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Mukhallal of Chicken and So Forth

Put meat in a pot and throw on it spices, onions pounded with cilantro, salt, a spoonful of oil, three spoonfuls of vinegar, a little murri and two heads of garlic. Throw on it water to cover and cook until done. Cover [the contents of the pot with eggs and breadcrumbs] and sprinkle with pepper and cinnamon and serve. And if you leave out the murri, it is also good. And when it is made as a mukhallal of fat meat, throw in it boiled eggplants.

Tafâ yâ Saqlabiyya, Tafâ yâ Saqaliba-Style

Take fat meat, soft small intestine and breast, for every ratl eight [boiled] eggs which have been cleaned and split into quarters, and cover with water, and skim until it is clear. When it is clear, throw on it an onion [scribe repeats the words " on it" but recipe requires an onion at this point], pepper and dry coriander, and put it on a charcoal fire and stir continuously until the onion and meat are done. When done, pound four garlic cloves from odor [? of great odor? ] and throw them in the pot with a sprig of rue. Ladle out and sprinkle with pepper, cinnamon and lavender.[83]

[84]A Dish of Murri from Any Meat You Wish

Put meat in the pot and throw on it spices, an onion pounded with cilantro and salt, and throw on it three spoonfuls of murri [p. 37, recto] and one spoonful of vinegar, and the same of oil, and fry and cover with oil and cook until done and browned. Ladle out and sprinkle with pepper and cinnamon. If you omit the vinegar, it is good, and if you throw in soaked garbanzos and a little rue, it is good, God willing.

Burâ niyya

Cut up meat and put in a pot. Pound and put with it a spoonful of vinegar and the like of oil, and rue leaves. Fry and cover with water and cook. When it is nearly done, throw in meatballs, and complete its cooking. Then take boiled eggplants and remove their interior, and add to it the same amount of the well-known meatball forcemeat, and pound it with an egg, and stuff the eggplants with it. Dust with flour and fry until brown, and throw in the pot until you know that the forcemeat has bound, and ladle it out and sprinkle with pepper.

A Remarkable Dish in Which is Safî riyya of Eggs

Cut up any kind of meat you wish and put in a pot, and throw on it three spoonfuls of vinegar, one spoonful of murri, as much spice as you need, two onions pounded with salt, the juice of a large handful of cilantro, what pounded meat you want, and likewise pounded walnuts, and a handful of whole pine nuts and water to cover all until it cooks. Cover [the contents of the pot] with two eggs, then break however many eggs you want and brown them well and make of them a fine tajine, and turn them into the frying pan until they brown on both sides. Cut up like isfî riyya and fry it in the pot. Ladle it out and sprinkle with pepper and cut up rue, and serve, God willing. And if the meat is coarse, fry in oil and throw after that into the pot.
[A little confusion here. I guess you fry boiled eggs and garnish the pot with them.]

A Dish of Auhashi of Fat Ram

Cut the meat up small. Put (into a pot) a spoonful of vinegar, two spoonfuls of murri, a spoonful of oil, an onion pounded with cilantro, salt, spices, pepper, a little cinnamon and the same of whole fennel [râ ziyâ naj], rue leaves and three heads of garlic, and cook it all until done. Take out as much meat as you can and pound with bread crumbs and two eggs, and cover the pot with it, and sprinkle with lavender, Chinese cinnamon and pepper, and serve.

A Dish With Eggplants

Cut up meat small and throw into a pot, and put with it half a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of murri, a like amount of fresh oil, spices and an onion pounded with cilantro and fry. Then cover with oil and cook until done. Then boil [p. 37, verso] the eggplants separately, and cut up into thirds and quarters and dust with flour and fry in oil. Throw them in the pot, and cover [its contents] and ladle out and sprinkle with cinnamon, lavender and pepper, and serve.


Cut up meat from the innards or elsewhere small. Put in a pot and put with it salt, cut-up onions, a little vinegar and good murri, pepper, lavender, cinnamon, almonds and sweet sweet [scribe repeats word] oil, and cook until done. Break eggs into it and cover it, and sprinkle with pepper and cinnamon, and serve.

Green Dish

Cut the meat up small, put it in a pot with two spoons of vinegar, one of oil and one and a half spoons of murri, salt, spices and chopped onion; fry it; and then cover with the juice of cilantro and cook until nearly done and put in it meat-balls; cover the contents of the pan with ground meat and also with bread-crumbs, a little rue, two eggs; boil an egg, cut into four pieces and add it, God willing.


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