Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I haven't seen him since I went to Simon's party last Wednesday. Have you worked for the same company since you finished university?

Дело в том, что значение этого слова - с, с тех пор - очень близко к значению настоящего совершенного: оно охватывает отрезок времени с определенного момента в прошлом по настоящий момент включительно.

32 So would I. Я тоже. (См. прим. 20, урок 16.)

33 Now, why don't we talk about you? Теперь давай поговорим о тебе. (букв, почему бы нам не поговорить о тебе? ) Сравните: Why don't we go into the park? (прим. 22 к этому уроку), Why don't we dance? (прим. 40, урок 16).

34 Where did you learn to speak German and French? Где ты научилась говорить

по-немецки и по-французски?

a to learn - научиться, выучить

б to speak German - говорить по-немецки

35 On the continent. На континенте.

Англичане, живущие, как известно, на островах, называют " континентом" страны Западной Европы, расположенные на континенте.

36 I've lived on the continent since I was thirteen. Я живу на континенте с

тринадцати лет. См. прим. 31 к этому уроку.

37 Dad was in the army. Папа служил в армии.

38 Well, I studied French in school. Я изучала французский в школе. studied - форма

простого прошедшего времени правильного глагола to study. Обратите

внимание: study - studied.

39 And how did you learn German? А как ты выучила немецкий? Вам встретились

глаголы to learn, to study, которые на русский язык переводятся одинаково -

учить, изучать, выучить.

В уроке 13 вам встретился еще один глагол to teach, который также может переводиться на русский язык как учить: I haven't learned to drive yet but Dad's going to teach me. Я еще не научилась водить машину, но папа собирается меня учить. То teach означает учитьв смысле обучатьи не взаимозаменяется с глаголами to study и to learn. Эти два глагола to study и to learn являются синонимами, то есть сходными по значениям: I learn English, I study English - Я изучаю английский язык. Однако между ними есть и различие: в тех случаях, когда имеется в виду процесс обучения, употребляется глагол to study (учить в смысле изучать).Если же речь идет о результатах обучения, употребляется глагол to learn ( учить в смысле выучить, научиться). Например:

I haven't learned to drive yet. - Я еще не научилась водить машину. (результат)

And how did you learn German? - А как ты выучила немецкий? (результат)

I didn't think that I could get enough money to study for five years. -

Я подумал, что у меня вряд ли хватит денег, чтобы учиться пять лет. (процесс)

40 And did you always want to become a secretary? А ты всегда хотела стать


I always wanted to become a secretary. (Утвердительное предложение)

Did you always want to become a secretary? (Вопросительное предложение)

Итак, вопросительная форма простого прошедшего времени образуется

с помощью вспомогательного глагола did. Так же образуется и отрицательная форма: I did not want to become a secretary.

No, for a long time I hoped to become a teacher or a nurse.

Нет, я долго надеялась стать учительницей или медсестрой.

42 I wanted to stay abroad. Я хотела остаться за границей.

43 I've worked at the United Nations since they left.

Я работаю в Организации Объединенных Наций с тех пор, как они уехали.

44 Next year I hope to come to London. На будущий год я надеюсь приехать в Лондон

45 Why? Зачем?

46 То work and study. Работать и учиться.

47 It's a quarter past two. Четверть третьего.

48 I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. Я ничего не ела после завтрака.

49 You'd like some lunch, wouldn't you? Ты хотела бы перекусить?

lunch - лэнч, второй завтрак

В Англии принято иметь lunch между часом и двумя часами дня. На русский язык часто переводится обед, потому что перерыв на еду в середине рабочего дня по-русски всегда называется обедом, или обеденным перерывом. По-английски это lunch. Lunch может быть весьма разнообразным от бутерброда до полного обеда с закуской, первым, вторым и третьим блюдами - в зависимости от ситуации, возможностей, привычек и т.п.

