Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

You've forgotten They've bought

Формы причастия прошедшего времени основных глаголов образованы не по правилу (т.е. не путем прибавления окончания -ed ). Такие глаголы называются неправильными. Следовательно, to see, to be, to forget, to bring, to make, to buy - неправильные глаголы. Формы неправильных глаголов нужно просто запомнить.

б Yet - уже. Выше (см. прим. 4, 8 к этому уроку) вы познакомились с другим

значением слова yet - ещё, которое оно имеет в отрицательных предложениях.

30 Не works in an export company. Он работает в экспортной компании.

He's working in an export company. - форма настоящего продолженного времени показывает, что он там работает сейчас, в момент речи.

Не works in an export company. - форма настоящего времени показывает, что в настоящее время (не сию минуту, а вообще) он работает в этой компании, это - его место работы.

31 He's worked there since January. Он работает там с января. Форма настоящего

совершенного времени показывает, что он начал работать в компании в прошлом (в январе) и продолжает в настоящее время там работать (since January - с января по настоящий момент включительно). Переводится на русский язык настоящим временем.

32 We still haven't met Chris's fiancee. Мы еще не видели невесту Криса (букв.

не встречали).

а Обратите внимание на произношение притяжательного падежа от имени

Chris - Chris's.

б met причастие прошедшего времени глагола to meet (неправильный глагол).

33 Either this month or next month. Или в этом месяце, или в следующем.

34 How long is Chris's holiday? Сколько времени у Криса отпуск? или Какова

продолжительность отпуска у Криса?

35No one's told him yet. Никто ему еще не сказал.

а Told - причастие прошедшего времени неправильного глагола to tell.

б No one - никто

Someone - кто-то

Everyone - каждый, все

Nothing - ничто

Something - что-то

Everything - всё

36 Maggie's got four weeks' holiday. У Мэгги отпуск четыре недели.

а 's got = has got

б four weeks' holiday Кроме одушевленных лиц, форму притяжательного падежа могут также иметь существительные, означающие отрезки времени:

A year's holiday - годичный отпуск

A month's holiday - месячный отпуск

Three weeks' holiday - трёхнедельный отпуск

Five days' holiday - пятидневный отпуск Для существительных, имеющих

во множественном числе окончание -s, форма притяжательного падежамножественного числа образуется путём прибавления апострофа: weeks', months', days', years', и т.п.Итак, one week's holiday, но two weeks' holiday. В произношении разницымежду формами week's и weeks' нет.

37 Her name's Margaret but we call her Maggie. Её зовут Маргарет, но мы называем

ее Мэгги.

Her name's Margaret - её зовут Маргарет (букв, её имя Маргарет).

My name's Jane. - Меня зовут Джейн.

His name's Chris. - Его зовут Крис.

Maggie - уменьшительное от Margaret.

Chris - уменьшительное от Christopher.

Tim - уменьшительное от Timothy.

38 Happy birthday! С днём рождения! (букв. Счастливого дня рождения! )

Общепринятая форма поздравления с днём рождения.



Exercise 1


I am staying with Simon. Today is his birthday.

Today is Simon's birthday.

George is living with Mary. Mary is his wife.

Mary is George's wife.


1 I am visiting my parents. The Hunts are their friends.

2 Mary works for Bob. Mary is not his sister.

3 Jane is sitting on the chair. It is her chair.

4 My relatives all work in the restaurant. It is their restaurant.

5 His sisters are spending a lot of money. It is their money.

6 David is looking for Peter. Peter is his son.

7 The girls are visiting Jean. Jean is their aunt.

8 Louise is meeting her father. That is not her father.


Exercise 2


I am buying a suitcase. has brought

He is bringing the wine. have bought

I have bought a suitcase

He has brought the wine.

1 They are bringing a pie. has met

2 You are making some tea. has bought

3 He is meeting my aunt. has made

4 She is seeing a lot of places. have brought

5 He is buying some wine. have made

6 She is making a cup of coffee. have seen

7 I am meeting your wife. have met

8 You are seeing everything. has seen

Exercise 3


I have shopped all day.

Have you bought anything?

I have shopped all day but I have not bought anything.

He has been to London.

Has he seen the National Gallery?

He has been to London but he has not seen the National Gallery.

1 She has brought the map. Has she forgotten the way?

2 They have worked in London. Have they lived there?

3 We have made an apple pie. Have you brought it with you?

4 She has bought some Swiss dresses. Has she been to Switzerland?

5 We have seen her friend. Have you met her?

6 They have bought some lovely things. Have they brought them home?

Exercise 4


Have you been there before? this year

Yes, I have but I have not been there this year.

Has your wife shopped at the big shops? small shops

Yes, she has but she has not shopped at the small shops.

1 Have they visited Bristol? Scotland

2 Has he met their aunt cousins

5 Have we brought the wine? melon

6 Have the Hunts lived in Geneva? London

7 Has he bought the steak? vegetables

8 Have you forgotten my perfume? my whisky

9 Has Sheila seen London? Bristol


Exercise 5



Carol = James Fenton Sarah = Guy Hunt


Tim Chris Margaret Simon Jane





James Fenton is Carol's husband. Who is Sarah Hunt?

She is Carol's sister.

Tim Fenton is Chris's brother. Who is Maggie?

She is Chris's fiancee.


1 Jane is Simon's sister. Who is Chris?

2 Sarah is Guy's wife. Who is Jane?

3 Simon is Tim's cousin. Who is Chris?

4 Tim is James's son. Who is Carol?

5 Guy is Jane's father. Who is Sarah?

6 Jane is Sarah's daughter. Who is Simon?

7 Simon is Jane's brother Who is Guy?.

8 Maggie is Chris's fiancee. Who is James?


Exercise 6


I am Ann. I have... in London... many years. work; for/since

I am Ann. I have worked in London for many years.

