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Describe the sport that you enjoy doing/watching. What sport is it ? When/where do you watch/practice it ? Should people be encouraged to take more sport ?

(Из готового топика).

What major sporting event have you watched/visited? Did you enjoy seeing it/being there?

(Из 12-го билета. Из готового топика).



Describe how you can improve quality of life in a big city?

1I would like to tell you about environment and, particularly, about how I can improve quality of life in a big city.

2It`s not a secret that our environment has changed lately. 3According to the report of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), our planet is running out of time. 4Researchers argue that modern man has abused it so much that by 2050 we`ll have used up all of its resources, and our forests and fresh water supplies will vanish.

5 To begin with, I realize nowadays we have a lot of dangerous environmental problems connected with air and water pollution, global warming, climate changes, etc. 6One report, based on scientific data from across the world, shows that more than one third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the past 3 decades.

7I`d like to emphasize, everyone understands now that the nature doesn`t forgive such mistakes. 8Moreover, there is a system called «ecological footprints», that helps to measure how much each country is responsible for the destruction of the planet. 9Each country’s footprint is calculated by looking at how much it consumes of the Earth’s resources and how much it pollutes the atmosphere in a year. 10Unsurprisingly, at the top of the list are developed American, European and Asian countries. 11And African countries are at the bottom.

12It`s of great interest that the idea of a « smart city » is really popular nowadays. 13And psychologists are teaming up with designers to build such cities. 14For example, it`s very important to make pedestrians more aware of their surroundings and less likely to become victims of crime.

15So, people should build cities where there are a lot of nature, trees, greenery and a few cars. 16It should be noted that in such conditions mood improves and working capacity rises. 17However, it should be noted that nowadays it`s very difficult to get a job. 18There is a very high level of unemployment.

19And looking for a job is a long and stressful process. 20First of all, we start looking for a job by advertisements. 21And when we find a job, we send a covering letter and a curriculum vitae to a company.

22Then you need to pass a job interview. (Из текста « How to get a job », предложения 26 – 50).47

48So, I believe building a smart city is the best way to improve quality of life in a big city. 49I`d like to add that the smart city influences a personal development in a great way. 50It`s clear: the smarter the city – the richer the personality. 51For example, in such city you can become assertive, hardworking, calm, even-tempered, cheerful etc.

 52To sum up, I believe we should protect our environment in order not to die out ourselves and save the Earth because it`s our home.


Если слушают дальше:

Talking about a personality, I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very useful to learn new languages. (Текст про languages – языки умирают, как можно изучать, обстоятельства которые помогают и мешают, про учителя, texting).


Talking about a personality, I`d like to emphasize that we should develop our personality constantly. Particularly, it`s very important to get education, because, certainly, it expands our horizon. In this connection we should mention Maria Montessori, a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world. ( Т екст про Монтессори – предложения 10 – 24).

I`d like to emphasize that human progress is possible only through education. ( Текст про высшее образование и lifelong learning – с 25 предложения и до конца).

16; 5.




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