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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

 Business Negotiations

Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding arguments and dispute. In any disagreement, individuals aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organization they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining good business relationships are the keys to a successful outcome.

In order to achieve a desirable outcome, it may be useful to follow a structured approach to negotiation. For example, a meeting may need to be arranged in which all parties involved can come together. 

The contract formation process typically involves negotiating the terms and conditions of the agreement. Negotiating can be carried out face to face and/or in writing. While a great deal of the negotiating process takes place today via email, face-to-face negotiating continues to play an important role. Undoubtedly, the ability to negotiate well in English depends to a large extent on experience. However, negotiating skills can be improved by learning about how negotiations are generally conducted and which techniques are employed by good negotiators.

The process of negotiation includes the following stages:

1. Preparation

2. Discussion

3. Clarification of goals

4. Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome

5. Agreement

6. Implementation of a course of action

An experienced speaker will make use of phrases which highlight the

importance of an idea before it is presented. For example, the speaker can use the following phrase to point directly to important information:

It's important to realise that negotiating with a contract template means that it's necessary to review the terms and conditions it contains carefully.

This phrase can be emphasized further by the use of such adverbs as particularly or especially.

It’s particularly / especially important to realise that negotiating with a contract template means...

A speaker would give these adverbs greater emphasis by making them louder, longer and higher in pitch.


Task 2. Match the stages of negotiations with appropriate useful phrases.

1.Starting the negotiation a. I’m sorry, that’s out of the question.
2. Making a suggestion b. Shall we get down to business?
3. Setting conditions c. That seems acceptable to me.
4. Accepting an offer d. Provided that you can guarantee delivery, we can…
5. Rejecting an offer e. Can we come back to the question of …
6. Returning to a point f. May I suggest that we should…
7. Problems of authority     g. Well, I think we’ve reached a satisfactory agreement.
8. Not knowing the answer  h. I’m afraid I can’t say it at this stage.
9. Asking for clarification    i. I’ll have a word with … and see what I can arrange.
10. Putting on the pressure   j. Do you mean that it won’t be possible to …?
11. Setting the bottom line  k. Surely, you must be able to …
12. Finishing/adjourning the negotiation  l. I can’t go any lower I’m afraid.

Task 3. Add appropriate words to the list of useful phrases. Don’t forget they should be formal.

Starting the negotiation

Shall we …. …. … business?

Shall we start … discussing the question of the price?

Making a suggestion

May I suggest … we … that point until the end of the meeting.

Setting conditions

… that you can deliver on time, we can accept your terms.

Accepting an offer

That seems …... to me

… … … to me.

Rejecting an offer

I’m afraid I can’t agree … that...

I’m sorry that’s … … … questions.

I … … your point but I’m afraid I can’t agree … that…

Returning to a point

Can we … … … the question of delivery.

Problems of authority

I’ll have to... that with the accounts department. I’ll have a … with the accounts

department and see what I can arrange.

Not knowing the answer

I’m afraid I can’t …... at this stage.

Asking for clarification

I’m sorry I didn’t quite …

Do you … that you can’t deliver this month?

Putting on the pressure

…………. you must be able to …….

Setting the bottom line

I … go any lower I’m afraid


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