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Listen to Episode 5 and answer the questions by choosing the correct variant.

1/ What has the Mermaid narrowly escaped hitting?

A a rock       B a yacht      C a container ship


2/ Who is the first to notice dry land?

A Pete          B Sophia        C Phil


3/ Why do they have to land?

A They have run out of food       B One of them needs medical help

C They are going to buy a new satnav.


4/ They happen to find themselves on Reunion Island. What is it famous for?

A unique coffee     B cacao beans       C a dialect of French


5/ In what condition does Passepartout return from the hospital?

A with a bandage on his hand       B with a cut on his forehead

C with stitches on his head


6/ Why do the travellers intend to board the yacht immediately?

A They have heard the unfavourable weather forecast

B They are trying to escape from some local people

C They are afraid of encountering some wild animals


7/ Why cannot the travellers find their yacht in the harbour?

A It has been hidden by someone     B It has been stolen

C It has been tied with new ropes

Language Exercises

Read the interjections and emphatic utterances expressively. Translate them into Russian.

- Whoa! Watch out!

- Land ahoy!

- Reunion Island! So that's where we are.

- Goodness! We really have gone off course!

- Come on, Passepartout, let's all try to get on, shall we?

- Come along! Let's be friends. OK?

- It couldn't get any worse.

- There is no way we can get round the world in 80 days now.

Search the text for the equivalents to the following words and expressions

Чуть не столкнуться с контейнеровозом, не заметить приближение, пополнить запасы продовольствия на следующий этап путешествия, бесконечная вода, день за днем, сбиться с курса, швы на голове, ладить с кем-либо, надвигается большой шторм, нам нужно поторапливаться, вернуться в бухту, прибыть в спешке, порезать веревки, украсть яхту, никаким образом.


Translate the sentences into English using the Complex Object

1/ Мы были очень усталыми и не заметили, как контейнеровоз приблизился к нам.

2/ Фил и Пит услышали, как София крикнула: «Земля на горизонте! »

3/ На суше они услышали, что люди говорят по-французски, но они не знали, что это за место.

4/ Фил увидел, что София и Пит возвращаются из больницы.

5/ Филу починили навигационную систему, и теперь он мог легко определить свое местонахождение.

6/ В бухте они увидели, что веревки от их лодки были порезаны, но лодки не было на месте, где они ее оставили.


Speech Exercises


1/ Imitate the conversations: a) between Phil and the local man; b) between Phil and Sophia on discovering the theft of the boat.

2/ Was Day 35 a hard one for the crew of the yacht? How many unpleasant episodes took place on that day?

3/ Why was Pete displeased with Sophia's steering the yacht?

4/ What might have happened to the Mermaid? What do you think the travellers would do to find it?

5/ Imagine a conversation between one of the crew and a local policeman who is willing to help them find the boat.

Episode 6. Find our Yacht!

Listening Task

Listen to the episode and assess the statements as true or false

1/ When the travellers lost their yacht they started thinking about returning home.

2/ There were many local people who were ready to help them out.

3/ The local man was sure that the yacht had been pinched by pirates.

4/ When the travellers caught up with the Mermaid they saw guns in the pirates' hands.

5/ The thieves turned out to be joyriders.

6/ Sophia refused to steer the yacht after her argument with Pete.

7/ The trade wind could hamper their sailing.

8/ Phil was very good at making tea.

9/ Phil fell asleep because he had had some tea.


Language Exercises

Look up the pronunciation of the following words and expressions.

Disaster, pirate, binoculars, bounty, sabotage, aye-aye, captain, fearsome, roll.


Translate the phrases from English into Russian. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

- Well, that's it then.

- Hold on!

- Pirates do exist.

- These guys were joyriders.

- Fine by me.

- Aye-aye, captain!



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