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Gendercide: Killing Female Infants And Fetuses


In many countries around the world, an anti-female holocaust is occurring that has stunned neutral outside observers. It centers around the immolation of female fetuses and babies, a practice that's most widespread in India and China, the world's two most populous nations.

In the wake of the proliferation of ultrasound and amniocentesis techniques for prenatal sex determination, an estimated 2 million to 5 million female fetuses are destroyed every year in India. And countless newborn girls are killed, according to the Los Angeles Times John-Thor Dahlburg, by being fed dry, unhulled rice that punctures their windpipes, being made to swallow poisonous powdered fertilizer, or being smothered with a wet towel, strangled, or allowed to starve to death. The country’s gender imbalance has widened from 972 females for every 1 000 males in 1901 to 929 females per 1 000 males today.

According to Vinay Aggarwal, coordinator of the Indian Medical Association, the consequences for India are devastating. He points to the most recent census figures, which show that, in some parts of the nation, there were only 879 females for every 1 000 males. The biggest imbalances are reported in the wealthiest states, suggesting that poverty is not the prime determinant in the rejection of girls.

India's gender gap has led to the phenomenon of villages in the western state of Rajasthan, for example, in which there hasn´t been a wedding for years, because of a lack of brides.

Meanwhile, in China, more than 50 million women are estimated by, the World Health Organization to be “missing”, because of the ”institutionalized killing and neglect of girls” stemming from Beijing’s population control program, started in 1979, that limits parents to one child. Joseph Farah, of the Western Journalism Center, has called what is happening in China “the biggest single holocaust in human history.”

Peter Stockland, a writer for Canada's Calgary Sun, says, “Years of population engineering, including virtual extermination of “surplus” baby girls,
has created a nightmarish imbalance in China's male and female populations.” In fact, the relative decline in the number of Chinese women has led to a proliferation of “bachelor villages” around the huge country.

In 1999, Vancouver Sun reporter Jonathan Manthorpe wrote of a study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences declaring that “the imbalance between the sexes is now so distorted that there are 111 million men in China – more than three times the population of Canada – who will not be able to find a wife.” As a result, kidnapping and slave-trading of women has skyrocketed, Manthorpe wrote in his story, titled “China Battles Slave Trading in Women: Female Infanticide Fuels a Brisk Trade in Wives.” “Since 1990, say official Chinese figures, 64 000 women – 8 000 a year on average – have been rescued by authorities from forced marriages,” Manthorpe reported. “The number who have not been saved can only be guessed at ... The thirst for women is so acute that the slave trader gangs are even reaching outside China to find merchandise. There are regular reports of women being abducted in such places as northern Vietnam to feed the demand in China.”

Female infanticide and feticide stem from the low status women hold in patriarchal societies, which abound around the globe. Sons are viewed as assets and income providers, even by women, for they shoulder the brunt of the work in the fields. They are seen as a type of insurance, for they are relied upon to provide for their parents in their old age. In China, peasants smile upon a boy child, seeing in him the embodiment of a good pension, but baby girls are called “maggots in the rice.”

Women, on the other hand, do not possess the pluses men do. Moreover, in India, young ladies’ families must pay a dowry when they marry, an enormous sum that can often amount to 10 years of wages. It’s hardly surprising, then, that Indian parents cringe when a girl is born.

Washington Times National. Weekly edition. 2001



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