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Shrek, Donkey and Fiona meet Monsieur Hood, and then

 sadly for Shrek, Fiona and Farquaad prepare to marry.


Be still, mon cherie, for I am your savior…and

I am rescuing you from this green beast.

“Mon cherie” is French for “my dear.” A “savior” is a person who saves the life of another, and a “beast” is a disgusting animal or monster.


Look, pal, I don’t know who you think you are…

:: Of course, how rude, let me introduce myself.

       “Pal” is a colloquial word for friend, though it is often used,

as here, to address a person that is annoying or bothering you.



I steal from the rich and give to the needy.

       If a person is “needy,” they are poor or have few physical possessions

(This sentence is the philosophy of Monsieur Hood, who is based on the legendary character Robin Hood, who lived in 12th century England. “Monsieur” is the French word for Mr.).


He takes a wee percentage. :: But I’m not greedy. [S]

       “Wee” is an interesting adjective that means very small or tiny.


I rescue pretty damsels. Man, I’m good. [S]

       A very old fashioned British word for a young

unmarried woman of noble birth or high social class.


I like an honest fight and a salty little maid. [S]

       In this case, a funny word for very spirited or perhaps sexually exciting

       (This is Monsieur Hood’s way of describing the type of women he likes).


What he’s basically saying is that he likes to get…paid. [S]

       A clever line; “To get laid” means to have sex.


When an ogre in the bush grabs a lady by the tush. [S]

       A silly and somewhat vulgar word for ass, butt, derriere, etc.


I’ll take my blade and ram it through your head. [S]

       In this case, a “blade” is a sword or knife. “To ram a

knife through” something is to violently push through it.


There’s an arrow in your butt!

       A pointed weapon shot from a bow that flies through the air like a missile.


Keep your legs elevated! Turn your head and cough.

       If something is “elevated,” it is kept high or above. The second sentence

is what doctors always tell their patients during a physical exam.


Does anyone know the Heimlich?

“The Heimlich maneuver” is the famous process by which a person saves the life of another who is choking, by squeezing on their stomach.


Blue flower, red thorns. OK, I’m on it.

A “thorn” is the sharp or pointy part of a flower or plant that can easily cause you to bleed if you touch it without being careful. If a person is given a job to do and they say they’re “on it,” they are taking care of it.


Now you hold still and I’ll yank this thing out.

       To “hold still” is to not move, and “to yank” something

is to try and pull it out with great energy or force.


What do you propose we do?

       “To propose” a plan of action is to officially suggest that it be done.


That’s the last thing on my mind.

       “There is no way I was thinking about that.”


My belovedmaster and me. [S]

       “Beloved” is an old-fashioned word for much loved or cherished

A “master” is the owner of an animal (or perhaps owner of a slave).


It gets us through all kinds of weather.

       It something “gets you through” bad weather, it helps you to survive it.


She will be the only thing that comes between me and the awfulsting. [S]

       “Awful” means extremely bad. A “sting” is the sharp pain

of certain insect bites, such as those caused by a bee or spider.


That comes from living in a world that’s so damn mean.

       A vulgar but common filler word to express frustration or other emotion.


Your future awaits you.

       “To await” is an old-fashioned way of saying to wait for.


I guess we bettermove on.

Note that in some contexts, “to guess” means to think, and that “better”

is the only adverb that can function as a modal verb (meaning “should”)!

“To move on” is to move in a forward direction, or perhaps to forget about what had been the focus of attention.


You look awful. :: I don’t want t say nothing, but I got this twinge in my neck.

       A “twinge” is a sudden or sharp pain.


Weedrat, rotisserie style. :: Well, this is delicious.

A “weedrat” is not a real animal (though “weeds” are a type of hated plant that kills grass). If meat is cooked “rotisserie style,” it’s cooked over a slow burning fire while turning on a metal spit or pole.


I don’t mean to brag, but I make a mean woodrat stew.

“To brag” is to boast or talk in an overly proud manner. As a colloquial adjective, “mean” can actually mean very good or excellent! A “stew” is a thick soup of meats and vegetables.


Swamp toad soup, fish eye tatare, you name it.

A “toad” is a type of frog, and any meat served “tatare” style is raw!

“You name it” is a way of saying “Anything you can think of…”


I got instincts and I know you two were digging on each other.

Your “instincts” are the feelings or intuition that you have about a situation, based on experience and not any formal education. If two people “dig on” each other, they are romantically attracted to each other, although this is very slangy and rarely used.


Come on Shrek, wake up and smellthe pheromones.

“Wake up and smell the coffee” is a much loved colloquial expression which means “Be serious and start accepting the reality of the situation.” This saying is never used with “pheromones,” which are chemical substances produced by animals to sexually attract others.


It was very spooky in here and I ain’t playing no games.

“Spooky” is an excellent word for scary or creepy (used when you are in a house with lots of ghosts). Remember that you should never say “ain’t” (In this case, you’d say “am not.”)


