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VI. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs. I. Read and translate the text. I. Read and translate the text.


1. What you (to do) when I (to come) in? 2. When I (to come) to his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 3. On checking up his answers he (to find) out that he (to make) several mistakes. 4. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 5. You (to read) this book? — Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 6. What the children (to do) now? — Oh, they (to play) the new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday. 7. They (to reach) the corner of the street by now and (to stand) at the bus stop. 8. After we (to walk) about two hours, we arrived at a picturesque glade covered with fresh grass. 9. We could not go out because it (to rain) hard since early morning. 10. She (to teach) at our school for twenty years now. 11. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 12. He (to begin) to write his composition at three o'clock. It is already eleven, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by twelve. 13. We (to help) our librarian to put the books in the right order for already three days, but we (to arrange) only half the books. 14. I would be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful fur-coat. 15. If it (to rain), we will have to stay at home. 16. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 17. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 5. I (to write) the composi­tion long ago if you had not disturbed me. 18. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 19. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do. 20. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 21. If you (to give) me your address, I will write you a letter 22. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 23. If your mother (not to scold) you, you would have felt happier. 24. Their father often (go) to rock concerts. 25. It’s already 10:00, but Jane (not to finish) her homework yet.


Вариант 2

I. Read and translate the text.


1. Advertising is one of the largest industries.

2. In 1986, for example, American business spent over $100 billion to advertise its products.

3. Since consumers are the principal targets of these sales campaigns, we ought to know something about the services advertisers perform, as well as some of the techniques they use.

The Benefits of Advertising

4. Advertising benefits consumers and the economy in a number of ways:

5. It provides us with information about prices, recent improvements in certain goods and services, and the availability of new ones.

6. Advertising often results in lower prices.

7. Large-scale production can reduce costs.

8. By creating mass markets, advertising enables producers to reduce the costs of their products and pass those savings on to the consuming public.

9. Advertising stimulates competition, and competition benefits us all.

10. Advertising by one firm puts pressure on others within the industry to do at least as well to attract the consumer’s money.

11. Advertising pays most of the cost of magazines and newspapers, and all of the cost of commercial radio and TV.

12. Advertising helps the economy as a whole by stimulating consumer demand.

13. Consumer spending has a direct effect on the health of the economy.

14. Advertising helps to keep that spending at healthy levels.

The Price We Pay for Advertising

15. Not everyone agrees that advertising benefits the economy.

16. Critics list the following points of its disadvantages:

17. The information contained in advertising does not inform and often misleads the consumer.

18. Because it costs money to advertise, this cost adds to the price consumers pay.

19. Consumers are tempted to spend money for products they do not really need.

20. Radio and TV are not really free because the cost of advertising on them is also passed on to the consumer.

Advertising Strategies

21. Three strategies that have been especially popular with advertisers can be classified as slogans, rational appeals, and emotional appeals.

22. Slogans Advertisers often use slogans that sound great but mean little or nothing.

23. Yet, advertisers seem to feel that such slogans, when repeated often enough, do increase sales.

24. Rational Appeals Rational appeals rely upon logic or reason to convince the consumer to buy a product.

25. “Our Cookies Contain 25% Fewer Calories Than the Next Leading Brand.

26. ” This is an example of an advertisement that appeals to reason.

27. Ads for health foods, pain relievers and home remedies tend to use this technique.

28. Emotional Appeals Emotional appeals rely upon the use of psychology.

29. The following is a sampling of such strategies:

30. Testimonials These are the advertisements in which famous people claim they use and enjoy a particular product.

31. Ads for sports equipment frequently rely on this strategy.

32. The Bandwagon The bandwagon appeal implies that everybody is using a particular product and that if you don’t, you will be left out.

33. The term derives from the practice, during nineteenth-century circus or political parades, of jumping on or following behind the wagon carrying the band.

34. Soft drink and automobile ads use this appeal.

35. Popularity Some advertisements suggest that simply by using the advertised product you will be popular or find romance.

36. Toothpaste ads showing moments of romance between handsome young men and women are typical of these kinds of campaigns.

37. Every day you as a consumer are the object of the marketing efforts of American and foreign companies.

38. The advertising on television and radio and in the newspaper that come to your house is just some of the ways that sales promotions reach you.

39. Can you think of other ways that sales promotions reach you.

40. Can you think of other ways?

41. Most of these marketing strategies represent honest efforts to convince you to buy a product or service.

42. Nevertheless, you are responsible for evaluating advertising directed at you, separating fact from emodon, and deciding whether or not to buy the product.



advertising – реклама

industries – отрасли промышленности consumer – потребитель

target – цель services – услуги

techniques – технологии benefit – выгода

improvement – усовершенствование availability – доступность

cost – издержки

enable - давать возможность savings – сбережения competition – конкуренция put – оказывать

pressure – давление

mislead - вводить в заблуждение rational appeal – рациональное общение

emotional appeal – эмоциональное общение increase – увеличивать

reliever – мучение testimonial – характеристика appeal – подразумевать evaluating – оценка



II. Find the Russian Equivalents:

Product, strategies, benefits, advertising, competition, product, industries, spend, services, mislead, stimulated, reduce, attract, pressure, disadvantage, tempted, slogan, convince, emotional and rational appeals, reliever, testimonial, claim, term, the bandwagon, circus, parades, popularity, promotion, effort, evaluating.


III. Find the English Equivalents:

Реклама, цена, отрасль промышленности, потребитель, конкуренция, цель, выгоды от рекламы, усовершенствования, продукты и услуги, издержки, массовые рынки, стимулировать, недостатки, вводить в заблуждение, стратегия, слоганы, рациональное и эмоциональное общение, характеристика, использовать, популярность, зубная паста, объект усилий, маркетинг.


IV. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text:

1. … is one of the largest industries.

2. Advertising … consumers and the economy in a number of ways.

3. Advertising stimulated … , and … benefits us all.

4. Advertising helps the … as a whole by stimulating consumer demand.

5. The information contained in advertising does not inform and often … the consumer.

6. Consumers are … to spend money for products they do not really need.

7. Tree strategies that have been especially popular with advertisers can be classified as

… , … … , and … … .

8. Emotional Appeals consist of … , … , … .

9. Some advertisements suggest that simply by using the advertised product you will be

… or … … .

10. Advertising often use … that sound great but mean little or nothing.


V. Answer the questions:

1. In what way do consumers and the economy benefit from advertising?

2. What are the benefits of advertising?

3. What are the disadvantages of advertising?

4. How are advertising strategies classified?

5. Can you give the examples of different advertising strategies on Russian TV?

6. What are the methods and types of advertising?

7. Does advertising influence your personal decisions to buy or not to buy ?




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