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Read the text and characterize catering units.

Basic types of catering establishments

Numerically, the largest group of catering establishments is still represented by the conventional restaurants. They come in many types and price categories ranging from the simplest premises such as the French “Bistro”, the Italian “Locada” to the restaurants of international fame.

The reputation of a widely famed restaurants can only be maintained by offering a considerably high quality of all dishes and drinks. They have a ritualized service from the reception at front door and to the ceremonial itself where the service from a trolley or the preparation of famed dishes plays an important role.

Another category of catering establishments is represented by the quick-service restaurants – the coffee shops, quick-lunch restaurants and snack bars with the service counter placed along a quick production kitchen. They are characterized by a high number of customers from early morning to the end of office hours, with a marked peak at lunch time.

Now some words about self-service catering establishments which you may see in city streets, some department stores, as canteens at industrial enterprises and educational establishments. Self service gives the visitor a feeling of independence, especially because the unpleasant waiting time after ordering and before paying are eliminated. The service counter is so equipped and designed that it can also be used as a kind of conveyer belt for serving meals.

As a variant of “cafeteria”, restaurants with automatic vending machines can be operated with a minimum labour force. The customer can obtain the dishes, which have been prepared and suitably packaged at central kitchens, from the vending machines by inserting a coin.

Among the types of catering establishments working few staff are mainly the coffee-rooms, wine taverns and “hot dog” shops.

The bar represents the catering unit with the lowest labour requirement and the highest profit.

Learn the proverbs.

õ A hungry belly has no ears - Голодное брюхо ко всему сухо

õ Eat at pleasure, drink with measure - Ешь вволю, (а) пей в меру

õ Every cook praises his own broth - Всякий повар свое варево хвалит

õ Good health is above wealth - Доброе здоровье дороже богатства

õ Hunger is the best sauce - Голод – самая лучшая приправа

õ Hungry is a hunter - Голодный, как охотник

õ Neither fish nor flesh - Ни рыба, ни мясо

õ To stew in one’s juice - Вариться в собственном соку

Read and use.

1 Would you like some more rice?

Yes, please. It’s delicious.

2 Could you pass the salt, please?

Yes, of course. Here you are.

3 Could I have a glass of water, please?

Do you want sparking or still?

4 Does anybody want more wine?

Yes, please. I`d love some.

5 How would you like your coffee?

Black, no sugar, please.

6 This is delicious! Can you give me the recipe?

Yes, of course. I’m glad you like it.

7 Do you want help with the washing-up?

No, of course not. We have a dishwasher.


Read the texts and talk about the menu of quick-service catering establishments.

The fish and chip shop

A special British institution is the fish and chip shop where it is possible to buy over the counter a piece of fried fish and potatoes. You can eat fish and chips in the street as you walk along, or take it home, if you live near by, and eat it on the plate. Most fish and chip shops close before 11 p.m. staying open late enough to serve people as they come out of cinemas which usually finish around 10.15 p.m. Snack bars and coffee bars have great success among young people below the age for going to pubs.


Restaurants of Quick Service At McDonald’s

McDonald’s is a joint Russian-Canadian restaurant which was opened on the 31st of January, 1990. It is situated in Pushkin Square in the centre of Moscow. The seating capacity of the hall is seven hundred seats. Coming into the restaurant hall you get to the main counter, read the illustrated menu-card and a girl (or a young man) recommends you dishes, beverages, milk cocktails and dessert. You make your choice, pay the money, take the tray with your dishes, beverages, dessert and occupy any vacant table. The service is quick and excellent. The quality is first-class! What’s on the menu? For a snack you can have “Big Mac” – minced beefsteak made from plain beef, sliced lettuce latuk, brown onions, a slice of cheese and pickled cucumbers. All this is placed in a bun. Fillet of fish – delicious white fillet of Atlantic cod in dried bread. Single or double hamburger made from plain beef, slices of pickled cucumbers and brown onions, single or double cheeseburger also made from plain beef of high quality, slices of cheese and pickled cucumbers.

For a drink you can order cooling beverages – “Coca Cola”, “Sprite” and ”Fanta”. There are milk cocktails, thick and nourishing, with chocolate, strawberry and vanilla syrup. If you like you can have dinner consisting of “Big Mac”, fried crisp potatoes and refreshing beverage. For a change you can have double cheeseburger or if you care for fish – fillet of fish. For dessert you can taste “Sunday”. It’s a soft ice-cream poured with hot chocolate, hot caramel or cooling strawberry syrup. There is also tea and delicious apple pies.

Welcome to McDonald’s!


Answer the questions.

1. What kind of restaurant is McDonald’s?

2. Where is this restaurant situated?

3. What’s the seating capacity of the restaurant hall?

4. What does the girl (or a young man) recommend you to have?

5. What can you have for a snack, drink or desert?


Read the text and comment on the French cuisine.

