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Russian regulated areas 1.12

Russian regulated areas include all areas where navigation, fishing and anchoring are prohibited or restricted. Such areas are normally charted and mentioned in Sailing Directions.

Some prohibited areas are designated by the Russian authorities as being temporarily prohibited for navigation, however, as these restrictions are for an indefinite period, they are treated in the same way as permanently prohibited areas.

 Other regulated areas consist of areas declared periodically dangerous for navigation. These areas which include various firing danger and exercise areas lie partly or wholly outside Russian territorial waters. Some of these areas are charted. See also Appendix II.

 Responsibility for violation of the limits of the regulated areas rest with the Master of the ship involved; ignorance of the limits will not serve as a basis to avoid responsibility.



Admiralty charts 1.13

 Coverage. British Admiralty charts provide full coverage of the Black Sea and Marmara Denizi, including plans of the principal Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Georgian ports. There are also plans of the main Russian ports that are open to international trade (1.44).

Sources. British Admiralty metric charts are based on the most recent charts issued by the Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian authorities.

Foreign charts 1.14

 Turkish charts provide full coverage of the area covered by this book and detailed coverage of the anchorages and harbours in Marmara Denizi and along the N Turkish coast.

Russian charts providing coverage of Russian coastal waters and ports are available.

Bulgarian charts of Bulgarian coastal waters and ports are available.

Romanian charts providing coverage of Romanian coastal waters and ports are available.

Ukrainian charts providing coverage of Ukrainian coastal waters and ports are available. 1.15


In certain areas where the British Admiralty charts show insufficient detail for navigation close inshore, these Sailing Directions have been written using foreign charts. These are not quoted as reference charts in the text, which has been written on the assumption that mariners wishing to navigate in these areas will have provided themselves with suitable charts on which to do so.

 Foreign charts may be obtained from the publishing authorities shown above. These charts are not issued by the UKHO, nor are they amended by Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

Datums 1.17

 Vertical. Depths and heights on the majority of British Admiralty charts are reduced to MSL. The datum used is normally shown on the chart.

Horizontal. All metric British Admiralty charts are based on the same horizontal datum as the National charts from which they are derived.



Implementation of IALA Maritime Buoyage System Region A (red to port) is substantially complete in Marmara Dcnizi, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. For further details see The Mariners Handbook.

For details of buoyage system used in the Maritime Danube, see 5.10.

Caution. In areas where sea ice forms during the winter months, navigational buoys may be lifted.

 It has been reported that all navigational aids in Georgian waters may be unreliable and that navigational aids in Georgian and Ukrainian waters may be different from those charted and described in nautical publications. Mariners should exercise extreme caution in the identification of navigational aids.


General 1.19

  In general, pilotage is compulsory for all non-Turkish vessels, other than yachts, entering port in Turkey.

Pilotage is also compulsory for all vessels entering Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Georgian and Romanian ports.


Russia 1.20

 General information. Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels entering or leaving ports in Russia that are open to foreign trade. Special regulations are in force with regard to naval vessels. For regulations applying to naval vessels see 1.42.

Signals. The signals for a pilot are those laid down in the International Code of Signals. If a pilot is available the pilot flag will be displayed at the pilot look-out station and if none is available a ball will be displayed.

Regulations. The following are extracts from the Regulations concerning Russian Government Marine Pilots:

1. Pilotage will be carried out exclusively by Russian Government Marine Pilots.

14. Areas of compulsory and non-compulsory pilotage are published in port regulations, Russian Sailing Directions and Notices to Mariners.

17. The port captain has the right to prohibit the movement of ships when safe pilotage is hampered by weather conditions.

 25. Pilots are obliged to observe all the laws and regulations and are not to allow soundings to be taken in the fairway unless required by the pilot. 26. Pilots must indicate to the Master of the ship all observed breaches of regulations and demand their observance.

31. When embarking or disembarking a pilot, communications must be maintained with the pilot boat.

32. If an accident occurs when embarking or disembarking a pilot, the shipowner is liable to pay compensation.

 33. In the event of bad weather the pilot boat, with the agreement of the Master of the ship, may lead the ship; during this time constant communication must be maintained with the pilot boat.

35. The pilot will provide a copy of the port regulations.

39. The presence of a pilot on a ship does not remove from the Master his responsibility for the safe conduct of the ship. The pilot will act only in an advisory capacity.

40. If the master refuses the pilot's advice, the pilot has the right to refuse pilotage, in which event the pilot will demand that this is recorded in the ships' log and the pilotage account.

 42. The pilot does not have the right to leave the ship without the agreement of the Master before it is in a safe anchorage, or mooring, or turned over to another pilot.



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