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Land; ah in lind i ab-lastennin mistant mi aear glam.

Dan Ilúvatar hamp a lastant an thiant i os i cham dîn arnen alagos ennas, sui nin

dholl i dhagranner min am bân mi rûth arnediad i ú-dharnir.

Thî Ilúvatar eriant, ah idh Rodyn cenir i raedant; a chall i grum dîn, a lind eden

heriant mi i alagos, sui ah ú-hui i lind núf, a 'all mi dûr a havant bainas eden. Dan i

'lam Belegurth eriant a dhagrant adh den, ah ad dagor en-glamor ennas, savant

bregol athan i vregol núf, na i lû bân edh-Rodyn noner naer ah ú-linner, a

Velegurth savant i dûr. Thî Ilúvatar ad-eriant, ah idh Rodyn cenir i i thîr dîn non

goeol; a chall i fuir dîn, ah alae! Lind nelui gall min glam, ah ú-hui in lind núf. An

thiant na vinui moe a velui, lhyss mi lind voe; dan ú-bell no luithiant, a vabant

anest tûr ah ist. A thiant na vedui i dâd gling ennas na vînlû núf i cham dîn

Ilúvatar a noner ú-imu. I vinui non nûr a land a vain, dan ú-chorthred, adh

nírnaeth, o vas i vainas dîn toll.




Now the musics of Ilúvatar will be played correctly, and be shaped in the time of their

speaking, for all will fully understand his wish in their half, and all will know the

understanding of all, and Ilúvatar will give to their thoughts the Secret Fire, being joyful.

But now Ilúvatar sat and listened, and for a long time it seemed good to him, for the music

had no stains. But as the theme progressed, it came into the heart of Melkor to weave

things of his own dreaming; they are not as those in the air of Ilúvatar; for he desired

growing the divine power and glory of the dividing that was given to him. To Melkor in the

Ainur was given the greatest gifts of power and knowledge, and he had a half in all the gifts

of his brethren.

He had travelled alone into the void places hunting for the Eternal Fire; for desire grew

white hot in him for his own things to be alive, and it seemed to him that Ilúvatar did not

think for the Void, and he was weary that it was empty there. But he did not find the Fire,

for it is with Ilúvatar.

But alone he began having his own thoughts that (were) not as those of his brethren.

A half of these thoughts he wove now in his own music, and now a confused noise came

around him and voices who sang around him they were sad.

And their thought was disturbed and their music was stopped short; but one or two began

flowing their music to the music of Melkor instead to the thought that they possessed first.

Then the clamour of Belegurth spread wide; and the airs that had been heard before

strayed in a sea of confused noise. But Ilúvatar sat and listened for it seemed that around

his royal-chair there was a storm of wind, as of dark waters that battled one upon all in

endless anger that did not stop.

Now Ilúvatar rose, and the Ainur saw that he smiled; and he lifted his left hand, and a new

theme began in the storm, like and not like the theme before, and it grew in power and had

new beauty.

But the clamour of Melkor rose and battled with it, and again a battle of confused noise

there was, it was more violent than before, to the time all of the Ainur were sad and they

did not sing, and Melkor had the mastery. Now Ilúvatar rose again, and the Ainur saw that

his countenance was terrible; and he lifted his right hand, and behold! A third theme grew

in the clamour, and it was not as the themes before. For it seemed at first soft and sweet,

soft rustling sounds in soft airs; but it could not be quenched and it took to itself power and

knowledge. And it seemed at last there were two musics at once before the seat of Ilúvatar

and they were not identical. The first was deep and wide and beautiful, but not quick, with a

lamentation, from where its beauty came.


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I daid garn thî i hîdh în, dan non brui, ah arnediad; a non ú-lend, dan sennui glam

sui rym go-rû i istanner mîn egor dâd lind. A dhamp pored i 'ling Veleg adh i vregol

i lammad dîn, dan thiant i i 'ellui dîn lind mabant a rigant mi i 'ling în. Min ened i

dhagor hen, ias i themais Ilúvatar rithant a rinc norn min i nîn, Ilúvatar eriant an

lû nelui, ah i thîr dîn no goeol. Thî orthant i gemaid dîn, a na minlû, nûr athan i Iâ,

brand athan i Venel, sui vaeg sui i galad e-chen Ilúvatar, i 'ling darn. Thî agarfant

Ilúvatar, a bent 'Beleg idh Rodyn, ah i Roveleg Belegurth dan i ista, a bân idh

Rodyn, i im Ilúvatar, i naid hen i linner oh, annathon ed anden, a genitholir i

echeditholir. A len, Belegurth, cenithol i ú lind telia i ú-hâf i cheniad dîn mi nin, ú-

ben echedir i 'ling eng im. Iesta sen natha dan i 'aror nîn min echaded naid

aglareb, i est ú-idhrant. Thî idh Rodyn gostar, ah ú-cheniar i bith i bennir andin; a

Velegurth pannant adh felf od i toll rûth thurin. Dan Ilúvatar eriant mi aglar, a den


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