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VI. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs.

1. Where is your luggage? — I (to leave) it at the station. I (to take) it tomorrow when Nick (to come) to help me. 2. I (to read) about an hour when he (to come). 3. The play (not yet to begin) and the people (to talk) in the hall. 4. Yesterday I (to buy) a new pair of gloves, as I (to lose) the old ones. 5. We (to walk) in silence. He already (to tell) me all that (to be) interesting about himself, and I (to have) nothing to tell him. 6. The moon (not to rise) yet, and only two stars, like two distant lighthous­es, (to shine) in the dark blue sky. 7. He’s over sixty, and he’s still working. He (to work) hard all his life. When he (to be) a young man, he sometimes (to work) all night. 8. What you (to do) these three months? 9. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (to come) at seven o'clock, we still (to pack) our luggage. 10. When you (to see) him last? 11. I (to meet) him when he (to walk) across the park. 12. You ever (to act) on the stage? — Why, yes, that's what I (to do) for the last six years. 13. Don't enter the bedroom! The child (to sleep) there, and he always (to wake) up when somebody (to open) the door. 14. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together. 15. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician. 16. If you (not to get) tickets to the Philharmonic, we will stay at home. 17. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor.18. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I would certainly have told her all about it. 19. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better. 20. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us. 21. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I would not have understood this difficult rule. 22. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly 23. If they (to know) it before, they would have taken measures. 24. She (to buy) a coat last winter, but she (not /to buy) a new dress since 2008. 25. What those people (to do) in the middle of the road?



Вариант 6

I. Read and translate the text.

Planned economies

1. Planned economies are sometimes called «command economies» because the state commands the use of resources (such as labour and factories) that are used to produce goods and services as it owns factories, land and natural resources.

2. Planned economies are economies with a large amount of central planning and direction, when the government takes all the decisions, the government decides production and consumption.

3. Planning of this kind is obviously very difficult, very complicated to do, and the result is that there is no society, which is completely a command economy.

4. The actual system employed varies from state to state, but command or planned economies have a number of common features.

5. Firstly, the state decides precisely what the nation is to produce.

6. It usually plans five years ahead.

7. It is the intention of the planners that there should be enough goods and services for all.

8. Secondly, industries are asked to comply with these plans and each industries and factory is set a production target to meet.

9. If each factory and farm meets its target, then the state will meet its targets as set out in the five-year plans.

10. You could think of the factory and farm targets to be objectives which, if met, allow the nation’s overall aim to be reached.

11. A planned economy is simple to understand but not simple to operate.

It does, however, have a number of advantages: everyone in society reserves enough goods and services to enjoy a basic standard of living.

12. Nations do not waste resources duplicating production.

13. The state can use its control of the economy to divert resources to wherever it wants. As a result, it can ensure that everyone receives a good education, proper health care or that transport is available.

14. Several disadvantages also exist.

15. It is these disadvantages that have led to many nations abandoning planned economies over recent years:

16. There is no incentive for individuals to work hard in planned economies. 17.Any profits that are made are paid to the government.

18.Citizens cannot start their own businesses and so new ideas rarely come forward 19.As a result, industries in planned economies can be every inefficient.

20.A major problem faced by command or planned economies is that of deciding what to produce. Command economies tend to be slow when responding to changes in people’s tastes and fashions. Planners are likely to under produce some items, as they cannot predict changes in demand.

21. Equally, some products, which consumers regard as obsolete and unattractive, may be overproduced.

22. Planners are afraid to produce goods and services unless they are sure substantial amounts will be purchased. This leads to delays and queues for some products.

Mixed economies

23. Command and market economies both have significant faults.

24. Partly because of this, an intermediate system has developed, known as mixed economies.

25. A mixed economy contains elements of both market and planned economies.

26. At one extreme we have a command economy, which does not allow individuals to make economic decisions, at the other extreme we have a free market, where individuals exercise

27. considerable economic freedom of choice without any government restrictions. 28.Between these two extremes lies a mixed economy. In mixed economies some

resources are controlled by the government whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers.

29. Technically, all the economies of the world are mixed.

30. Some countries are nearer to command economies, while others are closer to free market economies.

31. The aim of mixed economies is to avoid the disadvantages of both systems while enjoying the benefits that they both offer.

32. So, in a mixed economy the government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems.

33. The state controls the share of the output through taxation and transfer payments and intervenes to supply essential items such as health, education and defense, while private firms produce cars, furniture, electrical items and similar, less essential products.