I told Shrek those rats were a bad idea. You are what you eat, I said.

       A widely used expression which is said to try

and encourage people to eat healthy foods.


This shouldn’t be the norm, until you find

love’s first kiss, and then take love’s true form.

The “norm” refers to what is considered normal for any given

situation. In this case, “form” is the shape or nature of something.


When I was a little girl, a witchcast a spell on me.

       A “witch” is a mythical old and mean woman with supernatural powers.

“To cast” a spell is to project it or put it on a person, and the “spell” itself is a spoken word or form of words, often said by a witch, which carries out magic powers (In this case, turning Fiona into a different person).


You only look like this at night. Shrek’s ugly 24-7.

       A common way of saying all the time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).


Only my true love’s kiss can break the spell.

       Note that a witch will cast a spell, and often a kiss will break it.


Who could ever love a beast so hideous and ugly?

       A powerful adjective meaning completely disgusting, gross and offensive.


What’s the point of being able to talk if you gotta keep secrets?

       Note that “have got to”--------> “gotta” in rapid speech.


Before this is over, I’m gonna need a whole lot

of serious therapy. Look at my eye twitching.

In this context, “therapy” refers to counseling by a psychologist to help solve mental or emotional problems. If your eye “twitches,” it moves jerkily, with sudden motions.


Very well, Ogre, the deed to your swamp, cleared out, as agreed.

A “deed” is a legal document giving a person official possession to a piece of land or property. If a property has been “cleared out,” it has been emptied of things or people, or in this case, fairy tale creatures.


Forgive me princess for startling you, but you startled

me, for I have never seen such a radiant beauty before.

       “To startle” a person is to suddenly scare or surprise them.

If a person’s beauty is “radiant,” it shines like the sun.


This is so sweet; you don’t have to waste good manners on the ogre.

       “Good manners” refer to correct social behavior that shows respect,

such as waiting to start eating until the cook has sat down at the table.


Beautiful, fair, flawless Fiona. I ask your hand in marriage.

If a woman is “fair,” she looks pure and clean. A person who is “flawless” is perfect, or has no imperfections or flaws. “To ask a woman’s hand in marriage” is a very old-fashioned way of asking her to marry.


Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom?

       At a wedding, the “bride” is the woman getting

married and the “groom” is the man.


Let’s get married today. :: Oh, anxious, are we?

       If a person is “anxious,” they are worried or

uneasy or eagerly wishing for something.


There’s the caterer, the cake, the band, the guest list.

       A “caterer” is a person who brings the food and drink

to social events such as a wedding (The verb is “to cater”).


Captain, round up some guests.

       “To round up” a group of people is to quickly bring them together.


Nobody goes home with me. Especially

useless, pathetic, annoying, talking donkeys.

       If a person is “pathetic,” they are so bad or stupid that they inspire pity.

       An “annoying” person is irritating, bothersome or a pain in the ass.


The baffled king composing “Hallelujah.”

If a person is “baffled,” they are completely confused. “To compose”

 a song or a piece of music is to write it (Hallelujah is a famous piece of classical religious music).


All I ever learned from love is how to shoot someone who outdrew you. [S]

       “To outdraw” a person in a gun fight is to shoot them

first by being quicker and perhaps also more accurate.


I helped rescue the princess. I did half the work, I get half the booty.

       Treasure or valuable goods, often that are stolen during a war.


Stubbornjackass! :: Smelly ogre!

If a person or animal is “stubborn,“ they refuse to follow orders or to change their mind. A “jackass” is a colloquial word for a jerk or idiot, and of course, a male donkey! If a person or animal is “smelly,” it smells bad.


Come back here! I’m not through with you yet!

       One way of saying “I haven’t finished yelling at you!”


You’re always pushing me around or pushing me away.

“To push around” a person is to treat them badly or abuse them by always telling them what to do or by threatening them. “To push

away” a person is to try to keep them physically apart or distant.


I forgive you, for stabbing me in the back.

“To stab a person in the back” is to betray them or turn against them after having been friends or allied with them (“To stab” a person is to literally push a knife into them).


You’re so wrapped in layers, onion boy, you’re afraid of your own feelings.

To “wrap” something is to cover it, the way a gift box is covered with paper. A “layer” is one thickness or fold lying over or under another one.


Never fear, for where there’s a will, there’s a way, and I have a way.

This is a very famous saying that basically says if you are determined to do something or have enough motivation, you will find a way to do it.


I guess it’s just my animal magnetism.

       “Animal magnetism” is a certain ability to charm,

generally in a very sexual or romantic way.


Alright, don’t get all slobbery. No one likes a kiss-ass.

“To slobber” is to let saliva or spit run down from your mouth (and thus if you’re slobbery, you’re letting that happen, perhaps because you’re being too emotional). A “kiss-ass” is an insult word for a person who acts too nice in order to get people to do him favors, though here it’s a play on words since an “ass” is literally a donkey (who in this case, wants to kiss).



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