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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex1a: How much do you know about North America? D the quiz. For each question, circle one answer: a, b or c.

1. In land size, Canada is …the USA.

a) Bigger than b) smaller than c) the same in size

2. About …million people live in Canada.

a)  20 b) 30 c) 50

3. The city in Canada with the largest population is ….

a) Vancouver b) Montreal   c) Toronto

4. The city in the USA with the largest population is …

a) New York b) Los Angeles c) Washington

5. Vancouver is an a part of Canada called …

a) California  b) British Columbia c) Alberta

6. The two most common languages in Vancouver are ….

a) English and French b) English and Spanish c) English and Chinese

7. The most popular sport in Canada is …

a) Baseball b) ice hockey c) basketball

8. It’s about …kilometers from Vancouver to San Francisco.

a) 500 b) 1, 200 c) 1, 500

9. The Rocky Mountains are in ….

a) Canada only b) The USA only     c) both Canada and the USA

Ex1b: Morgan is going to Canada. He’s talking to his Canadian friend Janie. Listen and check your answers to the quiz.

Grammar: Question Tags

Ex2: Complete these sentences from the dialogue in Ex1b. Than listen to part of Morgan and Janie’s conversation again and check your answers.

1. You’re Canadian, aren’t you?

2. It’s smaller than the USA, _isn’t_it?

3. It isn’t Vancouver, _is_it?

4. Cities in the USA are much bigger than that, __aren’t__they?

5. You’ve been there, __haven’t__you?

6. Wow. You don’t know much about Canada at all, _do_you?

Ex2b: All the questions in ex 2a have “tags” at the end. “Tags”are short questions which we use to check facts or make conversation. Complete the rule.

RULE: With positive statements, we usually use a negative question tag

You’ re Canadian aren’t you?

With negative statements we usually use a positive question tag

It isn’t Vancouver, is it?

With be modal verbs, have got and the present perfect, we repeat the auxiliary verb in the tag.

You’ ve been there, haven’t you?

With all other verbs, we use do, does or did, didn’t.

People speak French in Canada too, don’t they?

Ex2c: Match the statements and the tags.

1. He’s American,       h             a) isn’t it?

2. She doesn’t like me, f              b) have you?

3. She can come with us, g       c) aren’t they?

4. They aren’t from Canada, i    d) do you?

5. They’re from Kazakhstan, c   e) will she?

6. Your favourite food pasta is, a f) does she?

7. She won’t be at the party,  e    g) can’t she?

8. You don’t know my sister, d   h) isn’t he?

9. You’ve been to Russia, j i) are they?

10. You haven’t got a brother, b   j) haven’t you?

III. Бекіту

Ex2d: Write the question tags.

1. He saw us, didn’t he?

2. They don’t live there, do they?

3. She likes chocolate, doesn’t she?

4. You can’t come to the party, can you?

5. They went to New York, didn’t they?

6. She goes to your school, doesn’t she?

7. You’ve seen that film, haven’t you?

8. She hasn’t done that, has she?

IV.Ү йге тапсырма

Exercise: 4 a, b, c


«Тексерілді»                                                                    № 14

Оқ у ісінің мең герушісі: ________________________

Date: 17, 11, 16

Form: 9 а

Сабақ тың тақ ырыбы: Is free wireless internet?

Сабақ тың мақ саты

1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson about free wireless internet

-to train new words and discussion an English language

 2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech,

-to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

 3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject,

-to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақ ә дісі: training, explanation, demonstration

Сабақ типі: presentation, integrative

Кө рнекілігі: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, computers

Пә н аралық байланыс: Kazakh, English, geography

Сабақ барысы:

I.Ұ йымдастыру

  А) амандасу

Б) жоқ тарды белгілеу.

II. Сабақ тың тақ ырыбымен, мақ саттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Is free wireless internet? ”


Ex5a: Read the text Quickly. Who thinks free Wi -Fi is a good idea? Who thinks it isn’t a good idea?

Ex5b: Read the text again. Write True or False

1. The city doesn’t know yet the Wi-Fi will be free. T

2. Vancouver is the first city to think about free Wi-Fi. F

3. In some cities, people pay $10 a month for Wi-Fi. T

4. Anna thinks she will want to write e-mails in her garden in the future. F

5. Anna thinks there is a very good bus system in Vancouver. F

6. Tim thinks Vancouver needs more parks. T



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