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A Similar Mutajjan with Meat Balls

Make meatballs, as told previously, and fry in fresh oil until brown, then stir eggs and throw them in and leave them until they set; sprinkle with rue, then throw in a spoon of vinegar and another of murri and the same of water, all that having been boiled in the frying pan. And if the tajine is made separately, arrange the meatballs with [p. 41, verso] the broth on the platter and pour over them the contents of the tajine, and it is good, and sprinkle it with rue, God willing.

A Remarkable Tajine

Beat the eggs with the meat, coriander, dried pepper, caraway, coriander juice and onion juice; pour into the pan and fry until browned and sprinkle with pepper and rue, God willing.

[91]Tabâ haja, Which is Fried Meat

Take three ratls of strips of meat taken from kid meat, and put it in a pot and put with it five û qiyas of fresh oil, a quarter of a ratl of water and enough salt. Put on the fire and leave it there until the heat has dried the water, then pour in a third of a ratl of water and sprinkle with ginger and pepper, a mithqâ l's-worth[92] of each and take out about a third of it. And indeed a notable tabâ haja is eaten of it. Pour in the pot after ladling an û qiya of vinegar and leave it until what you have separated has been consumed; then separate half of what is left in the pan and sprinkle with chopped rue, in order to present an extraordinary dish of the best sort and sprinkle what is in the pan with some asafoetida and break over it five beaten eggs, then dish this up and serve with it a very fine anjudhâ niyya [a dish flavored with asafoetida].

Another Tabâ hajiyya

Slice the meat and sprinkle over it salt and pepper, fry with fresh oil until it is browned and its juices have dried into the oil; take a handful of almonds, which have been well ground and moistened with vinegar; cook in the pan and sprinkle minced celery leaf[93] on it and cinnamon.

Another Tabâ hajiyya

Cut the meat up small and fry in oil and salt; throw in some pepper, cumin, salt and a little vinegar and leave for a while and fry with fresh oil until browned. Take an egg and throw over it a spoon of vinegar and another of murri and the same of cilantro; stir it all and throw over the meat in the pan, leave and stir until it is good and serve it sprinkled with pepper, rue and cinnamon.

Another Tabâ hajiyya

Cut the meat up small and fry with oil and salt, and when it is brown, cook it until done with vinegar. Pound a handful of almonds or walnuts and throw them on and boil a while. Take pomegranate juice and dissolve in it a lump of sugar, to get rid of its tartness, and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Another with Pistachios and Sugar

[p. 42, recto] Slice the meat, fry it, and cook with cilantro juice. Pound pistachio moistened with some water, murri and sugar; pour this over the meat in the pan and sprinkle with cinnamon and rue and serve it.

A Dish of Meatballs

Make meatballs, as told before, and put the pot on the fire. Put in it a spoon of vinegar and another of murri, spices, an onion pounded with cilantro and salt, a little thyme, a clove of garlic and enough rue and fresh water as needed until it is nearly done. Throw in the meatballs and dot with egg yolks and coat the contents of the pot with the whites, and add whole pine nuts and almonds. Ladle out and sprinkle with pepper, cinnamon and rue.

Another Dish of Meat Balls

Make the meatballs, as told before, and they should be like tiny balls. Grill on the spit with an even fire of hot coals until browned; then put them in the platter and hew them into pieces and add seasoned murri and if you wish, add much. If you wish to fry them, it is good, God willing.

Stuffed Asparagus

Cook the eggs and shell them. Cook large asparagus and chop tender meat fine and add in whatever you add to the meat of meatballs, and cloak the asparagus, one after the other, with the meat, and go with care until they cling together. Put a large clay pot on the fire, in which you have put water, salt, a spoon of murri and another of oil, cilantro juice, onion juice, pepper, caraway and coriander seed; fry gently, then throw in the asparagus and handle them carefully. Fry until done, and throw in meatballs of that meat, and when it is all done, cover the contents of the pot with eggs and bread crumbs and some ground meat and decorate with egg yolks, God willing.

Stuffed Eggs

Cook eggs, remove the shells and cut them in half. Remove the yolks, put together in a platter and throw on them cilantro, onion juice, spices and cinnamon; and it will become a paste with which you will stuff the eggs. Tie them with thread and hold them with a small stick. Dissolve some egg white and grease them with it along with a little saffron, and dust with fine flour and fry with fresh oil on an even fire, and when finished, sprinkle with chopped rue and serve. Make a sauce with the filling and sprinkle with spikenard and cinnamon, God willing.[94]

[95]A Dish of Eggs with Meat

[p. 42, verso] Take a quarter ratl of vinegar and the same amount of murri and of water, and put all together in a tajine. Grind an onion and throw in thyme leaves and enough salt. Put on the fire until the onion is done; then break ten eggs or as many as you want, season with a dirham and a half of pepper, God willing, may He be exalted.

Another Egg Dish

Put the pot on the fire and throw in a spoon of murri, another of vinegar and the same of oil, spices and onion pounded with cilantro and salt. Cook till done and dot with eggs and cover the contents of the pot. Dish it up and serve it, God willing.

A Roast of Meat

Chop meat of a young animal small and throw in enough salt, spices, a little cumin and the same amount of thyme, chopped garlic and vinegar; leave a little while, then roast, basting with oil and murri, and eat. And if you wish to sprinkle it with chopped rue, it will be good, God willing.

A Roast of Meat

Roast salted, well-marbled meat [cut up] like fingertips, and put in a pot spices, onion, salt, oil and soaked garbanzos. Cook until done and add the roast meat; cover the contents of the pot with cilantro and sprinkle with pepper and cinnamon; and if you add whole pine nuts or walnuts in place of garbanzos, it will be good.


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