50 Why don't we eat in that pub? Почему бы нам не поесть вон в том пабе (кафе)?

Pub - сокращенно от Public house (общественное заведение). Традиционный

английский тип кафе, где пьют пиво, алкогольные или безалкогольные напитки, едят легкую закуску, беседуют, встречаются с друзьями. Пабы обычно открыты с 10.30 утра до 3 часов дня, а затем - с 6 до 10.30 часов вечера. Детей в пабы не пускают.

A half of cider and a pint of bitter, please.

Полпинты сидра и пинту пива, пожалуйста.

a'pint - пинта, английская мера емкости, равная 0, 56 литра,

a half - букв. половина, имеется в виду полпинты.

52 Yes, we've got sausages, pork pies and shepherd's pie. -

Да, v нас есть сосиски, пирожки со свининой и мясной пирог.

53 I'd like two sausages and a round of ham sandwiches.

Я бы хотел две сосиски и бутерброды с ветчиной.

Sandwich - сэндвич, особый вид бутерброда. Сэндвич делают из двух кусков хлеба, между которыми кладут начинку - мясо, сыр, ветчину и т.п. Хлеб отрезают от целой буханки, а затем разрезают на 4 части по диагонали. A round of ham sandwiches - это все четыре части вместе.

54 Be careful, the plate's hot. Осторожно, тарелка горячая.

55 We need knives and forks. Нам нужны ножи и вилки. Обратите внимание на

множественное число knives - ножи от knife - нож.

56 Why don't we sit over there? Давай сядем вон там.



Exercise 1




A: When are you going to visit Mr. Blake?

When did you visit Mr. Blake?

B: I'm going on Wednesday.

I went on Wednesday.


A: When are you going to visit Mr. Blake?

B: I'm going on Wednesday.

I'm not going on Tuesday.

My mother wants me to go to the shops with her.

A: When is she leaving London?

B: She's leaving on Friday.

She wants to stay until Sunday but she can't.

A: Is your father going, too?

B: Yes, he's going with her.

They're leaving at eight and they're arriving in Geneva the next day.


Exercise 2


a nice day; isn't it?

It's a nice day, isn't it?

drive fast; does he?

He doesn't drive fast, does he?


1 a nice day; isn't it?

2 drive fast; does he?

3 meeting a business friend; isn't he?

4 learning English; aren't they?

5 speak French; can he?

6 need another fork; don't we?

7 at the zoo yesterday; weren't they?

8 like salt and pepper; wouldn't you?

9 like Harry; do you?

10 very warm last night; was it?


Exercise 3


I was at school with Jim.

I have not seen Jim since I was at school with him.

George talked to Jim on Wednesday.

George has not seen Jim since he talked to him on Wednesday.


1 I was at school with Jim.

2 George talked to Jim on Wednesday.

3 Judy visited Jim in Scotland.

4 The Hunts had to meet Jim at the airport.

5 Sheila persuaded Jim to go to a nightclub.

6 Simon played football with Jim.

7 Pat asked Jim to buy her some new clothes.

8 Joe studied French with Jim.

9 I left Jim at the hotel.

10 We forgot to invite Jim to the party.

Exercise 4


I hope to leave school.

I hope I can leave school.

They hoped to go to university.

They hoped they could go to university.


1 I hope to leave school.

2 They hoped to go to university.

3 She hopes to go to Regent's Park.

4 He hopes to work in Geneva one day.

5 We hope to go back to London.

6 We hoped to leave Coventry in the morning.

7 You hoped to study at night school.

8 He hoped to become a lawyer.

9 I hope to become an engineer.

10 She honed to set enough money to study for five years.


Exercise 5



It is wet. sit and talk

It is a good day for...


The park is quiet.

It is a good place for... stay in bed


It is a good day for staying in bed.

It is a good place for sitting and talking.


