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Топики к госэкзамену по английскому языку

Топики к госэкзамену по английскому языку


Describe the greatest invention of humanity. How would the life of people be different without it?

I would like to tell you about technologies in our life and, particularly, about the greatest invention of humanity.

(Из 1-го билета).



Describe a time during your education (school/university) that you really enjoyed. When and where did it take place? Why did you enjoy it?

Of course, everybody says that time in university its the best time in his or her life. And I also think so. I was so happy and proud when I entered to Kazan Federal University. And I enjoyed every year at the university, despite the fact that it was difficult enough sometimes.

The university gave me new acquaintances, new opportunities and, certainly, a lot of new and important for life knowledge. University changed my perception of life, I became more independent and more self-confident. I also got my first work experience during the training practices – 3 legal and 3 pedagogical, one of them is English practice.

I'd like to emphasize that getting higher education, certainly, gives huge opportunities for a future career. As for me, I`m going to work as a teacher of law or English.

4. Comment on the following quotation, say if you agree/disagree with it and why: «Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world». (Nelson Mandela).


I'd like to emphasize that education develops all sides of human personality, it helps us to understand ourself, world around us and to choose the right way in life. Besides, it should be noted that education is the key to solving many problems of our society. Particularly, education is the key to overcoming gender inequality, reducing poverty, preventing unnecessary deaths and diseases (болезни) and strengthening peace. Education is an investment, and this is one of the most important investments that we can make.

That`s why its very important to get education – at first, at school, and subsequently at university.






Languages/learning English


What is the best way to learn a language, in your opinion? What circumstances help us/ stop us from learning a language well?


And it should be noted that our teachers, certainly, play a huge role in studying of languages. I`d like to emphasize that the most important for every teacher, in my opinion, is to enjoy his or her profession and to love children. A teacher who is full of love for his or her work is creative, assertive, ambitious, cheerful, energetic, open for new ideas, ready to share positive emotions with students and can motivate them to learn.

It should be noted that a job of teacher is a very difficult job of great responsibility. To be a good teacher means to be a well-educated person, well reading, good at listening and comprehending (понимании) others and tolerant to people with other points of view. A teacher should have a deep knowledge of the subject he teaches and good teaching technique.


Relationship: family/friends/personality


I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).



I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).






Talking about a personality, I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).

16; 5.




Talking about a personality, I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).





16. Do you think art classes are necessary? Why? How do they affect children`s development?

1I would like to tell you about art in our life and, particularly, about art classes.

2To begin with, it should be noted that art, certainly, plays a huge role in our life. 3Art, for example, painting and music, are not just fascinating (увлекательные) hobbies: they are also the means of self-expression and a specific way of communication. 4And a lot of parents are questioning the importance of teaching painting and singing - they think that it’s not so important to teach painting or singing. 5Because, for instance, they don’t want their child become a great artist or singer.

6It’s of great interest that Deni Dydro (ДенИ ДидрО), the famous French writer of the 18th century, stated that it’s very important to teach painting because painting helps to develop comprehensively (всесторонне) developed personality. 7Painting helps us to relax, forms our aesthetic (эстетический) taste and creative thinking, that is really appreciated (ценится) nowadays, besides, it broadens our horizon. 8So, visiting art galleries and the other types of exhibitions will always be relevant (уместным).

9But it should be noted that, of course, people have different preferences (предпочтения) in art, that depend on our type of personality. 10Talking about a personality, I`d like to say that a personality is the set of habitual behaviours, cognitions and emotional patterns, that develop from biological and environmental factors.

11It's of great interest that one of the well-known classifications of personalities was introduced by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist of the 19th - the middle of the 20th century. 12So, Jung identified 2 personality types which he called extroverts and introverts. 13Extroverts are open-minded to the surrounding world. 14And as for introverts, they are not so sociable and find meaning in themselves.

15As a rule, extroverts are often leaders in groups. 16Introverts, vice versa, feel comfortable alone. 17They have a lot of emotions, but they are hidden inside. 18Besides, they often have creative ideas, and they have good abilities in planning.

19And, in my opinion, both extroverts and introverts can be clever, intelligent and strong-willed.

20It should be noted that, as for nowadays, psychologists became very interested in such feature of a personality as charisma. 21Charisma is a kind of magic, and it's rare enough. 22It should be noted that charisma makes its possessors more successful and gives them additional bonuses. 23So, it affords people to influence strongly on their surroundings. 24Charismatic people are often brilliant communicators. 25And, of course, people feel happy in the company of charismatic personalities.