That is Mary. She has... with me... Sunday. live; for/since

That is Mary. She has lived with me since Sunday.


1 She has... to visit me... two years. plan; for/since

2 I am having my holiday. I have not......Friday. work; for/since

3 Every day we have......five hours. shop; for/since

4 Today we have......nine o'clock. shop; for/since

5 It is five o'clock now. We have......eight hours. shop; for/since

6 Mary has... in Geneva... three years. live; for/since

7 She has... there... the second year. work; for/since

8 Her father has not... in England... a long time. live; for/since


Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.

Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It's a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.

Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it's becoming more and more popular.

Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.



1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?

2. Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste?

3. Which hobby groups do you know?

4. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it? What kind of activities does this group include?

5. What do you know about gardening?

6. Do you like computer games?

7. Are you fond of making things?

8. Do you know any famous hobbyists?

9. Have you ever collected anything?

10. What can be collected?

11. Do you know of any private collections that were given to museums or art galleries?

12. Do you agree that learning can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby? Why?



The party

Part I


Simon What a wonderful surprise! My aunt and uncle are so kind. They remember my birthday every year. I've already received one present. Mum's parents have sent me two pounds (£ 2). My grandparents send me money every year. Dad's parents haven't sent me anything yet. My grandmother's written me a letter. She's making me a sweater but she hasn't finished it yet. My grandfather's sending me something, too. It hasn't come yet. I've already seen my parents' present. It's been in their wardrobe since yesterday. It's either a football or a pair of football boots. Of course I haven't opened the parcel yet.


Part 2

The presents

Mrs. Fenton Why don't you.sit on that sofa to open your presents? No one can see you in that corner. Which one are you opening first?
Simon Tim's present.
Tim Oh no, don't open my present first. Open Sheila's present first.
Simon All right. Oh, what a wonderful record!
Mrs. Fenton What kind of record is it?

Simon Jazz... Why don't we listen to it?

Mrs. Fenton What a good idea! Jane, put your brother's record on the record player. Which one do you want to open next Simon?
Simon Give me Tim's present, please. Another record.... Thanks, Tim.
Mrs. Fenton Why don't you open your parents' present next? Which one is it?
Simon I've already seen it.
Mrs. Fenton What is it?

Simon It's either football or a pair of football boots. No, I'm wrong... It's a radio... gosh!


At the table

Mrs. Fenton Who's coming into the dining-room for tea?

Mr. Hunt Everyone's coming.

Mrs. Fenton Don't sit here, Simon. This is your seat,

Simon I'm sorry. Who’s sitting next to me?

Mrs. Fenton That's your uncle's seat.

Tim Which is my chair, Mum?

Mrs. Fenlon This one, and that's Sheila's chair next to you. And Jane's seat is here beside me. Sit down, everyone.
Mr. Hunt Simon, would you turn off your radio, please? You can listen to it later.
Simon I'm sorry.

Mrs. Fenton Can someone help me in the kitchen, please?
Jane Of course, Aunt Carol.


Ice-cream and cake

Mrs. Fenton Now, has everyone had some Ice-cream and some cake?
Jane No, I haven't.
Mrs. Fenton I'm sorry, Jane. What kind of ice-cream would you like?
Jane Strawberry, please.
Mrs. Fenton Who's having more tea?

Sheila I'd like another cup of tea, please.

Mrs. Fenton With milk and sugar, Sheila?

Sheila With milk but without sugar.

Mrs. Fenton Would anyone like some more cake?

Jane I haven’t eaten my first piece yet.

Mrs. Fenton Simon, have you had another piece of cake?

Simon No, I haven’t but I'd like another piece.

Mrs. Fenton And a little more ice-cream?

Simon No, thank you but I'd like a little more lemonade, please.
Tim Mum, this is terrific. You haven't made a cake since Dad's birthday.
Mrs. Fenton Would you like some more cake, Tim?
Tim Of course I would.



Mrs. Hunt Thank you for a wonderful evening, Carol.

Mrs. Fenton Not at all, Sarah. We've enjoyed it, too. Has Simon got all his presents?
Simon Yes and thanks again for the dictionary.
Mrs. Hunt He can use it at school.
Mr. Fenton Why don't you come to see my college? Simon and Jane can see the Union. Have they thought about university yet?
Mrs. Hunt Yes, Jane's going to Birmingham in October. Simon's wailing for his ‘O’ level exam results. He's not leaving school yet.
Mr. Fenton What subject are you going to take at university? Have you decided yet?
Mrs. Hunt No, he hasn't.

Simon I'm not interested in university. I want to leave school next year.
Mrs. Hunt Nonsense, Simon. You're not leaving school until you're eighteen.

Mr. Fenton Some of the technical colleges have very interesting courses. Why don't you all come to my college next Tuesday? I can give you a list of courses.

Mrs. Hunt What a good idea! Thanks, James.


Part 3

Sit down.

Dick Is this anyone's seat?

Helen Yes, it's my sister's seat.

Dick Can I sit in that one?

Helen No, don't sit there, that's someone's seat, too.

Dick Well, which chair can I have?

Helen Why don't you sit in that one?

Dick Yes. No one's sitting there.

Helen Good, now everyone's got a seat.


Mike's birthday

Tom Have you thought about Mike's birthday yet?
Sue Yes, I've already made a list of presents.
Tom Good. Give niu the list and I can buy the things.
Sue Why don't you look at the list first?
Tom All right. Goodness! What a list! These things for girls.

Sue I like them.
Tom Yes, but you're a girl.



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