1 It is wet.

It is a good day for... swim

2 The park is quiet.

It is a good place for... spend money

3 It is hot.

It is a lovely day for... shop

4 That restaurant is expensive.

It is a good place for... sightsee

5 This nightclub is very small.

It is not a good place for... buy petrol

6 That shop is cheap.

It is a good place for... stay in bed

7 This chair is very comfortable.

It is a good chair for... meet people

8 It is a clear day.

It is a perfect day for... sit in

9 This station is near the shops.

It is a good place for... dance

10 That garage sells cheap petrol.

It is a good place for... sit and talk

Exercise 6


Tim: Would you like to come to the cinema, Sheila? want

Tim wanted Sheila to come to the cinema.


Mr. Hunt: Meet a friend for lunch, Sarah. persuade

Mr. Hunt persuaded Sarah to meet a friend for lunch.


1 Tim: Would you like to come to the cinema, Sheila? want

2 Mr. Hunt: Meet a friend for lunch, Sarah. persuade

3 Mrs. Hunt: Turn off the radio, Simon. ask

4 Pat: Would you mind opening the window, Judy? ask

5 Ruth: Come to dinner next week, Mrs. Blake. invite

6 Jane: Buy a dress, Mrs. Slade. persuade

7 Harry: Bring another blanket, please, Miss Chilver. want

8 Mike: Come to Geneva, Ann. persuade

9 George: Pass the salt and pepper, please, Bob. ask

10 Mr. and

Mrs. Hunt: Visit the family in Scotland, Tim. invite




Honesty and simplicity are the great strengths of cooking in the British Isles. While cooks in other countries rely on garlic and spices to enliven their food, the British approach lets the ingredients speak for themselves. Holiday-makers retur­ning from abroad have popularized many foreign dishes in Britain. But anyone who has had a superb English meal, for instance, oysters, followed by a roast saddle of lamb, and a Stilton cheese with a glass of port, can testify to the glories of British cooking. Above all, those traditional pillars of English cuisine, break­fast and high tea, are unsurpassed anywhere in the world.


Anyone arriving from abroad and staying at a good English country hotel, might still rub his eyes in disbelief at the breakfast table. After a choice of cereals or fruit juices, there is a choice of fried eggs, ham and eggs, bacon and eggs, scrambled eggs with sausages and grilled tomatoes, fried kidneys or smoked fish such as the famed kipper and the smoked haddock. In addition there is often porridge, oatmeal cooked in water and traditionally eaten with salt, sometimes covered with plenty of fresh cream, or stewed fruits, such as prunes, apricots or apples. After­wards, you can have buttered toast with orange marmalade, jam or honey. To go with it all is the ever-present enormous pot of tea.

'High tea'

In order to enjoy 'high tea' in its fully glory, here again you must visit the coun­tryside. The tea is served strong and drunk with milk and sugar. There are piles of ham, cheese, cucumber, cold chicken and watercress sandwiches, a substantial meal, often eaten instead of a later dinner. The sandwich, in fact, is an English in­vention and owes its name to an Earl of Sandwich who lived in the 18th century and was such a passionate card player that he did not have time for set meals. His butler therefore served him sliced meat and fish put between thin slices of bread, which the Earl could eat without having to leave the card table.

On the teatable there may also be an assortment of pies, apple pie, gooseberry tart for example, and fruitcake, muffins, crumpets, buns or scones with jam and cream.

Main dishes

Lamb has always been a welcome dish on the English dinner table. Both leg of lamb and cold mutton are among the most traditional of meat courses, along with roast beef. Among the fish dishes, Dover sole enjoys a fine reputation. This is usually served grilled. And a very special treat is smoked Scottish salmon.

One of the most popular dishes is called fish and chips. The fish is dipped first in flour, then in beaten egg, then breadcrumbs, and deep fried, it is served with chipped potatoes. Both fish and chips are often sprinkled with vinegar. Various kinds of fish can be used, perhaps the most common is cod. If you buy your lunch from a fish and chips shop it will often be wrapped up in paper. It all adds to the flavour!


1. How does English food differ from food in other countries?

2. What is so special about English breakfasts?

3. What traditional dishes are there in Britain?

4. What is 'high tea'?

5. How are fish and chips often served?

6. What are your views about English cooking?




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