steps entered the city to alienate the hearts of the women (from their husbands).

19b-22. The celestial city adorned with gems of many kinds, shone. It was a hundred yojanas broad, and was doubly long. There only he saw Bana, who was proud of his strength, who was adorned with garlands, ear-rings, armlets and a crown, who was covered with necklaces and gems, and who was decorated with silver. His wives were rich with gems and men were adorned with (ornaments of) gold. The very mighty lord of the demons got up on seeing Narada. Bana said:

23-24. The celestial sage himself has come to my house. O best brahmana, materials of worship and water for washing feet must properly be given. He has come after a long time. O brahmana, rest (on) this seat. He thus honoured Narada who had come there. His wife, the chief queen named Anaupamya (spoke): Anaupamya said:

25. O revered sir, in the human world, by which vow or religious observance or gift or penance are gods pleased? Narada said:

26-34. He who gives a cow made of Sheshamum to a brahmana who has mastered the Vedas, has (indeed) given the earth of nine islands along with the oceans. For an eternal period he enjoys with aeroplanes resembling crores of suns and satisfying all desires and rules for a very long time. There are various kinds of trees: hog-plum, wood-apple, grove of plantain trees; so also kadamba, campaka and asoka. (So also there are the days like) the eighth, fourth, twelfth and both the Samkranti day and Visuva day and the beginning of a day — all these are auspicious. Those women who fast (on these days), having acquired merit, undoubtedly live in heaven. The ascetic women, free from the Kali-age, free from all sins, and engaged in fasting, do not move (in the mundane existence). O you beautiful lady, having heard like this, do as you desire. Hearing the words of Narada, the queen said (these) words: " O best brahmana, show favour to me. Accept the grifts as desired (by you). (I shall give you) gold, gems, jewels, garments and ornaments. O brahmana, I shall also give you what is difficult (for you) to obtain. (Please) accept it, O best brahmana; may Vishnu and Shiva be pleased." Narada said:

35-37. O lady, give (it) to someone else — to a poor brahmana. I am endowed with a good character and have devotion. O best of Bharatas, having thus taken away their hearts, and having advised all of them, he went (back) to his own place. With their hearts drawn away and therefore with their hearts gone elsewhere, a flaw came about in the city of that magnanimous Bana.




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