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Shrek’s quiet and isolation ends as Donkey arrives in his life.

Shrek and Donkey return to the castle to stop



Some Potential Questions for ESL Class Discussion

1. How does this film compare to the kinds of cartoons you saw as a child?


2. Was it made for children or adults? Who is more likely to enjoy it?


3. Are fairy tales popular in your own culture? What are some of the more famous ones that compare to Snow White and Cinderella?


4. Who was your favorite character in this movie? Why? 


5. What did you like and not like about this film?




Shrek’s quiet and isolation ends as Donkey arrives in his life.


Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.

       The words most commonly used to start a fairy tale or children’s story.


But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort.

       Very poetic language to say “She was so

charming (or enchanting) that she was scary.”


A fire-breathing dragon.

       A mythical creature that looks like a huge snake with wings.


Many brave knights had attempted to free

her from the dreadful prison, but none prevailed.

A “knight” is a type of solider in the middle ages (over 500 years ago) who was known for serving the king or rich landowners.


Like that’s ever gonna happen! What a load of

Note that the first sentence is a sarcastic or cynical way of saying “that will never happen.” If something is a “load of crap,” it is a lot of nonsense.


I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed. [Song]

A “shed” is a small detached room for storing tools or other types of equipment. This sentence is a funny way of saying “I am not the smartest person here” (“Sharp” means both very pointed and intelligent).


All that glitters is gold [S]

       “To glitter” is to sparkle or shine in the dark.


Hold on! Do you know what that thing can do to you?

       A common way of telling a person to stop and think

carefully before they do what they’re about to do.


Yeah, it’ll grind your bones for its bread.

       “To grind” something is to reduce it to powder

or tiny pieces by rubbing together, or using friction.


Ogres; They’ll make a suit out of your freshly peeled skin.

       A “suit” is expensive or formal clothing that includes pants and a coat.

       Skin that is “peeled” has had the outer layer stripped or pulled off.


They’ll squeeze the jelly from your eyes.

       “To squeeze” something is to compact it into a smaller size by putting

pressure on it from opposite sides. “Jelly” is a type of soft dessert made with sugar and juice.


Wanted: Fairy Tale creatures.

       A “creature” is any animal, especially one that’s scary or disturbing.


That’s 20 pieces of silver for the witches.

A “witch” is another mythical figure who is usually an

old and scary-looking woman with super natural powers.


I’ll never be stubborn again.

       If a person is “stubborn,” they are rigid and refuse to change their mind.


I’m not a puppet. I’m a real boy.

A small wooden toy shaped like a human or other animal. Note that the character who says this is Pinocchio, whose nose grows whenever he lies.


Five shillings for the possessed toy.

       A “shilling” is a coin in English money (perhaps worth 10 cents). If

a person is “possessed,” their bodies contain a devil or other evil spirit (Note people or perhaps animals can be possessed, but rarely toys!).


He’s really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you boneheadeddolt!

A “chatterbox” is a slangy word for a person who talks a lot (“To chatter” is to talk a lot or aimlessly). If a person is “boneheaded,” they are stupid, and a “dolt” is a strong insult word for a simple and stupid person.


I’m the talkingest damn thing you ever saw!

       “Damn” is a somewhat crude but common filler

word used to express anger or other emotion.


Get her out of my sight! :: No, I swear!

       In this context, “I swear” is a common way to

say “I promise you that I am telling the truth.”


You might have seen a housefly…but you ain’t never seen a donkey fly!

       A clever play on words; Note that a “housefly” is

a fly (and a noun, of course), but “to fly” is a verb.


Seize him! He’s getting away!

       “To seize” a person is to forcefully hold or stop them.

“To get away” is to escape, in this case by running quickly.


By the order of Lord Farquaad, I am authorizedto place you under

arrest and transport you to a designated ….resettlement facility.

If a person is “authorized” to do something, they are given legal permission to do it. “To place a person under arrest” is to legally seize them and usually put them in jail. A “designated” place is one that is specifically chosen, and a “resettlement facility” is a place or building to which people are often told they have to move.


Then you showed up and bam! They was tripping

over themselves like babes in the woods.

“To show up” is a common phrasal verb meaning to arrive. “Bam” is a slangy word to describe a violent or loud noise, like two cars crashing into each other. “To trip” is to fall while walking. A “babe in the woods” is an innocent person who isn’t prepared for the dangers they face.   


I got a great idea! It’ll stick with you.

       “To stick with” a person is to follow them everywhere.


You’re a mean, green, fighting machine. Together

we’ll scare the spit out of anybody who crosses us!

       “To scare the shit out of” a person is greatly scare of terrify them

       (“Spit” is mouth saliva, but this expression is rarely if ever used).

       Here, “to cross” a person is turn against or betray them.


You definitely need some tic-tacs or something because your breath stinks!

       A well-known candy that makes people’s bad breath smell fresh.


I ate some rotten berries. Man, I had some

strong gasseseking out of my butt that day.

If fruit is “rotten,” it is old, smelly and decaying. “Man” is a common filler word to express emotion, often placed at the beginning of sentences. In this case, “gas” refers to the bad smelling farts that people produce when they eat too much. “To eke out” is to leave quietly or sneak out.


I’m an ogre. You know---“grab your torch and pitchforks.”

“To grab” is to forcefully take or seize. A “torch” is a large burning stick that is used for light, and a “pitchfork” is a long-handled fork that is often used by farmers to dig up the soil or stacks of hay.


You’ve got that kind of I-don’t-care-what-nobody-thinks-of-me thing.

Note that lots of words can be placed together to form one giant adjective (“I-don’t’-care…”). This is a slangy way of saying “It’s clear that you don’t care what people think of you.”


And it is lovely! Just beautiful.

       Widely used in British English for pretty or attractive.


You’re quite a decorator. It’s amazing what

you’ve done with such a modest budget.

A “decorator” designs how rooms inside houses look. “Amazing” is an important alternative to incredible or fantastic. If a person (or dragon) is

on “a modest budget,” they don’t have a lot of money to spend.


I like that boulder.

       A very large rock.


I hate it when you get somebody in your face.

       If a person is “in your face,” they are physically too

close and are probably bothering or annoying you.


You’re trying to give them a hint and they

won’t leave. There’s that awkward silence.

       A “hint” is a subtle or indirect clue or suggestion. If a period of

silence is “awkward,” it is socially uncomfortable or embarrassing.


You don’t know what it’s like to be considered a freak.

       A useful colloquial word for a person who is considered monstrous,                  totally bizarre or physically very strange, who could be in the circus.


We can stay up late, swappingmanly stories,

and in the morning, I’m making waffles!

“To swap” stories is to exchange them, or tell them to each other. “Manly” is a silly adjective meaning masculine or macho, and “waffles” are a type of breakfast food that is similar to pancakes.


I guess that’s cool.

       In this case, “cool” means not bad, though

it more often means good or excellent.



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