34. The UK is a country with mixed economy. Some services are provided by the state (for example, health care and defense) whilst a range of privately owned businesses offer other goods and services.



to own — владеть

a large amount — большой объем

central planning and direction — центральное планирование и руководство complicated —сложный

to have a number of common features – иметь ряд общих черт to comply with — подчиняться

a production target to meet — производственная задача(задание), которую надо выполнить

an overall aim — общая цель

to enjoy a basic standard of living — иметь основной уровень жизни to duplicate production — дублировать производство

to divert — отвлекать (напр. ресурсы на др. цели)

a major problem faced by command or planned economies — основная проблема, стоящая перед командной или плановой экономикой

changes in tastes and fashions – изменение вкусов и моды

to regard smth as... — воспринимать что-либо, относиться к чему-либо как… obsolete (syn. out of date) — устарелый, вышедший из употребления

delays and queues — зд. перебои с (товарами) и очереди

at one extreme... at the other extreme – на одном полюсе…на другом

to exercise considerable economic freedom of choice- иметь значительную экономическую свободу выбора

whilst [wailst] = while — в то время как, пока

state-controlled industry —промышленность, контролируемая государством to avoid disadvantages — избегать недостатков

to enjoy the benefits — иметь преимущества, пользоваться преимуществами to interact —взаимодействовать

to solve economic problems — решать экономические проблемы a share of the output —доля в объеме производства

essential items — товары и услуги первой необходимости a range of businesses — зд. ряд компаний, фирм



II. Find the Russian Equivalents:

use of resources, command economies, produce goods and services, central planning and direction, take all the decisions, production and consumption, common features, basic standard of living, duplicating production, delays and queues, substantial amounts, to underproduce, to overproduce, an overall aim, disadvantages; health care and defense; to enjoy the benefits; to solve economic problems; to exercise considerable economic freedom of choice; state-controlled industry; a major problem faced by command or planned economies;


III. Find the English Equivalents:

имеющиеся в распоряжении ресурсы; управлять использованием ресурсов; управление экономикой; отказываться от плановой экономики; иметь высокий жизненный уровень; иметь общие черты; подчиняться 5-летнему плану; значительное количество; ставить производственные задачи; полученная прибыль; стимул к эффективной работе; перебои и очереди; реагировать на изменения спроса; предсказывать изменения спроса; основная проблема, стоящая перед;

..избегать недостатков; частный сектор; налогообложение; централизованно принимать экономические решения; на одном полюсе – на другом; без ограничений; взаимодействовать в решении проблем; пользоваться благами; правительство, возглавляемое…


IV. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text:

1. The type of system chosen is ... in ..., in which businesses operate.

2. An economic system is the way in which a country uses its ... to satisfy the demands of ... for goods and services.

3. The state , factories, land and ....

4. Planned economies are economies with ... of ..., when the government ... all..., decides

... and ... .

5. The actual system employed ... from state to state, but command or planned economies have ... .

6. It is ... that there should be enough goods and services for all.

7. Nations do not waste resources … .

8. Command and market economies both have … .

9. … contains elements of both market and planned economies.… we have a command economy, which does not … , …we have a free market, where individuals ... without ... .

10. Some countries arc ... to command economies, while others are ... to free market economies.

11. It is just ... between market and planned element that ... in all the economies of the world.

12. The aim of mixed economies is ... the disadvantages of both system while ... the benefits that they both offer.


V. Answer the questions:

1. What is an economic system?

2. What does a standard of living depend on?

3. What is a planned economy?

4. What are the main features of a planned economy?

5. What are the advantages of a planned economy?

6. What are the disadvantages of a planned economy?

7. What causes delays and queues for some products?

8. What are other advantages and disadvantages of a planned economy?


VI. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct Tense and Voice:

1. Papers (deliver) usually at 8 in the morning, they (look through) at the moment and you’ll get yours soon. 2. Dresses (make) preferably of cotton in hot countries. This wonderful costume (make) specially for this performance now. 3. What strange sounds! – Oh, our piano (tune). 4 Where is your car? – It (fill) in the garage at the moment. 5. Tea (lay) usually on the balcony in fine weather. 6. Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Italy last year. 8. The helicopter (construct) in Russia. 9. He (throw) out of class for cheating yesterday. 10. The pop singers arrived at the airport and (welcome) by thousands of fans. Flowers (throw) at them all the way to the exit.11. The exposition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery. 12. The decorations (complete) an hour ago. 13. The preparations for the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriving. 14. The baby (feed) an hour ago. – Christopher (feed) yet? – Not yet. 15. He (not see) for a week already. 16. The child hopes he (give) a computer by Santa Claus, but his parents made up their minds that the boy (present) with a new scooter. 17. The boss assured the staff they (tell) about the coming changes. 18. Don’t worry! The burglars (catch) by the police – Hm, but they are sure they (not catch). 19. Get your passports ready, they (examine) by the officer. Do you remember we were warned that our papers (examine) here? 20. The whole state hoped he (elect) a congressman.


Вариант 7


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