26I can give such examples of famous people possessing this quality of personality as, for instance, Oprah Winfrey, the famous presenter of a very popular talk show. 27She became one of the richest women in the world thanks to her charisma. 28Also it's of great interest that Marilyn Monroe, the film star, had so great charisma that Di Maggio, her husband, said about her: «It's no fun being married to an electric light.»

29I'd like to emphasize that, unlike fame, charisma doesn't fade and disappear over time. 30In my opinion, every person has a charisma, and it may be developed, but more often extroverts possess a charisma.

31It should be noted that, of course, not only extroverts, but introverts too can possess charisma. 32I can give such examples as Michael Vrubel, a painter, Alexander Block, a poet, or, perhaps, Michael Dell, a founder « Dell » company producing computers. 33So, introversion and shyness of these people didn't interrupt them to develop their talents and become successful, outstanding and famous personalities.

34I’d like to emphasize that painting can help to develop both types of personality. 35Particularly, extroverts may develop the ability to solve problems in a creative way through learning painting, and introverts may find another way of communication – through their paintings instead of verbal means of communication.

36Also extroverts, being more down-to-earth (приземлёнными), prefer realistic and classic painting: different landscapes, seascapes, still-life paintings (натюрморты), portraits. 37And as for introverts, they are more creative, sensitive, thoughtful and, therefore, they enjoy something complex for perception and unusual. 38For example, Malevich’s «Black Square» is more available for introverts’ perception, because such abstract paintings as «Black Square» give them a wide place for creativity.

39And, to sum up, I`d like to say that it’s really amazing how different we are: but that is what makes us unique. 40We even prefer travelling in different ways that depends on our personality. 41So, introverts feel comfortable alone and prefer travelling by car. 42And extroverts, vice versa, prefer travelling in groups, for example, by train, by ship or by plane.


Если слушают дальше:

I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very useful to learn new languages. (Текст про languages – языки умирают, как можно изучать, обстоятельства которые помогают и мешают, про учителя, texting).


I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).

9 (1 и 8); 9.




18. Describe tourist attraction you have visited. Say where you went there, why you want (? ) with, when (? ).
Say why you liked it. Did you like it so much?

1I would like to tell you about traveling in our life and, particularly, about tourist attraction I have visited.

2To begin with, it should be noted that travelling is very popular nowadays. 3Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. 4In my opinion, it`s very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life.

5One of the most beautiful cities that I have visited 3 times is Moscow. 6This city is famous for its sights. 7The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin and Red Square. 8You can see Spasskaya Tower and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. 9There are some popular viewing points such as Ostankinskaya Tower — the highest building in Europe and Sparrow Hills. 10Visiting these places you can enjoy the beauty of Moscow panorama. 11So, I really liked this trip.

12It should be noted that nowadays we can travel in different ways — by car, by train, by ship, by plane. 13As for me, I prefer to travel by train. 14I haven`t car. 15And I don`t prefer travelling by plane because I have had problems with jet lag since my childhood. 16But the main reason is that some passengers can be specific – so, they can even attack to stewardesses – basically because of drinking alcohol. 17And, of course, it annoys people and disturbs them to rest.

18Besides, I prefer travelling in organized groups, particularly, with my parents and friends, because it`s safe and funny. 19And you can have well-planned trip.

20But unfortunately, there are a lot of nasty factors that can spoil trip. 21And because of it travelling isn`t always happy, because some passengers become not discoverers, but criminals.

22It should be noted that the aggressive passengers are becoming a world-wide problem. 23Every time when a cabin crew is forced to bring someone off, there are safety issues. 24And cabin crews in some airlines are wanting to retire early at 50 because of their stressful work.

25I`d like to emphasize that the cause of most passengers` misbehavior is stress connected with mass travels. 26As for other reasons, it should mention alcohol drinking, smoking and changes in society`s views on technologies and authority.

27It should be noted that, besides, a personality of a person is a reason of passengers` misbehavior, because all depends on the concrete person. 28And I`d like to emphasize that, surely, it`s necessary to fight this negative phenomenon. 29Firstly, in my opinion, a special equipment should be set in airport hall, and it shouldn`t allow to flight drunken passengers. 30Secondly, perhaps, it should check passengers` mental health by means of showing reference from psychiatrist. 31And, finally, thirdly, I believe that maybe it should even blacklist of all airlines a person committing this offense.

