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Listen to Episode 10 and choose the best variant to complete the sentences

1/ The person who injured his / her leg in the hurricane was

A Phil       B Pete     C Sophia

2/ The ship ran into thick fog

A at the Azores B off the coast of Cornwall  C at the International Date Line

3/ The crew arrived in London

A ahead of time B on time   C a day late

4/ Tom was impressed by

A the things Phil had collected during the journey   B the parrot

C the length of the trip

5/ At the end of the trip Phil thought that

A the trip was a failure B he had gained a lot of valuables experience

C he was in debt

6/ After the globe-trotting Phil was going to

A continue writing books B give up writing C go to sea


Language Exercises

Supply Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases. Illustrate their use in some appropriate utterances.

- to sail through a huge hurricane

- a massive wave

- to inspect the damage

- a tear in the front sail

- to be underwater

- courageous

- to run into thick fog

- to hear the foghorn of a lighthouse

- to be weary and exhausted

- to sink

- to abandon ship

- to get the life-belts

- to set off an emergency flare

- to be rescued by a lifeboat

- to sink off the coast of Cornwall

- to double-check the route on the computer

- to cross the International Date Line

- to gain an extra day

- not to get a prize

- not to go to plan

- a loyal friend


Use the interjections with appropriate intonation in suitable situations

1/ Ouch! 2/ Hooray! 3/ Farewell 4/ Goodness! 5/ Congratulations! 6/ Oh gosh 7/ Oh dear.


Translate the conditional sentences into English. Take notice of unreal conditions referring to the past.

1/ Если бы Фил не торопился, он не отправился бы в плавание в шторм.

2/ Если бы Фил не чувствовал поддержку Софии, он не был бы таким смелым и решительным.

3/ Если бы они не попали в туман, то доплыли бы до Англии.

4/ Если бы Фил не появился с друзьями в пабе, Том не вспомнил бы о своем споре с ним.

5/ Если бы Фил не затопил яхту, она стала бы его собственностью по возвращении из кругосветного путешествия.

6/ Если бы Фил не отправился в путешествие, он не встретил бы Софию.

7/ Если бы все это время Фил провел в Лондоне, у него не появилось бы столько впечатлений, о которых он может писать в своих книгах.

Speech Exercises

Speak for Phil in the first person. Make three reports

a/ explaining the situation aboard the ship after the huge wave had it it;

b/ analyzing the situation after the shipwreck;

c/ commenting on what he has gained thanks to the journey.

Which of the proverbs illustrates the message of the whole story most neatly? Give your arguments.

As you sow you shall mow.

No pains no gains.

Haste makes waste.

Business before pleasure.

Fortune favours the brave.

Arrange an interview with Phil trying to find out some interesting details of his globe-trotting. You can begin as indicated below.

-With us in the studio today is Phil Jason who has sailed around the world in a small yacht. Hello, Phil...

The Emperor's New Clothes

Part 1

Listen to and write down the introductory part of the tale describing the Emperor's obsession with fashionable clothes. Intone the text and prepare to read it expressively.

Pronounce the phrases taking notice of the underlined phonetic phenomena.

A school or a hospital

His people saw him

The Emperor never visited the army

The newest clothes


Substitute the words and expressions by their synonyms used in the extract.

Look for, new clothes, not to do one's duties, speak in public, boast of one's newest clothes, he used to walk through the city.


Which of the sentences can be pronounced with the Accidental Rise? Intone and pronounce them.


Learn the extract by heart and declaim it.


Retell the text in the present tenses making all the necessary transformations. The beginning is given to you.

The Emperor of the country X is a person who loves new clothes very much. He has spent his whole life searching for new things to wear …



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