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den i gant han non vorn a goeol.



But Manwë was the brother of Melkor in the thoughts of Ilúvatar, and he was the chief

player of the second air that Ilúvatar raised against the clamor of Melkor; and he called to

himself many spirits greater and not greater, and they came down into the fields of Arda

and they were helpful to Manwë, for fearing Melkor should halt the end of their labour

forever, and Earth would wither before it flowered. And Manwë said to Melkor: 'This

kingdom you will not take for yourself, for the Valar laboured here for a long time'. And

there was battle with Melkor and the Valar; and for that time Melkor travelled to regions

beyond and did what he desired; but he did not release the desiring of the Kingdom of Arda

from his heart.

Now the Valar took to them shape and colour, and as they came into the World by love of

the children of Ilúvatar, for whom they hoped, their shapes were as that they saw in the

Vision of Ilúvatar, save in nobility and splendour alone.

Beyond this, their shape comes from their knowledge of the World that was seen, rather

than of the World alone; and it is not necessary they possess it, save only as we use

clothing, and yet we can be naked and our life is not small.

It is that the Valar can walk, if they want, naked, and at that time the Elves cannot see

them, yet they are there. But when they want to clothe themselves, the Valar take to them

forms of male and female; for that they had from their beginning, and it is but given forth in

their choosing, not fashioned by the choosing, as with us male and female could be seen by

clothing but it is not fashioned by it. But the shapes the Great Ones clothe themselves are

not at all times like the shapes of the Kings and Queens of the children of Ilúvatar, for they

will clothe them in their own thought, that they will see in shapes of nobility and dread. And

the Valar called to them many faithful companions, greatest and not greatest as them, and

they laboured together in the cleaning of the Earth and the halting of its clamours. Now

Melkor saw what they had done, and that the Valar walked on Earth as powers you could

see, having been clothed in the clothing of the World, and they were lovely and glorious to

see, and joyful, and that the Earth grew as a garden for their joy, and its clamours were

silent. His desiring grew great in him; and he clothed himself also, but as his inner thought

and the venom that burned in him that form was dark and terrifying.


Th page


A ledhant dad am Arda mi dûr ah arodas i non beleg athan i veleg e-Belain, sui

orod i bada min aear a havant i dhol dîn or i foen a chammant mi cheleg a riged

adh osp a naur; ah i galad i-chin Belegurth noner sui lach i tharn adh ûr ah eitha

Adh chelch.

Thî heriant i dhagor vinui e-Belain adh Velegurth an i dûr Arda; ah oh i dhegyr hain

in Edhil istar dan dithen. An i narnen si tôl od i Melain, i in Edhil pennir min dhôr

Balannor, ah adh i gelianner; dan bîn erui i Melain naranner oh i dhagor núf i doled

In Edhil.

Dan nóriel adh in Edhil i i Melain ui-raithanner, dan Velegurth ennas, i dorthar i

Geven a den echado an i doled an i Mainennin; ah echanner dŷr a Velegurth din

Ragant; laid echanner a Velegurth den orthant am; eryd echanner a Velegurth din

hant dad; aeair echanner a Velegurth din regant eithirianner; ah ú-nad savant sîdh

Egor doll na 'alas vronadui, an sui i Melain herianner tass, Belegurth den ragatha

aen. A dan i vudad dî non ú bân an ú-nad; a dan ú-had a vi ú dass i innas dîn

echódiel pant, a vi bân naid noner mi bil a gant athan i i Melain aníranner, ú-

chorthren i Geven echódiel a non tanc.

A non i i mar i-chîn Ilúvatar tengediel na i vedui min Nuir Lû ah adh in elenath




And he travelled down upon Arda in power and nobility that was great beyond the great of

the Valar, as a mountain that walks in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is

clothed in ice and crowned with smoke and fire; and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like

a flame that is withered with heat and stabs with ice cold.

Now began the first battle of the Valar with Melkor for the mastery of Arda; and about those

battles the Elves know but a little. For what has been told here comes from the Valar with

whom the Elves spoke in the land of Valinor, and by whom they learnt, but a little alone the

Valar told about the battles before the coming of the Elves.

Yet it was told by the Elves that the Valar ever strived, yet Melkor was there, that they

control the Earth and fashion it for the coming of the Firstborn; and they fashioned lands

and Melkor broke them; valleys they fashioned and Melkor raised them up; mountains they

fashioned and Melkor threw them down; seas they fashioned and Melkor broke them to flow

out; and nothing held peace or came to lasting growth, and as the Valar began a task,

Melkor would break it. And yet their labouring was not all for nothing; and yet nowhere and

in no task their will was fashioned full, and in all things it was in colour and shape beyond

that which the Valar had desired, slowly the Earth was fashioned and it was firm.

And it was that the dwelling of the children of Ilúvatar was established at the last in the

Deeps of Time and with the innumerable stars.


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