32So, I`m an introvert, and I travel not so often. 33At the same time, I like travelling to meet new people. 34However, Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist of the 19th - the middle of the 20th century, identified 2 personality types which he called extroverts and introverts. 35Extroverts are open-minded to the surrounding world. 36And as for introverts, they are not so sociable and find meaning in themselves.

37As a rule, extroverts are often leaders in groups. 38Introverts, vice versa, feel comfortable alone. 39They have a lot of emotions, but they are hidden inside. 40Besides, they often have creative ideas, and they have good abilities in planning.

41And, in my opinion, both extroverts and introverts can be clever, intelligent and strong-willed.

42It should be noted that, as for nowadays, psychologists became very interested in such feature of a personality as charisma. 43Charisma is a kind of magic, and it's rare enough. 44It should be noted that charisma makes its possessors more successful and gives them additional bonuses. 45So, it affords people to influence strongly on their surroundings. 46Charismatic people are often brilliant communicators. 47And, of course, people feel happy in the company of charismatic personalities.

48I can give such examples of famous people possessing this quality of personality as, for instance, Oprah Winfrey, the famous presenter of a very popular talk show. 49She became one of the richest women in the world thanks to her charisma. 50Also it's of great interest that Marilyn Monroe, the film star, had so great charisma that Di Maggio, her husband, said about her: «It's no fun being married to an electric light.»

51I'd like to emphasize that, unlike fame, charisma doesn't fade and disappear over time. 52In my opinion, every person has a charisma, and it may be developed, but more often extroverts possess a charisma.

53To sum up, it should be noted that, of course, not only extroverts, but introverts too can possess charisma. 54I can give such examples as Michael Vrubel, a painter, Alexander Block, a poet, or, perhaps, Michael Dell, a founder « Dell » company producing computers. 55So, introversion and shyness of these people didn't interrupt them to develop their talents and become successful, outstanding and famous personalities.


Если слушают дальше:

I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very useful to learn new languages. (Текст про languages – языки умирают, как можно изучать, обстоятельства которые помогают и мешают, про учителя, texting).


I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).

11 (1 и 10); 3.

14 (31).



19. What kind of transport do you prefer on holiday? Why?
Do you prefer travelling independently or in organized groups? Why?

(Из 18-го билета).





I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).





21. Describe a job you`d like to have after your graduation. Say, what qualities you need to possess for it.

1I would like to tell you about a job I`d like to have after my graduation.

2To begin with, it should be noted that after getting higher education we start to look for a job. 3As for me, after my graduation I would like to work in the sphere of pedagogics. 4 I want to be a teacher of a law or English.

5It should be noted that our teachers, certainly, play a huge role in studying of languages. 6And a good teacher should possess a certain set of personal and professional qualities. 7I`d like to emphasize that the most important for every teacher, in my opinion, is to enjoy his or her profession and to love children. 8A teacher who is full of love for his or her work is creative, assertive, ambitious, cheerful, energetic, open for new ideas, ready to share positive emotions with students and can motivate them to learn.

9It should be noted that a job of teacher is a very difficult job of great responsibility. 10To be a good teacher means to be a well-educated person, well reading, good at listening and comprehending others and tolerant to people with other points of view. 11A teacher should have a deep knowledge of the subject he teaches and good teaching technique.

12I`d like to emphasize that a good teacher should be a very good speaker. 13He also should have a good sense of humor. 14It`s a plus if his students can share their problems with him. 15Besides, a teacher should be self-confident and, ideally, charismatic.

16I`d like to emphasize that a good teacher has a very good personality. 17It leads to better communication with students, understanding, and, ultimately, good results. 18As for me, extroverts is easier to be a teacher, because this job requires a lot of communication, besides, a teacher should be open for new ideas.

19However, it should be noted that nowadays it`s very difficult to get a job. 20There is a very high level of unemployment. 21And looking for a job is a long and stressful process. 22First of all, we start looking for a job by advertisements. 23And when we find a job, we send a covering letter and a curriculum vitae to a company.

24Then you need to pass a job interview. (Из текста «How to get a job», предложения 26 – 60).

4 (1 и 3); 13.

17 (52).






Топики к госэкзамену по английскому языку



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