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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read and answer the questionnaire.


Do you eat to live or live to eat?

1. When you buy food, which is most important?

a. appearance b. price c. quality

2. If you buy apples, which kind do you choose?

a. red b. green c. the cheapest

3. When you have a meal, what do you enjoy it most for?

a. the food b. the company

4. If you were stranded on a desert island what food would you miss most?

a. chocolate b. steak c. bread

5. When you look at the menu in restaurant, what do you usually choose?

a. a dish you know b. a dish you don’t know

6. If you’re having dinner in a restaurant, will you always have a dessert?

a. yes b. no

7. If someone offered the following unusual food, which would you try?

a. cheese-flavoured ice cream b. strawberry flavoured crisps c. neither

8. What would you be happiest to leave out of your present diet?

a. meat b. vegetables and fruit c. desserts d. wine

9. If you could put a flavour on stams, what would you choose?

a. chilli b. cheese c. banana d. another

Look at the words and put them under these headings:

breakfast, lunch, dinner, preparation, cooking.


Apple, aubergine, bake, boil, butter, cake, carrot, chop, coffee, cut, dice, fry, grate, grill, grind, milk, oil, onion, peel, pepper, potato, pour, roast, spread, steam, stew, tomato, trout, water.

Match yourself to one of our lifestyle profile and start eating better by dinnertime

The Diet Checkup

For most of us, good nutrition takes backseat to – well, to just about everything. What if just one nearly-no-to-thought-required change in your diet could make a difference in your health? Find yourself among the lifestyle categories below to figure out your biggest nutritional gap. Then follow the advice that follows to fill it, fast.

If you are a: Vegetarian


THE FACTS: There’s lots of iron in plant-based foods, but it’s in a form that is difficult for your body to absorb. Why is that a worry? Because iron may help prevent breast and ovarion cancer by inhibiting the effects of estrogen, and a severe lack of it can lead to anemia or hamper your immune system, which may make you more susceptible to infections.

THE FIX: Combine plant-source iron with vitamin C, which enhances its absorbtion (drink o.j. with your iron-fortified cereal, for instance). Or make use of the multivitamins. Most supplements labeled “especially for women” provide the right amount of iron.


gap – дефицит hamper - вредить

enhance – усиливать o.j. – апельсиновый сок

supplement – добавка


If you are a: Smoker


THE FACTS: You know that lighting up is bad for your lungs. But research shows that cigarettes also sap you of vitamin C: Tobacco enhances the metabolism of C, so smokers’ bodies use it up faster than nonsmokers’. That can leave you prone to colds and gum disease, and can make it hard for cuts and wounds to heal.

THE FIX: We’d never miss a chance to say “quit smoking”. But in the meantime, concentrate on getting extra C. Vitamin C is abundant in lots of food: An eight-ounce glass of o.j. has 124 mg and a cup of cooked broccoli has 116 mg.


lighting up - курение sap - лишать

metabolism - обмен веществ prone – склонный

gum - десна abundant – в изобилии

ounce - унция (28, 3 г) broccoli – брокколи


If you are a: Chronic dieter

YOU MAY NEED MORE: Phytochemicals

THE FACTS: If you rely on meal-replacement bars, prepackaged low-cal meals or even just a narrow range of foods, you are very likely missing out on compounds called phytochemicals, which are found mainly in fruits and vegetables. Researchers believe they help to prevent breast, ovarion, colon and gastrointestinal cancer, as well as heart disease.

THE FIX: Supplements don’t supply phytos, so strive to get five or more servings of fruits and veggies a day (a serving is usually a piece of whole fruit or half a cup of cut fruit). And there may be hundreds of different phytos preventing different deseases, so variety is key.


prepackaged - расфасованый low-cal - low calories

gastrointestinal - желудочно-кишечный skip - пропускать

strive - стараться


If you are a: Breakfast-skipper


THE FACTS: Most people get only one milk serving a day, and that’s at breakfast. So skipping the morning meal means depriving your body of calcium, a nutrient that keeps your blood pressure low, helps prevent colon cancer, eases the symptoms of PMS and reduces your risk of osteoporosis. And while many nondairy, non-breakfast foods (such as beans and leafy greens) have some calcium, it’s not only substantially less, but also your body doesn’t absorb it as readily as calcium from dairy products.

