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Prohibited landing areas 1.35

Landing is prohibited on certain stretches of the Turkish coastline. These areas are shown on the chart and mentioned in the appropriate part of this volume.

Prohibited diving areas 1.36

 In order to protect underwater cultural and natural resources, the Turkish authorities have prohibited diving in certain areas. The areas concerned are marked on the relevant Turkish charts.

Ports of entry for yachts 1.37

 A yacht entering Turkey must call at a port of entry, where the necessary officials are stationed.

Bulgarian and Romanian regulations

Prohibited entry 1.38

 Entry is prohibited into certain areas. These areas are shown on the chart and mentioned in the appropriate part of this volume.

Bulgarian Regulated Areas 1.39

 Bulgarian Regulated Areas where navigation, fishing and anchoring are prohibited, are normally charted and referred to in the Sailing Directions. Areas where navigation is only periodically prohibited or where navigation, fishing and anchoring are only periodically declared to be dangerous arc also normally charted, and are generally referred to in Sailing Directions. See also Appendix III.

 The times during which these areas are either prohibited or dangerous for navigation, fishing or anchoring are announced by radio navigational warning 3 to 5 days before the start of the period of prohibition or of the dangerous operation.

Georgian regulations


 Georgian Regulated Areas where navigation, fishing and anchoring are prohibited, are normally charted and referred to in the Sailing Directions. Areas where navigation is only periodically prohibited or where navigation, fishing and anchoring are only periodically declared to be dangerous are also normally charted, and are generally referred to in Sailing Directions. See also Appendix IV.

Russian regulations

Economic zone 1.41

 The Government of Russia claims an economic zone extending 200 miles seaward from the limits of its territorial sea. Within this economic zone the Government of Russia issues regulations in connection with and for the control of the following:

 Exploitation and conservation of resources found on or below the seabed and in the waters above it including anadromic fish (those that ascend rivers to spawn). Catching of anadromic types of fish is permitted only as a result of inter-governmental agreement. Marine scientific research.

 Pollution of the marine environment; these regulations are in accordance with the MARPOL 73/78 Convention. There are also regulations for the inspection of vessels suspected of causing pollution and there are penalties for infringements, see 1.32.

 Freedom of passage for ships and aircraft through the economic zone is assured.

Entry into territorial and internal waters 1.42

  Foreign naval vessels. Warships intending to enter the waters of Russia or to visit Russian ports should obtain a copy of Regulations for foreign naval vessels navigating and remaining in the territorial or internal waters of Russia or visiting Russian ports. These regulations are published in Russian Annual Notices to Mariners.

Proposals to visit Russian ports should be forwarded through the Russian Ministry of Affairs not less than 30 days prior to the suggested visit. This rule does not apply to warships on which heads of government or heads of state are embarked, or to ships accompanying them.

 Ships whose approach is necessitated by foul weather or engine failure which threatens the safety of the ship, must inform the nearest port of the reason for entry, and if possible, go to a recognized port open to foreign merchant vessels or to a point indicated by the vessel sent to aid or meet it.


 Foreign merchant vessels. Foreign non-military vessels enjoy the right of innocent passage through Russian territorial waters in accordance with Russian laws and International treaties; innocent passage is effected by crossing them without entering Russia's internal waters, or by passing through them en-route to and from Russian ports.

 While effecting innocent passage vessels must follow the customary navigational course or course recommended through sea corridors or in accordance with traffic separation schemes. The Master of a foreign non-military vessel which has violated the rules of innocent passage is accountable under Russian legislation.

For further information see article concerning territorial waters in The Mariner's Handbook.


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