Eating out in Paris

French cuisine is still evolving art. Traditional French cooking is butter-based and centres on meat, poultry and fish. Today, however, the chefs of many Parisian restaurants are becoming interested in regional food and in simple, home-style fare which relies on fresh, seasonal ingredients. French cooking tends not to be highly spiced, although fresh herbs like chives and parsley are essential ingredients in the sauces that accompany most savoury dishes.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Paris is the diversity of places to eat. Bistros are small, often moderately- priced restaurants with a limited selection of dishes. Brasseries are larger, bustling eateries with immense menus, and most serve food throughout the day and are open late. Cafes (and some wine bars) open early and the majority close by 9 pm. They serve drinks and food all day long from a short menu of salads, sandwiches and eggs. At lunch most offer a small choice of hot daily specials.

The waiter usually takes your choice of entree (first course), then the plat (main course). Dessert is ordered after you have finished your main course unless there are some hot desserts which have to be ordered at the start of the meal. In most restaurants you will be asked if you would like a drink before ordering food. A typical aperitif is kir (white wine with a blackcurrant liqueur). Spirits are not generally drunk before a meal in France.

The first course generally includes a choice of salads or vegetables or pate. Small fish dishes like smoked salmon, grilled sardines, herring, shellfish or oysters are also on offer. Main dishes usually include a selection of meat, poultry or fish served with French fries and vegetables. Highly recommended are moules marinieres (mussels steamed in wine), and chevre tiede sur un lit de salad (grilled goat’s cheese with a mixed-leaf salad).

Prices vary from extremely economical to astronomical. Many places offer a formule or fixed-price menu, especially at lunch, and this will almost always offer the best value. If you want a greater choice of dishes, go for the a la carte menu. Remember that a bottle of wine will increase the size of your bill significantly and that coffee usually carries an extra charge.

Prices usually include service. Although you do not have to leave a tip, it is common to do so and is based on 5-10% of the total.

Read the dialogue.

A: What’s your favourite snack?

B: Oh, it’s a sandwich with peanut butter, honey and a banana. It’s really delicious.

A: Ugh! I’ve never heard of that! How do you make it?

B: Well, first, you take two pieces of bread and spread peanut butter on them. Then cut up a banana into small slices and put them on one of the pieces of bread. Then pour some honey over the bananas and put the other piece of bread on top.

A: It sounds awful!

Complete the dialogue.

A: What’s your favourite snack?

B: It’s …….

A: What ingredients do you need to make it?

B: To make it you need …….

A: How do you make it?

B: First, you ……. After that ……. Next, ……. Then …….

19. Read the text and sum up what the text says about:

- pubsatmosphere

- pubs traditions

- kinds of beer


The word “pub” itself is an abbreviation

of “public house” which sounds dull and unemotional

I don’t think you will get a better idea of what a pub really is if I say that this is a place where people drink beer. Still pubs are very dear to the British people, being a peculiarly English institution. Pubs are famous for their friendly and cosy atmosphere. Comfort is important for people. People come to pubs to meet their friends, talk sports, play darts, watch television or just relax and enjoy themselves. They try “to make the evening of it”, they come to have a god time. On the other hand many business people go to a pub for a quick drink after work and “talk shop” before going home. There are pubs everywhere in England, a small town of say, 50 000 inhabitants will have between 50 and 100 pubs, each with its own character. Even a small village usually has its pub.

The oldest pub in England is considered to be “The Trip to Jerusalem”. They say it was built in the 12th century. Pubs are part of the British history and that’s what makes them unique. Naturally they have a lot of traditions and regulations. Pubs cannot open when they want. They must open and close at certain times. They are always closed during the afternoon – from about 3 o’clock to half past 5 or 6 o’clock. You are not allowed to go into a pub unless you are 14 years old. You are not allowed to buy alcohol unless you are 18 years old. If a small number of people go to the pub together one person usually buys a drink for everybody (a round). He may say:

Well, what are you having?

Pubs sell food but they usually expect you to have at least one drink (each) as well. Sometimes they do not sell food unless you buy a drink. If someone buys you a drink he will usually expect you to offer later to buy one for him (even if you are not having another drink yourself). If a friend bought you a drink yesterday and you go to a pub together again today, you should start by saying:

Now, it’s my round.

What are you having?

There are three main kinds of beer: (a light coloured beer), bitter (“ordinary” English beer, which is darker and heavier and lager) and mild (darker and sweeter). Different pubs sell different makes of each kind. Their brand names usually sound attractive and extravagant often making foreigners puzzle over their meaning. In case you don’t know the names of the beer in a particular pub you can say:

A pint of mild, please.

or A half pint of lager, please.

or Another bitter, please.




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