THE FIX: Even if you can’t stomach a morning meal, dairy products are the most efficient way to get the recommended 1, 000 mg of calcium a day. Eat eight ounces of yougurt with lunch and snack on ounce and a half of hard cheese. Can’t tolerate dairy? Try calcium-fortified o.j. And if all else fails, take a supplement.


deprive – лишать to stomach – быть в состоянии съесть

PMS – premenstrual syndrome tolerate – терпеть, выносить

snack on - перекусить


If you are a: Fitness buff


THE FACTS: Exercise hard just an hour a day and you lose 20% more fluid than if you sat still – up to three quarts. The resulting dehydration can increase your heart rate, cause headaches, diarrhea and muscle cramps and leave you confused and exhausted.

THE FIX: Eight 8-ounce glasses a day is a decent start, but to figure your exact needs, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.67 to get the ounces you need per day (a 135.lb. woman who works out would need 90 oz. – around 11 glasses). Or just drink ten big gulps of water for every 15 minutes you exercise.


buff - любитель quart – кварта (ам. = 0, 95 л)

dehydration - обезвоживание cramp - судорога, спазм, колики exhausted – изнуренный pound (lb) – фунт (англ. = 453, 6 г)

gulp - глоток


If you are a: Workaholic


THE FACTS: You grab a snack before work, eat a sandwich at your desk, then order in a fast-food dinner so you can finish that big report. Efficient? Sure. Nutritious? Nah. Convenience food rarely include high-fiber items like beans and whole grains. Why fret about fiber? It helps lower cholesterol, reduces your risk of heart disease and some cancers and keeps “regular.”

THE FIX: You should be shooting for 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. If your meals have been virtually fiber-free until now, start gradually. Without an adjustment period, the extra bulk could cause stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Start by substituting a peace of whole fruit for juice in the morning, and snack on raisins (a tablespoon has 1gram), an apple or air-popped popcorn (1 gram per cup).

Life and Issues in the USA

convenience food – продукты, готовые к употреблению

Whole grain - злак fiber - клетчатка

cholesterol – холестерин grab – схватить

bulk – грубая пища fret – беспокойство

adjustment – приспосабливание


Read and use.

Food Metaphors

Inviting Joe and his ex-wives to the same party was a recipe for disaster. [situation sure to lead to]

The film has all the ingredients of a box office hit. [all the necessary characteristics]

Let’s invite lots of friends to our wedding to dilute the relatives a bit. [make less dominant]

I’m not going to call him. I am going to let him stew for another few days at least. [worry or suffer especially about something you think is his fault]

The police grilled the suspect for hours, but eventually let him go. [asked a lot of questions]

I am sure this is going to be another of his half-baked schemes that never comes to anything. [unrealistic or not thought through properly]

Let’s have a karaoke machine – that’ll spice up the office party. [make more lively]

Rick has started hanging around with some unsavoury characters. [unpleasant, morally offensive]

They started their business with high hopes but things soon turned sour. [went wrong]

Let’s go for a coffee and you can tell me all the juicy gossip. [exciting and interesting]


Read an example of how to use food references in a non-food related way.


I tell you. That guy Fred, he’s a real top banana. The guy’s out to lunch. He better be careful because real soon he is going to find himself eating humble pie. His ideas are ok on the surface, but when you start to look at them you realize that they are really swiss cheese – not well thought out. He always expects us to fill in the holes and make him look good. We get everything he gives us done to a T, but he takes all the credit. It would be nice if, for once, he would give us time to develop something challenging that we can really sink our teeth into. At least it would be nice to get credit for all that we do to make him and our organization look good, but I doubt that will happen; he always wants the whole enchilada for himself. He is always dangling the carrot of private compliments in our faces, but we know they are insincere. He must think we’re a bunch of cream puffs. Someday, we are not going to fill in the holes and he will get his pie in the face. He’ll be in a real stew and we won’t be there to clean it up. Soon… he’ll get his just desserts.


To take the cake - to be best of all

Top banana - the person in the highest position

To be out to lunch - behaving in a strange and confused way

To eat humble pie - to admit that you were wrong about something

To get something done to a T - (done to a turn) to be done to perfection

The whole enchilada - everything (enchilada – a Mexican food consisting of a flat piece of bread rolled around meat and covered with a hot-tasting thick liquid

To dangle the carrot - to offer something good to someone in order to persuade them to do something

Pie in the face - to be accused of something in public

Be in a real stew - to have troubles




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